Zephyr looked at Kuzan, shook his head slightly, squeezed the bottle in his hand, and smiled:

“This wine is the coolest wine, but People are like wine. After brewing, they won’t return to food anyway. If you are here to persuade me, a stubborn old man, then forget it, Kuzan.”

Zephyr’s tone Barely fell, Kuzan immediately exited, saying, “Are you want to die?”

Zephyr paused, said with a smile: “If it becomes like that, there is no way, everything is It’s to get rid of the evil Pirate. It’s impossible to implement this true justice within Marine. Otherwise, you wouldn’t wear this suit, Kuzan.”

Kuzan lowered his head and looked at himself Casual wear.

He is indeed not Marine anymore.

Kuzan didn’t speak, just stared at Zephyr.

“Sorry, the old man is very busy now.”

Zephyr raised the wine bottle and barked his teeth and said, “If we can meet again next time, we will drink the bar again. “

“Next… see you next time?”

The round sunglasses worn by Kuzan glowed, and there was silence for a while, and said: “Can’t you really stop, Zephyr-sensei .”

“That can’t.”

Zephyr barked his teeth and smiled: “Okay, let’s go, I don’t want to kill you.”


These words made Kuzan’s arms drooped and covered with a layer of ice crystals. He said solemnly: “I don’t want you to die either.”

The atmosphere fell silent.

The two of them looked at each other like this, the setting sun hung in front of the cliff, reflecting the cliff’s blood red.

For a long time, Kuzan picked up the luggage on his shoulders, moved towards Zephyr and walked over, until he was in front of him, the ice crystals on his arms suddenly dispersed and turned into normal arms, Kuzan and Zephyr rubbed Shoulder to shoulder.

“It’s all Marine outside, and Kulo is also on this island, you know, if you really survive…”

Kuzan walked behind him, Keep going forward.

“At that time, we will drink at the bar again, Zephyr…Sensei.”

The breeze blows and blows Zephyr’s cloak, he looks up at the sky, sighed, his face The meaning of ridicule gradually solidified, and he lowered his head again, looking towards the wine in his hand, his expression gradually lonely.

At this moment, after removing the madness that wants to destroy everything, Zephyr today is more like an ordinary, lonely Senior.

A stubborn old man…

“The end of the world.”

“If I really disappear.”

” The sea that knows everything will guide the way…”

Zephyr whispered this song, turned his head and walked back. With the singing, NEOMarine started to move and placed the explosive rock opposite the volcanic crater. Beaches and wastelands.

Knowing that the setting sun went down, the moon entered the sky just like a silver hook, and the dynamite rock was just set.

Zephyr bent over to stabilize an explosive rock, indifferently said: “This is enough.”

“It is enough.”

A voice , Suddenly sounded.

On the high slope in front of the beach, a group of silhouettes appeared under the moonlight, the moonlight shining on their white cloak, cloaked with a layer of silver.

That is a group of Marines in cloak.

The leader, biting the cigar, let the smoke float in the sky, under the moonlight, it looked a little hazy.

Zephyr lifting his head, looked towards the people on the high slope, that is a group of Marines!

He smiled: “Oh! Here, Kulo!”

Kulo bit the cigar and stared down at Zephyr, slowly saying: “Old man, finally Chance, you go now and hand over the Dynamite Rock, I can treat it as if I didn’t see it.”

hearing this, Dauberman and the ghost spider moved towards Kulo took a look, then looked at Zephyr, subconsciously Did not speak.

They are hawks, people who will make extreme methods for justice.

But if you say that they have no feelings, that is false.

On respecting teachers, these people also understand the rules.

Zephyr smiled slightly: “That won’t work. To deal with Pirate, it’s not possible to rely on you. You can only follow my method.”

Speaking, his eyes under the sunglasses , Swept towards the person behind Kulo.

Ghost spiders, Doberman, Stainless, Momonga…

And the disciplines he once taught.

These people, after Zephyr exited, closed their eyes one by one, their expressions seemed a bit unbearable.

“Really, I understand. Although you have taught me, but if you are so stubborn, you can only call it first. If you still don’t change it then…”

Kulo right hand Holding the handle of the knife, with the harsh unsheathing sound, the black blade fell under the moonlight, emitting a ray of light.

“I will burn paper for you during the holidays.”


As his voice fell, the silhouette on the high slope, in This brief moment then disappeared.

Zephyr smiled, and as soon as he stepped back, the mechanical arm slammed into the unmanned air in front of him.

Dang! !

At that place, it happened to be the position where Kulo appeared. The blade of the limpid autumn water collided with the mechanical arm and made a crisp sound in the night sky. It was very crisp.

Kulo slid the limpid autumn water out, the blade and the mechanical arm slid out a ball of sparks, and slashed straight to Zephyr’s neck.

Zephyr leaned back, avoided the cross cut, and kicked it out.


Kulo bent his legs, his calf blocked Zephyr’s kick, Haki collided with Haki, and a muffled noise was triggered.

At the same time, Kulo slashed the past blade and turned down, slashing straight towards Zephyr.

“Predicted it a long time ago!”

Zephyr stretched out his left hand, wrapped his five fingers around the wind-like high-level Haki, grabbed Kulo’s knife, and when he lifted his upper body Pulling the knife back, the mechanical arm ignited a cloud of steam, which set fire to light.

Kulo’s gaze was startled, his wrist twisted, and the light of gold and electricity was wrapped around the blade, shaking away Zephyr’s five fingers, and while his body was flying high in the sky, he moved towards the lower side.

Because he saw that Zephyr’s fire-filled mechanical arm had been aimed at the explosive rock on the ground.

If this blows up for him, then he will be busy.

“Lion bite!”

Following Kulo’s voice, a strong wind blows away from under the blade, with a strong cutting force, it rolls towards Zephyr’s body, and at the same time , The force of blowing flying, together with the explosive rocks on the ground, let them all blow up to the sky, swept up by the wind to the sky.

chi chi chi!

Zephyr’s clothes were cut open, and the black cloak on the back was cut to pieces at this moment, revealing Zephyr’s upper body, which is already full Haki.

“Kulo, why do you always do such strange things!”


The flaming mechanical arm aimed at Kulo at a high altitude, and hit it with a shelling.

“Do you think this can stop me!”

The flame flooded Kulo’s figure and formed a soaring flame column in the night sky.


Suddenly, a black light came out from the side of Zephyr.

He blocked the robotic arm to the side, and held the black blade that appeared from nowhere.

Kulo stared at Zephyr, spit out the smoke, and said: “Do you think you can leave today? Old man.”

“I’m not polite!”

Zephyr barked his teeth and smiled, waved his arm and waved Kulo away, yelled: “I want to be called Sensei, bastard!”

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