After pushing Kulo away, Zephyr’s robotic arm triggered a large number of bullets from the arm to hit it.

“This thing is not of much use to me, the wind binds the hail.”

Kulo doesn’t move, he doesn’t even look at the bullets that hits, but he sees those high speeds. The flying bullet stayed in front of Kulo, as if frozen.

“Don’t waste it.”

He dragged his five fingers, and the bullets flew high into the sky, hiding in the night sky.


A sudden gunshot sounded.

Kulo looked towards Zephyr on one side of his body, and his face collapsed: “I said, you old man just made my debut with me? Hit me with this stuff?”

He has a pocket pistol in his left hand, which is inspired by Kairoseki bullets.

Kulo can smell the breath that is as disgusting as the mechanical arm in his hand from a long distance away.

“When fighting, you can deal with the enemy regardless of anything, and you can win.”

Zephyr threw the pocket pistol away and said to Kulo: “You will also encounter For enemies like me, if there are not one, but many, then you must pay attention. Sometimes ability is not omnipotent.”

Kulo exhaled from his nose and squeezed the limpid autumn water. , “I’m still here to preach when I die. What a nagging old man.”


Kulo Rinku appeared on the top of Zephyr and slashed.

Dang! !

A ball of sparks burst on Zephyr’s robotic arm.

Kulo missed a knife, his body immediately faded, rippling like water waves, and immediately, a black glow slashed from behind Zephyr.

“Afterimages cut.”

“This little trick is useless!”

Zephyr smiled slyly, and Demi-God went down , The waist rib twisted, and the mechanical arm smashed back with a heavy force.

As soon as Kulo moved his legs and feet, he soared to the sky, and Zephyr immediately turned his mechanical arm, and it blasted up as soon as a bombardment formed a beam of fire.

“I said, this thing…”

Kulo flashed to the side and was about to speak. Suddenly he was taken aback. The blade of the blade immediately flashed with gold and electricity. He slashed in one direction.

I saw Zephyr jump beside him, with his left hand tucked around his waist, with the breath of wind, fiercely hit it with a punch.

Boom! !

The blade collided with the fist, Kulo felt a tremendous force, and took his body to shoot directly to the ground like a cannonball.


He fell heavily on the ground, his feet slightly bent, looking gloomily towards the Zephyr who was bouncing in the sky.

“Are you paying too much attention to abilities these days, Kulo, physique has declined a bit.” Zephyr grinned there.

“Shut up, I am not a powerhouse.”

Kulo shook his numb arm and bared his teeth: “It’s you, I haven’t seen you for so long. The strength hasn’t gotten smaller. It’s the most troublesome if you don’t accept the old man.”

Although Kulo’s words are like Zephyr, in fact, he knows Zephyr’s battle strength.

This old bastard is not weak at all.

Although the strength is not as good as that of Kaido Linlin, it is stronger than his Kulo. There is also a mechanical arm made by Kairoseki. Meet force with force will be very troublesome.


“But have I slackened, you should come and learn more!”

hearing this, Zephyr also started Ya, shoot directly towards Kulo from the sky.

Boom! !

A wave of sand was rolled up on the beach.

The black light carried by the limpid autumn water and Zephyr’s mechanical arm showing gray light under the moonlight constantly collide and transfer.

The sound of weapon contact, the sound of fist collision, lingers for a while.

On the high slope, Lida saw this scene and looked towards those Vice Admiral, “Hey, we are all fighting, don’t you want to help?”

Man and Ghost Spider ignored her.

On the contrary, Momonga was silent for a while, before saying: “This is just a warm-up. Now, it’s not the time to say goodbye.”

As he said, he was sighed, staring at the battle with a complex complexion. Zephyr, “Zephyr-sensei…”

“Let the other Marine rest.”

Stainless said: “This battle will be very long and it will not end so easily. It’s.”

The battle of Powerhouse was not so easy to end quickly.

Although Kulo thinks that he is not a powerhouse, he has nothing to do with him when it comes to fighting.

If you want to be imaginary, then Charlotte · Linlin could use his power to capture his soul.

But this battle is different from the last sneak attack Roger. This time Kulo is just and honorable. You don’t need any tactics to fight Zephyr. The more you do this, the longer it looks.

Although Zephyr is old, his physical strength is really not weak.

This long night is gradually passed, and when the big day rises and then falls, it goes back and forth three rounds like this.

The battle continues.

It has lasted for three days.

Dang! !

The limpid autumn water hits the robotic arm, and the black blade is entwined with the light of gold and electricity. Since yesterday, it has not been broken.

“en! !”

Zephyr groaned, stepped forward and waved the mechanical arm to swing Kulo away.

Kulo stepped back, pushing the plow on the beach for more than ten meters before stopping, and his chest began to rise and fall a little.

“Old man, you can’t do it.” He said.


After Zephyr swung Kulo away, the robotic arm just squatted on the ground like a cane, squatting for breath.

He laughed and said: “Of course it won’t work when you are old. Unlike you, who is so young.”

The robotic arm has more densely packed knife marks, which are all Kulo chopped it.

I don’t know what material this thing is made of. According to my memory, Old Master’s laser can be blocked, and it’s not so easy to cut.

Otherwise, it would have been cut off by Kulo.

“Yes, I’m old…but still so stubborn.”

Kulo squeezed the limbid autumn water, “Zephyr, finally, finally, I will ask you again , Put your mind away, and hand over the excess dynamite rock. No one cares about what you do in the future, I said.”

“That won’t work.”

Zephyr breathes deeply , Straighten up, said with a smile: “I am a stubborn old man after all.” In those eyes, there was not even a trace of regret.


Kulo retracted the knife into its sheath, and his voice gradually became cold, “Then don’t blame me.”

He held the handle of the knife and stared at Zephyr, on the sheath, both Wrap the golden lightning glow.


Only an instant, a blade light wrapped in gold and electricity appeared in a straight line and appeared in front of Zephyr’s face.

Zephyr was taken aback and hurriedly used his robotic arm to stand in front of him.

“You are waiting, Yueyue!!”

Dang! !

The blade slashed on the robotic arm with a crisp sound. This hack made Zephyr back a few steps.

His physical strength can’t keep up.

Zephyr complexion sank, when he stepped back, his left hand clenched a fist about to blast.

However, at this moment, a cold glow appeared in Kulo’s eyes. He didn’t hide, his blade changed its angle, and he slashed Zephyr’s chest.

Three days of fighting has consumed Zephyr almost.

Now is the time to collect the fruits of the battle!

chi!! !

Blood burst out of Zephyr’s chest.

This blade, cut straight from Zephyr’s chest, and made a big cut in his chest.

Zephyr’s body stiffened, and immediately gritted his teeth, his fist stretched forward and it was directly printed on Kulo’s chest.

Boom! !

this fist, let Kulo back a few steps too.

He straightened his body and dusted his chest. The Haki under his clothes gradually faded.


The mechanical arm of Zephyr, in this brief moment, suddenly collapsed and fell into pieces on the ground, exposing the right hand prosthesis.

Zephyr was holding his chest, looking at the broken pieces of the robotic arm that fell on the ground with a complex expression, “Did they break…”


At the beach, Ain, who had been watching the battle, screamed, gritted his teeth and said: “Quickly, use dynamite rock, don’t care about anything now!”

“That’s not OK. ~”

Just as Ain was giving orders, a voice suddenly sounded behind her, which made her stunned.

The sound of cloak’s sweeping under the wind aroused, and a tall silhouette appeared behind her.

Ain turned his head suddenly and saw Kizaru with his hands in his pockets, keeping a smile: “Dynamite Rock is such a terrifying thing, it’s better not to use it, especially on this island.”


In the sea behind Kizaru, a large number of Battleships appeared there, and moved towards here.

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