A few days later, the Battleship led by Kulo arrived at the headquarters.

Kulo didn’t delay. After getting off the boat and letting a group of cadres to train, he went to Kizaru’s office.

“Oh~Kulo, you’re back.”

In the office, Kizaru was drinking tea with a relaxed face, seeing Kulo coming, moved towards the opposite seat. He stubbornly said: “Sit down.”

Then I can be polite with you?

Kulo rolled his eyes and sat down carefree.

“Old Master, I sent you a report before, did you see it.”

“I saw it.”

Kizaru laughed Said: “Ion and Binz re-enlisted, of course, there is no problem, but well, they leave Marine without authorization, the opinion here is to start with new recruit.”

“new recruit?”

Kulo frowned, “Wouldn’t it be too slow? The strength of these two people is also called Commander Captain. Starting from the new recruit, there is no need. Sakazuki Fleet Admiral has just hosted the world conscription, so there is no need to treat yourself People are so demanding.”

“Well, it’s just an opinion. If you have suggestions, of course you can do as you say, not a major event.”

Kizaru said with a slight smile: “After all, it’s our same sect.”

“You are not a major event anyway.”

Kulo rolled his eyes and looked back comfortably. Kao Kao, then stretched out his hand and said: “Old Master, I’m going to G-3, such a dangerous place, should you give me some help? What peace Pacifista will come to a thousand or eight hundred units.”

“I want too much, Kulo.” Kizaru smiled softly.

“Not much, Old Master, I’ll save it for you.”

Kulo said: “I’ll do the calculations for you, now the price of Pacifista PX-Z is slightly It’s a bit low, but overall, the cost of five PX-Zs is almost four big Battleships. I want one thousand. It used to be 1,000 big Battleships. But now, if you count it, it’s 800 big battleships. Battleship.”

He excitedly said: “Old Master, I made you two hundred Battleships. Round up the five hundred. If you round it up, it will be a thousand ships! It’s worth nothing!”

Kizaru pouted, “A thousand ships, so terrifying~”

“Right, right, so…”

“Nothing , Kulo.” Kizaru said with a smile.

Kulo collapsed, “How much is that.”

Kizaru stretched out a hand, placed one in front of Kulo, and then bent down two fingers.

“Three? That’s too few, right.” Kulo said a little uncomfortable.

Thousands, eight hundred and so on. Of course, Kulo knows that he is in Lion’s big mouth, but there are too few three and so on.

“Old Master, I’m going to G-3, the front line, in such a dangerous place, would you give me three?” Kulo said.

“Last time at the shampoo site, you also tuned two sets. You also tuned one on Pegasus Island. If you give you three sets, it will be six sets, Kulo.”

Kizaru laughed and said: “Although the old man wants to give it all to you, but it doesn’t work, Marine is still in short supply. It can’t be given to you, otherwise there will be opinions from above, and you won’t need peace. Pacifista, Kulo.”

“Why don’t I use it anymore.”

Kulo refused, “Peace Pacifista, Old Master, don’t underestimate this technology, it’s It is used to catch those difficult Pirates, even in New World, they are very useful. It has never been better to defend the base. Once this is more, I can also put it on the Battleship and use it against Pirate. “

“But there is not that many.”

Kizaru scratched his head and looked towards Kulo: “Five stations, at most five stations. The old man is going to be said to be short-term.” .”

“For the sake of the younger generation, you can bear it.”

Kulo spit out the smoke, “Five stations, forget it, some are better than nothing.”

“Well, although the peace Pacifista is not too much, but the old man has also helped you a little bit. For this, I also ask Begapunk to ask.”

Kizaru said with a smile: “Aren’t you going back to worship the ancestors? Just take advantage of this time to go back. The old man will give you a period of vacation, and then go to G-3 to take up the post.”

“Oh, Old Master, your conscience discovered that you actually let me go back…”

Kulo’s eyes just showed joy, and suddenly he was taken aback, and said: “No, what do you want me to do?”


I went home to worship my ancestors. I told Old Master about this before. Kizaru also knew that at this time of the year, he would definitely return to East Blue once.

“It’s okay, just let you go back to your hometown to worship your ancestors. Isn’t this a tradition in your family?” Kizaru laughed.

“That’s what you say…you don’t want me to help you again?”

Kulo frowned. He used to go back to worship the ancestors without saying hello, because At that time in Pegasus Island and Chambord Land, as the base leader, he stopped as long as he wanted.

Although there are regulations for Marine vacation, he is covered by the Old Master. He never greets him on vacation or something.

But now it’s a little different. He is in the state of taking up his post. It stands to reason that he belongs to the headquarter. In the headquarter, he has to converge a little bit.

He is lazy, but he still has to follow the rules if he wants a serious vacation.

He must take this leave, but the Old Master took the initiative to give him leave, then he felt that there was a problem.

Where are you going to pit yourself?

Still, what things are going to be done, such as the old Pirate who ran from the 6th floor to East Blue…

“Nothing, just a normal vacation “

Kizaru said with a smile: “Go and lead your ship, drive it for a walk, after all, it’s been so long after all.”

Kulo suspiciously He looked at him and said unsure: “Is there really nothing for me to help? Old Master, just say, I can promise you now, there will be no store after this village.”

I couldn’t bear it, I always felt that the Old Master didn’t cheat him, he felt a little uncomfortable.

This is not compliant, this is not reasonable.

This makes Kulo very uncomfortable.

“Really not.” A ray of magnificent light flashed under Kizaru’s sunglasses, “Well, I want to do something, Kulo. In that case, I have some 6th floor wanted criminals… “


Kulo arched his hands, stood up and walked out.

It’s a good thing to be okay, what else is he looking for to do, isn’t it just a panic?


Out of the headquarters building, Kulo called up, “Is Wilbur next to you?”

“Yes, Mr. Kuro.”

A mentally retarded look with glasses appeared on Den Den Mushi, “We are now…in your ship’s warehouse.”

He In his words, there are obviously some pauses, and there are some inexplicable flavors.

But Kulo hasn’t heard it now. He now has a mission without any mission to go back to the East Blue vacation.

Don’t be too cool.

“Where is my ship? That’s a coincidence. I opened it out, the people were called, and we returned to East Blue.”

Kulo said with a smile: “I am now There is a fake, all back to East Blue!”

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