In the port warehouse.

Kuro watched Den Den Mushi’s eyes closed and opened her mouth. His gaze shifted from Den Den Mushi to the huge object shining with golden light. The dazzling degree of golden light pierced him. Leaning back, his eyes almost didn’t open.

“Wow! Golden!”

On the side, Lida’s excited voice sounded, and among the golden light, a silhouette was jumping around there, seeming to be investigating what.

The silhouette is under the golden light, and the outline of white hair faintly appears, reflecting the white golden.

Under this background, the dazzling golden light showed the outline of a ship in Kuro’s eyes.

It’s too bright.

It is so bright that Kuro is a little blind.

This thing…


Kuro directly transforms into a five-meter-tall werewolf, grabbing with both claws, inspiring a lot of slash , Slashed at the golden light.

chi chi chi!

dang dang dang! !

Slash enters the golden light, making a harsh, crisp sound.

Kuro was stunned for a while, as if giving up something, turning into a human body, looking towards the excited Wilbur beside him, “You call this ordinary?”

“Yes, I know what I have done is not good enough. It hasn’t reached the “normal” realm in Mr. Kulo’s words.”

Wilbur lowered his head shamefully, “There should be more, more , More good material, but this is already Wilbur’s limit, sorry, Kuro Captain.”

“No, I mean…”

“Don’t care, Wilbur!”

Kuro didn’t finish speaking, Cass grabbed it first and patted Wilbur’s shoulder again, excitedly said: “You have already played Your best effort! Although it is not satisfactory, this is your limit, and you will definitely exceed this limit in the future!”


Will Uncle moved looked towards him.


Cass’ eyes shined, yelled: “Let’s work hard together and make greater contributions to Mr. Kulo together!!!”

“Oh!!!” Wilbur exclaimed excitedly.

Looking at the two people’s sympathy there, Kuro reluctantly pushed down his glasses and didn’t want to talk anymore.

Whatever, he doesn’t care about it.

He couldn’t stop this thing.

Be beaten if you are beaten!

headquarters, Battleship stop.

Kulo bit his cigar there, waiting boredly.

There are some passing Marines around, saluting to him, Kulo nodded, watching them keep walking by, smacking his lips: “Why is it so slow? Can a boat be driven so slowly?”


Behind him, a familiar voice rang.

Kulo turned around and saw Hina walking over with Fendi and Zangao, “What are you doing? Hina is very curious.”

Zan Gao saluted together and straightened his body and said: “Kulo Vice Admiral!”

Kulo nodded, spit out the smoke, and under Hina’s curious eyes, said, “Wait for the ship, Lao Tzu’s ship is ready , Wait for them to drive out, and then go back to East Blue for vacation.”

“It’s good to be on vacation, Hina is envious.”

Hina is there with her arms around,” After performing this mission, Hina will also go on vacation. I heard that your Pegasus Island is very fun.”

“Go, let’s go, Marine used to get a 50% discount, if someone acquaintance passes…”

Kulo thought for a while, took out the cigar box from his arms and gave a cigar to Hina, “Take it, with this token, I will give you a 30% discount.”

“It’s such a discount, Hina is very grateful.”

Hina took the cigar, “By the way, with this discount, don’t you make money?”

“It’s just a small amount of money, a loss If you lose it, you will lose it. It is not worth paying attention to. If you go more, the safety of Pegasus Island is also worthy of guarantee.” Kulo waved his hand.

Pegasus Island has made a lot of money. Kulo has no interest in money, just enough.

If you give Marine a 50% discount, naturally you can’t make the store lose money. He subsidizes the store, but the subsidy is one hair from nine oxen. He still makes a profit. .

And this will allow Marine to come to his Pegasus Island a lot, he will not lose anyway.

As for Pirate…

Pirate is also discounted.

Break fractures.

“Hina is very grateful, then you can wait for your ship. In other words, choosing that ship is in line with your style, Kulo.” Hina was surprised.

“Yes, I’m such a low-key person.” Kulo is confident Issho.


Hina narrowed her eyes, picked up the cigarette beside her mouth in her hand, and spit out the smoke, smiling and said: “It’s really you Hina’s style, then Hina will leave first.”

Watching Hina board the boat, Kulo tilted his head, “Of course I’m low-key. What does the expression mean, don’t you believe me, I’m Kulo but He is called Mr. East Blue Low-Key.”

Just when he finished saying this, he saw a group of golden, the golden light, and the stinging Kulo slightly from the sea on the side. closed eye, the head is subconsciously tilted to one side.

It took a long while before he got used to the golden light and took a closer look, sucked in a breath of cold air.


That is a ship, a ship much larger than the big Battleship, the entire Battleship, the hull is made of steel, many The steel plate is attached to the hull of the ship, and the inlaid threads are tightly fitted. On the surface of the hull, there are paintings that look like dragons and lions, which seem to be painted with gold lacquer.

On the top of the ship, the dragon-like lion-like sculpture is like a building on the eaves, and the entire floating ship’s edge.

In the center of the ship, there are a large number of buildings. It is not so much a ship as a small fortress group, all of which are painted with golden lacquer paintings that look like dragons and lions, like a floating world. Painted the same.

Behind the largest fortress, there is a large sculpture that resembles a dragon and a lion, with a sheep’s head. Looking up to the sky, the sheep’s head is open, and as the ship moves, it continues Squirting steam.

At the same time, the sculptures on the side of the ship are also bubbling a small amount of white steam at this moment.

On the bow, there is a Haki formidable head sculpture that looks like a dragon and a lion with horns with its mouth closed. It is different from those painted with gold lacquer. This thing is The whole is made of gold!

A very golden light shiny steamship!

“What a golden legend!”

This ship was opened wide to surprise Kulo, “Who is so courageous, this ship can also Driving out? Don’t be afraid of being robbed by Pirate?”

Then he saw the flag above the fortress group of this ship, the flag of Marine.

“Battleship? You are so courageous. It’s such a Haki, isn’t it a living target?!”

Kulo touched the chin, “Who, so courageous?”

Kulo touched the chin? “

He thought for a while, suddenly knocked his head, and said in surprise: “It’s not Laozi’s?”

“Just kidding.”

Kulo smiled: “How could it be mine? What I ordered was a normal Battleship. So, this is Smoker? It’s a bit like, this guy is the more mad the better, or an old smoker, steaming is suitable for him.”

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