As the golden ship got closer, Kulo could see more clearly.

This ship is quite big.

Those fortresses and the wide decks look like small islands.

The average Battleship, even at the level of the big Battleship, is not so big.

Actually, according to common sense, Pirate’s ships are generally smaller than Battleship, because Pirate itself is fast, convenient, and easy to attack.

But that is common sense.

This is precisely the world, which is unreasonable.

Some Pirate’s ships are exaggerated and very fast.

Find someone to make sense.


Kulo was still watching the ship, and suddenly saw a small silhouette above the bow sculpture, waving at him.

“Hey, Kulo!”

Leda stood on it and waved at Kulo.


Kulo frowned, then looked towards another location.

Kuro, Cass, Wilbur, Ain, Binz, Donald, Bellflower, Sazier, Fanny, his subordinates are there, and behind them, there are some Dougrays Grid’s Marine, look at the breath again, the fortress is full of the breath of Doug Marine battallion.

Why, his entire belongings are on this ship?

The ship was docked in the port. When it was the closest, Kulo saw the ship’s hugeness. The bow sculpture made Kulo feel very small in comparison.


Leda jumped off the sculpture and landed steadily in front of Kulo, pointing to the boat excitedly and said: “Golden, it’s cool!”

“I know it’s cool, but what are you doing on Smoker’s boat?” Kulo asked.


Leda tilted her head, “What Smoker? Smoker is in G-5, this is your ship.”

“Hurry up, get off the Smoker ship.”

Kulo didn’t seem to hear what was behind Lida, and said: “Smoker is at G-5. There must be a mission. When he comes back, he will pick up the ship by himself. It’s impolite for you to drive his ship, and we don’t have a ship.”

He walked around mechanically, and then pointed to the golden ship beside the harbor, like adults and children. The same big Battleship, “This is my ship, let’s get on this ship, this one.”


Lida’s head, more Asked a few question marks, and said: “I said this ship is…”

“Ah…I see, this ship is a bit different, then this one is good, this one It can’t be changed anymore. This one is my ship!” Kulo pointed to a ship with a spider pattern on the side and a little bigger than the big Battleship.

“That is the ship of the ghost spider Vice Admiral.” Lida’s eyes lowered and said expressionlessly.

“Yes, I read it wrong, then I read it wrong.”

Kulo repeats the motion of pointing the boat like a machine, and he points to a boat path again “This one, it’s this one, it can’t be changed anymore, let’s just this one.”

You seem to be like a little child arguing about things.

Leda’s mouth twitched for a while, and continued to say without expression: “That ship seems to belong to Stainless Vice Admiral.”

“What are you doing, Lida!”

Kulo bared his teeth at her, “Why prevent me from finding the ship! Obediently, return this golden ship to Smoker and go find our own ship.”

” Mr. Kulo…”

At this moment, a weak voice rang beside him, it was Kuro.

Kulo’s subordinates, have already stepped down from the ladder that was placed on the side of the hull.


At the speed that the mentally retarded man wearing glasses can’t see clearly, Kulo quickly grabbed Kuro by the collar and carried him in front of him, panting. He threatened with roughness:

“Kuro! Tell me, as a Marine, should I be more upright and ignore anything if I don’t care about it, right?!”

Look Looking at Kulo’s bloodshot eyes, Kuro swallowed his saliva, subconsciously nodded and said: “Yes, Mr. Kulo.”

“That’s good.”

Kulo let go of Kuro , Smiled and said to Lida: “So, Lida, don’t think about this ship, let’s return it to Smoker.”

Leda is still expressionless.

“Okay, okay, that’s it. One day, I will call Smoker, I will let you have a day to have fun.”

Kulo is like a pet Stretching out a finger, helplessly said: “Just one day, one day is enough for you to play, Smoker is my good friend, this boat is expensive at first sight, we can’t grab his things, it’s not authentic.”

You still have less to grab Smoker?

Leda rolled her eyes and continued to be expressionless.

“ahhhh, three days, three days, no more, this is my concession to you, three days, okay, that’s it, I’ll call Smoker and tell him three The diva will return it to him.”

Speaking, Kulo opened the watch Den Den Mushi on his wrist and prepared to call.

“Mr. Kulo!!!”

At this moment, Wilbur walked out of the crowd and excitedly said, “This is your boat! You commanded me, I did my best to do it!”

These words caused a ball of veins on Kulo’s forehead, his palm was stretched, and the back of his hand also showed veins.

He stared at Wilbur as if he wanted to kill, then breathes deeply, forcing himself to speak normally.

“How did I order? Who told you what I was?”

“It’s Bellflower Young Lady…”

Wilbur looked at Kulo’s expression thought he was dissatisfied, and bowed his head in shame, “I’m sorry Mr. Kulo, I failed to achieve the effect you want, but this is my best effort.”

What effect do I want?

Is this golden light glittering the effect I want? !

“How did Kikyo tell it.” His voice began to tremble.

“The Bellflower Young Lady said, the boat must be unusual, eye-catching, and more material.” Wilbur said honestly.


Kulo almost didn’t come up at once.

Why does Kikyo spread the word? !


I didn’t give it to Lida…


Kulo glared at Lida, “What the hell did you pass?!”

“I passed it…”

Leda took a step back frightened by Kulo’s eyes and felt wronged there, “I passed it, Kulo. “


Can Kikyo hear the wrong words of men, and can also hear the wrong words of women? !

“Kiji! What did you say at the time!” Kulo yelled at Kikyo.

“Huh? Do you want to talk about assorted candies?”

The bellflower was stunned and said: “I know, I will do it later.”

“I’m not…ah, forget it!”

Kulo pinched his eyebrows with a headache.

“This ship…”

He looked at the ship that could almost blind him, pursed his mouth, and placed his right hand subconsciously on the handle of the knife.

“Mr. Kulo!”

At this moment, Casra stood Wilbur again in front of Kulo, bowed his head and said:

” I know Wilbur did not do well and did not satisfy you, but please give him a chance! He will do better, I promise! Everyone has a transformation from bad to good, This is what you taught! Wilbur, he, he, he must be able to transform to the point of satisfying you!!”

Wilbur also lowered his head, and his whole person was about to dim.

Mr. Kulo’s expression is obviously extremely dissatisfied.

But he has nothing to do, he really has done his best.

Looking at Wilbur’s dim look, Kulo barked his teeth and sighed helplessly.

He released his hand, patted Wilbur’s shoulder, and said: “Don’t think too much, you did a good job, but… well, there is something wrong with the message.”

Wilbur, the more reliable subordinates, he can’t hurt his subordinates because of his own mentality. After all, they didn’t make any mistakes, and they acted according to the requirements he heard.

He Kulo is not an unreasonable person.

This matter should mainly be caused by Leda’s problem.

scold Lida?

That wronged Baba’s appearance makes people feel irritated, and the curse is gone.

Swearing platycodon?

She has to understand it.

Swear Kuro…


Go ahead and do it later! !

Kuro is suddenly shivered, with an inexplicable bad feeling…

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