“Oh! The Golden Horse!” Cass was inexplicably excited: “I understand, Mr. Kulo!”

What do you understand, you Understand all day long.

Kulo rolled his eyes, not too lazy to watch Cass excited there, waved his hand and said: “Okay, take me to the office to see, everyone else will find a place on the boat if nothing is wrong, Cass, come here Deploy your Marine battallion.”

“Mr. Kulo, please come with me, your boat residence, there.” Wilbur pointed to the largest fort in the fortress group.

There is Kulo’s place.

The top of the fort is Kulo’s own room, which has only one floor and one room, which is the largest and highest.

On the lower level, is Kulo’s office.

The office is also very big. On a golden chair covered with soft blankets, there is a huge square desk. In front of the desk are two big sofas. There is a coffee table in front of the sofa. Coupled with the overall decoration, the structure is very gorgeous.

At the door, there is also a pair of Marine flags erected there.

As for the lower part, although there is a room, it has not yet been determined, and it is all blank.

Wilbur only considered Kulo when supervising the building of this ship, and none of the others considered it.

“Let’s do this, you choose your own office in this big fortress, but if you have a room, you go to other fortresses.”

Kulo after visiting his room and office , Sat down on the golden chair, moved his hips, then leaned back and sat comfortably there.

I have to mention that although this ship is very high profile, I have to say…

It is very fragrant.

They are all good materials, and the dressing feel can be compared with Mariejois.

“Huh? Don’t you live with one piece?” Leda was a little disappointed.

“Why are you disappointed? I never lived with you before. Go, choose your own room.” Kulo rolled his eyes.

“Well, for the room, I want the fortress next to you.”

Leda mumbled: “For the office, it will be on your next floor.”

“Whatever you want, tell Wilbur if you need it.” Kulo said: “Kuro, you should also get familiar with it.”

“Yes, Mr. Kulo, I will do it .” Wilbur nodded and said.

Mr. Kulo still has something for him to do, which means that he has not lost his trust.

very good!

“So now…”

Kulo tilted Erlang’s legs, supporting his chin with one hand, and pressing the other hand on the golden sculpture armrest of the seat.

hong long!!

Outside, the huge Jinyao suddenly rose from the surface of the sea, bringing up a splash of sea water.

“Fly, fly!”

The nearby Marines raised their heads one by one, looking surprised.

“Vice Admiral, Master Vice Admiral, this ship is flying!!”

The nearby Marine began to report in panic.

“Don’t get excited, it’s normal.”

That Vice Admiral, is Momonga.

He raised his head and glanced at the ships that were gradually flying high in the sky, and said: “It’s Vice Admiral’s ship. It’s normal to fly. As a Marine, you have to calm down when you encounter everything else. The enemy will easily see the weak spot.”

“Yes, Momonga Vice Admiral!” Marine froze and saluted.


Momonga shook his head and said: “It’s really an exaggeration, Kulo, for such a big ship, you can fly when you say it’s flying.”


However, it’s no surprise.

His strength is obvious to all within Marine.

The ship ascended into the sky, gradually reached a place out of their sight, reached the cloud, and started sailing.

Under the control of Kulo’s ability, the ship directly moved towards the Red Line and flew towards the mainland.

Within the Golden Sun, there are three thousand Greg Marine battallions controlling the ships there. Although there is no need to control them now, it is not them, but Kulo’s own ability, but the preparations must be done well.

As for the others, they have gone to choose their own office, as well as the room.


In the huge office, Kulo stared at the front floor-to-ceiling window. In that direction, he could just see everything outside.

His fingers were moving unconsciously, and he was sailing in the air while manipulating the Jinyao, sighed, “I’m like this, what’s the difference from the old Shiji, but if he can fly all the time, it seems not bad. .”

Fly in the sky, then there is nothing Pirate.

No matter how conspicuous the ship is, it does not matter if others cannot see it.

But this kind of thing…

It’s not necessary.

The boat is for sailing. He uses his ability to fly in the sky all day long, so he can still sail the sea. He can’t see others, and others can’t see him.

After all, he is still a Marine.


The paradise.

Red Line is on the other side of the mainland, opposite New World.

“Little ones, we are back!!”

On the sea, a coated Pirate Ship bubbling out of the sea and surfaced in the sea.

This ship is huge, but the whole is a little broken.

On the deck, a rough man wearing a captain’s hat holds a saber in one hand and yells to the sky.


In front of him, a group of Pirates raised their arms and shouted wildly.

“Finally out of that hell!”

A Pirate cried with joy, “The ghost place of New World, I don’t want to go anymore, it’s a paradise!”

“Yes, it’s better for paradise!”

The captain smiled slyly: “New World, we will never go again. We will rob in the paradise in the future. We can’t go to that place, but we live After coming down, we will definitely have a very broad prospect when we go to Paradise again!”

New World is hell for them.

I am very lucky to be able to come back alive.

But as long as you come back, relying on the Haki level you have experienced in New World, you can fight Pirate here, of course, you can play casually.

Even Marine, he is not afraid!

“Let’s take a break, then find a town to rob and declare our return!” The captain said with a big smile.


Just as the Pirates cheered, a cloud of shadow suddenly appeared above their heads.

A Pirate looked up and was taken aback. In the sky above, a huge golden beam of light was falling.

“The sun, has it set?” Pirate murmured subconsciously.

But soon, he reacted and said in surprise: “Something has fallen!!”

A group of Pirates, at this time, looked up in unison, looking at the golden light. The object fell from the side.


The object fell on the sea, rolled up a big wave, hit the Pirate Ship, and almost blew the ship over. The ship was pushed away by the waves so that it could stand hanging The surface of the sea was not turned into the water.

“What is that!”

The captain got up from the deck, straightened his captain’s hat, and looked in that direction.

With only one glance, he was stunned on the spot, staring blankly at the front.

The golden light and brilliant object gradually revealed its shape for Pirate to see.

“Gold! It’s gold, Captain! That’s a golden ship!” a Pirate yelled.

“Oh! A lot of gold, so shining!”

“The golden ship, is it a legend?! I heard that the sea sometimes falls from the sky and the ship comes, didn’t ‘t expect to fall off the golden ship!”

“The golden ship…”

The captain murmured, with a smile on his face, his eyes full of greed, “Really Treasure! Little ones, come closer, let’s go and see that ship!”

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