“It’s finally down, the sky is so boring.”

In the office of Jinyao, Lida was lying on the sofa with her two little feet in there. Shaking it, yawning there.

Her room and office were selected quickly, and then she asked people to arrange them in the style she wanted. Of course Leda would not do that, so she explained the general needs. Later, she came directly to Kulo’s office.

After all, Wilbur can supervise the ship so well, it is still very easy to arrange an office and room.

So she stayed with Kulo very early, watching the sea of ​​clouds there.

The sky is broad, wider than the sea, but…

It’s so boring.

Except for some strange birds that occasionally fly by, there is nothing in the sky.

She was falling asleep watching there.

And on such a day, she waited for a while.

This is the reason why Kulo uses his ability to accelerate. If he floats normally, his speed is not as good as sailing on the sea.

After confirming that he had crossed the Red Line continent, Kulo lowered the ship.

“What do you think there is in the sky, it is boring.”

Kulo rolled his eyes, “Okay, we’re in the sea, go get my fishing rod out It’s a rare vacation. On the way back, I’ll catch a fish and have fun.”


Leda got up from the sofa and really wanted to go out. Suddenly she was taken aback. , Pointing to the floor-to-ceiling window on the left, and said: “Kulo, there is a Pirate Ship. The ship is moving. Come here…”

“Pirate Ship?”

Kulo turned his head. Look, I was stunned for a moment, “Is there really a Pirate Ship.”

“Mr. Kulo.”

At this time, Kuro pushed open the office door and said : “We found a Pirate Ship in the vicinity…”

Just as he said, he also saw the Pirate Ship in the left field of vision.

In this office where Kulo is located, you can see the panoramic view except for the rear, because the entire fortress group, the fortress he is in, is the tallest and has the widest view.

After seeing Pirate Ship, Kuro pushed his glasses at the base of his palm and said: “That Pirate banner seems to be [Blood Blade Pirates]. There was no news after breaking into New World a few years ago. Why did it appear in the first half of the Grand Line?”

“en? Tell me.”

Kulo looked at the Pirate Ship approaching and asked calmly.

“Yes, Mr. Kulo.”

Kuro said: “Since you are going to New World, I have been collecting news about New World large and small Pirates. Live, this Pirates is also one of them. Their Pirates is very bloody. In Marine, this is also the Dingding Daimyo. The reason is that they like to rob towns. Every Pirate who joins this Pirates has the blood of civilians on their hands. .”

“It is said that their tradition is that those who join them must kill someone with their own hands to show their blood.”

“Their captain’Blood Knife’ Xili ‘er bounty is 130 million Beli, and the cadres also have bounty, and the total can reach 400 million Beli.”

“400 million…”

Kulo stared at the approaching ship, smiled and said: “That’s really high.”

After that, he looked towards Kuro and said: “Isn’t it going to be a test? Just use this Pirates to test it. Well, the formidable power of the [Golden Number].”

“Yes, it just happens that Cass is already in place.”

Kuro took out Den Den Mushi and dialed Cass Number.

When Cass was on the ship, in addition to piloting, he was also a combat commander.

Kulo doesn’t actually understand things like shooting guns, navigating, and navigating routes. Only after strictly undergoing traditional Marine training can he know how to do it.

Although Wilbur is joining now, the ship is already very big. Cass alone is not enough. His Doug Marine battallion hasn’t been able to leave Cass alone to give orders and so on. operating.

As early as when they selected the room, their own responsibilities were also assigned.

Wilbur plus Ain and Binz are all people who have traditional Marine training. The three people and Cass are divided into four parts to complete the main artillery battle of this ship.

As for the others…

Although Kulo is an old Marine, he has been fished. When training in East Blue before, I didn’t care about these things. I have time. Just be lazy there, or find a place where no one is going to practice the sword technique.

Not to mention Lida, she can eat, and she can also understand some secrets of the sea. That was also from the past few years. As for the others, don’t expect it.

Although Kuro used to be the captain, he also relied on the chief mate himself. He prefers to make plans and play in person.

Don’t say anything about the rest, all of them are renunciations halfway through.

“Hey, hello, this is Cass.” Den Den Mushi made a righteous and awe-inspiring voice.

“Kas, found a Pirate Ship at ten o’clock and sank him. Mr. Kulo is watching.” Kuro said.


Den Den Mushi did not hang up there, and Cass’ voice soon sounded.

“Wilbur! It’s time to show justice. Pirate Ship was found at ten o’clock, right in your direction, sink it!”

He seemed to use A Den Den Mushi was created.


At this time, Wilbur is on the deck, facing the Pirate Ship slowly coming over.

He held Den Den Mushi’s microphone and raised his brows upside down, “This is the first battle of the Jinyao. I, Wilbur, will not shame this ship. Here Hearing!”

Wilbur raised his hand, looked at the Pirate Ship, breathes deeply, and exclaimed: “Pirate Ship at nine o’clock, shelling!!”

bang bang bang!

Dougreg Marine, which was prepared in the cabin, fired a shell directly.

At this moment, Wilbur shot abruptly on the side of the ship, his neck was exposed with green veins and roared: “Ten times!!”

The shell that just came out of the barrel. , At this instant it became ten times as big, just like one after another big iron ball, moving towards the Pirate Ship and leaping forward.

Xili’er still has expectations at this time.

That’s a golden ship!

The closer he gets, the more he feels that this ship is very big. His Pirate Ship is already big enough, but compared with this golden ship, it is still far behind.

The paintings on this golden ship, judging from his long-term plundering eyes, must be gold infallible!

And the statue on the bow of the ship must be all made of gold!

Such a golden ship suddenly appeared in front of him. God must have given him a reward for seeing him as a New World.

With this gold, he can change the ship again, and then purchase a batch of better weapons to dominate the first half of the Grand Line!

Let those who act recklessly type it out in the New World. In the first half, he will rule!

“Captain, there seems to be a Marine flag on the ship…”

Just as he was thinking about it, a Pirate holding a Telescope and looking forward Then, suddenly said.


Xili’er was stunned for a moment, thinking about taking a look at the Telescope, and the sound of a cannon made him shivered.

A dozen huge cannonballs suddenly appeared in the air ahead!

That shell is not a regular shell at all, it is much bigger than a normal shell!

There are a few of them, just moved towards them, the ship pressed over…

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