
A dozen artillery shells flew forward, and several of them were in the middle of the Pirate Ship, which caused a strong explosion. The resulting fire flooded the Pirate Ship, and the ship’s wreck was splashed in the fire. Rolled up the waves of the nearby sea.

“It’s really beautiful fireworks, Dodoriasan, Sabosan.” Kulo said in a wicked way.


Leda was taken aback and looked around, “Where is Sabo.”

The Sabo that Lida knows is The second in command of the Revolutionary Army, but is he in this place?

“Just talk about it.” Kulo shrugged.


At this moment, a rudder suddenly ejected from the explosion, hit the glass, and was shattered by the shock force.

This makes Kulo corner of the mouth twitched.

He leaned back, looking more comfortable, biting his cigar and spitting out smoke, “Okay, make sure if there are any survivors, make a few more if there are any, and set off if not. “

“Yes, Mr. Kulo.” Kuro saluted.

In fact, there is no need for Kulo to say this. They knew what to do. After the cannon sank the Pirate Ship, Wilbur sent someone to take a small speedboat to the wreckage.

One is to make up the knife, and the other is to see what spoils of war are there.

Marine was riding a speedboat, pulling the switch there, and one after another steam was sprayed from the back of the speedboat, and it moved quickly on the surface of the sea.

Such small speedboats are usually wooden boats and need to be hand-drawn by people, but the Jinyao is not ordinary. As a steamboat, the speedboat will of course also be steamed.

A total of three speedboats, Donald, Sazier, and Kikyo standing on a speedboat, arrived at the wreckage of the Pirate Ship.

At this time, half of the hull of this ship was turned into sawdust, and the other half was broken into several pieces, floating on the sea.

Fortunately, the captain’s room does not seem to be destroyed.

“Let me come.”

With a move, Sazier jumped from the speedboat to the wreckage, and reached out to open the small wooden door of the captain’s room.

At this moment, on the boat in the vicinity, both Donald and Kikyo had their eyes moved.

And Sazier held the hand of the doorknob, and stopped at this moment.

oh la la!

The water behind him suddenly splashed out a ball of water, and a human figure jumped out of the water.

“Despicable Marine, die!!”

Xili’er has a savage face, holding a knife in his hand, with Haki stained on the blade, and stabbing Sazier with a single knife. Back.

This group of Marines actually forged golden ships to attract their attention? !

Now Marine is like this, it’s too despicable!

If they didn’t pretend to be the golden ship, they would simply not be affected. In that case, the ship would not be sunk.

His ship, his men, and his dream of dominating the paradise are already half destroyed at this moment!

If you want to re-convene those who have experienced in New World, how easy it is.

These are all Marines!

Xili’er jumped on the wreckage, the blade pierced straight behind Sazier, the tip of the blade was close to his back.

The tip of the knife pierced the cloak behind the Marine, and kept going inside.


With a crisp sound, Xili’er felt that his blade had encountered a hard object and was blocked.

Sazl turned his head expressionlessly, looked towards Xili’er, looked down, saw the black stained on the blade, and wondered: “Haki? New World is back?”

“How is it possible…”

Xili’er took a half step back, and said in surprise: “Can you see Haki? Can you also Haki?!”

“That kind of stuff…”

Sazil turned his body, his big hands were stained with black, and he grabbed Xili’er’s blade directly, and said, “It’s not just The talents of New World will do!”

The blade was held, Xili’er directly released the weapon, his fist was covered with a layer of Haki, and he moved towards Sazier with one punch.


Sazil twisted his body and directly wiped his fist over. He stretched out his other hand, clenched it into a fist, and said, “Let me I’m here to teach you. It’s not that I’ve been to New World and I’ve learned a little about Haki, and I feel that there is no one to stop me in the paradise, Haki this thing…”

Bang! !

The fist was thrown out, which directly brought out the splitting the air sound. When Xili’er was caught off guard, fiercely punched him in his face.

Under this fist, his eyes turned white and his mouth opened wide. A few teeth flew out and crashed on the wreckage of the ship.

Sazil clenched his fist and didn’t lower his head, so he lowered his eyes, looked at Xili’er contemptuously, and continued what he hadn’t said before, “That’s not something that will be invincible after meeting. How can your shallow Haki compare to my Haki from thousands hammers, hundred refinements, and you are just Busoshoku.”

Speaking, his hand holding the blade, Turning the blade of the knife, turning a knife in his hand, gripping the handle of the knife, and cutting off Xili’er’s head with a single knife.

“For this kind of stuff, there are more than 100 million?”

Sazil kicked over Xili’er’s headless corpse and kicked the corpse to the sea. After leaving his head, he looked at his head with disdain, and said: “The bounty gold brought by the killing of civilians is the least expensive.”

Like this kind of goods, there are ten, Saz You will not be afraid.

Being beaten every day, no, the results brought by the special training every day are very strong.

When Xili’er did not show up, he felt a tingling sensation in his heart. Needless to say, someone was definitely trying to stabb him, so at that time, he stopped. , Waiting for the upcoming enemy.

His Kenbunshoku Haki has expanded in an extremely powerful direction.

Opening the captain’s room, Sazier plunged in.

At this moment, the bellflower, who was on the speedboat nearby, took out the big bow on his back, opened the bow and set the arrow, facing the water, and murmured: “There are still residues.”


Speaking, she released her finger and shot an arrow toward the water.

Soon, there was a lot of blood on the sea.




Kulo watched through the floor-to-ceiling windows and watched the Marines bringing some cloth bags back to the speedboat, heading for the Jinyao.

“That fool of Sazier, why bring a head back, isn’t it dirty? Just catch the person directly. It’s a lot of trouble to kill, save the head, it’s very troublesome.”

He also saw Sazier’s head in his hand.

“It may be because it is convenient to kill, so as not to resist.” Kuro said from the side.

Kulo never prevents his subordinates from gaining credit for themselves, as long as they don’t bring him.

Similarly, in Kulo’s rule, everyone defaults to Pirate to kill all.

So if you want credit, you can only bring the body or prove it.

The corpse is relatively large, and it’s troublesome to bring a head just right.

In addition to Sazier’s habit, Kuro also has this habit. For Pirate, he has never left a hand.

The only one who will catch Pirate is Cass.

But in fact, Kulo is really not the Pirate killer. He actually spared a lot of Pirate back then. They were all those who didn’t do anything evil because they were forced to become Pirate by Bounty. He released it all.

As for the other Pirates, just because they don’t want to do meritorious service, they find the right opportunity to kill them when no one sees them.

After entering the headquarters, this habit was retained instead. As long as you can kill, you can kill, and what you can let go.

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