Kulo wouldn’t know, because his Jinyao appeared, even if only a few days ago, but in the vicinity Sea Territory, rumors about the “Golden Ship” were still popular.

It is rumored that this ship is full of gold, and even the hull is made of gold. It often wanders around the Calm Belt Sea Territory. Once people become greedy, they will be miserable.

The rumors are rumors, but there are still those Pirate who want to get the golden ship to look for.

Among these, the four Pirates are included.

During the search, a few of them met each other. Although there were conflicts, they were worried that this place was on the sea, and the other party was over 100 million bounty, and there was no big conflict. According to their traditions, Only those who can reach Chambord are qualified to seek revenge each other.

The rest are but the losers of the sea.

But when they met, they also had contact information. After all, they were looking for the golden ship. As Pirate with over 100 million yuan, they are not as naive as others. They will believe the rumor, and more , You have to see it with your own eyes.

Sure enough, as they thought, this is a trap.

A Marine trap that attracts Pirate.

Two days later, the number of Pirate Ships adorned at the rear of the Golden Ship changed from one Pirate Ship to four.

“Is that the one?”

Among them, one with long hair and burly figure, holding a naginata in one hand and a Telescope in the other, looking forward.

“Yes, it’s the Marine’s Battleship.”

Hood smiled and said: “It’s very difficult to deal with, these Marines use gold to attract people. “

“He he he, it’s just that they didn’t think of it, will we unite?”

On the side, a voice like a ringing bell rang and saw a star dressed up People walked over with a bright smile, “Aiya, the golden ship, I really envy it. If people want it, can you give it to me.”

“Stop kidding, stinky woman.”

The long-haired man put down the Telescope and snarled: “That’s mine!”

“It’s so fierce. If you are so fierce, be careful that your fans will not agree.” The big star took a step back, showing a pitiful expression.

“That’s enough!”

The man with the big helmet with horns came out, “Aren’t we going to unite? Why do we have infighting? There is a famous saying in my hometown, everyone When sharing food, it’s yours who eats in your stomach. Let’s work together to destroy the golden ship.”

“Hey, stop talking nonsense, barbarian.”

The long-haired person disdainfully said: “Say it first, I am not a cannon fodder, I have to go together!”

“Of course.”

At this time, Jestan left He came over, and as he walked, the thin knives on his back swayed for a while.

“Hood, tell me about the battle plan.”


Hood laughed and said: “This golden ship is better than ours The ship is too big and has sufficient firepower. Before we approach the ship, we can’t face his firepower. The best way to fight is our best way. But since it’s a golden ship, the Marine inside must be an elite. , We have to be prepared.”

No one cared about this, and the long-haired man even sneered.

These bounty criminals with more than one hundred million are not obtained by looting towns and massacring civilians, but on the ground.

Pirate killed, and Marine also killed.

No one cares about the elite or something.

The best record is Jestan himself.

He once killed a Marine Vice Admiral!

“If no one opposes the battle, then I am thinking about how to get close.”

Hood squinted his eyes and squinted them even more. For details, he said: “Just rush from the rear. Don’t be exposed to the muzzle of the golden ship. With the convenience of our Pirate Ship, we can easily avoid the bombardment of the stern shells until it is completely close for the battle.”

“It’s no different from not saying it! A waste of Lao Tzu’s time!”

[Long hair] Morris took a breath and boarded the ship’s edge, Jump, jump back to your own boat.

“Little ones, the target golden ship, charge!!”

He raised his naginata and shouted loudly.

Soon, the ship he was on took the lead to speed up and surpassed the other three Pirate Ships.

“This singer can’t fall behind.”

[Diva] Delia also smiled, spun around, like dancing, and fell back to her boat. Keep up with Morris’ Pirate Ship.

“Then I’m leaving too, robbery is the most passionate thing in the world!”

[Big Helmet Wilde] smiled and jumped back to his ship, Pirate Ship followed along.

In the end, it was Jestan’s [Scar Pirates], who sent forward.

However, their order is not much different. Soon, the four Pirate Ships were in parallel, moving towards the stern of the Golden Ship and sailed fast.


“Kulo, Kulo.”

Golden No., office.

Leda was lying half-feeling on the sofa, supporting her chin with her hands, shaking her feet, and asked: “Speaking of which, you are so young, how did your parents pass away.”

Kulo’s eyes darkened, he paused for a while, looked towards the sea, and slowly said: “Die from illness.”

“The medical conditions in Shelz Town are very ordinary, even poor. And my parents were stubborn. They didn’t care when they got sick at the time. They worked forcibly, but later fell down. I took care of them by myself. Originally, I wanted to send them to the more developed islands nearby for treatment. , But before it was too late, then went.”

Weili, this thing, still couldn’t resist the illness.

Strong as Zephyr, all have asthma.

Pirate King, also has a serious illness.

birth, aging, sickness and death, reincarnation in the world is too hard to escape.

“Since then, I have a strong urge to live. Although no one can expect to get sick, if you become stronger, you can at least get rid of minor illnesses. For example, a cold and a fever.”

Kulo said: “Of course, I am not a fool. I am not a fool. This is purely a rumor. I am so smart, so I don’t have a cold and fever.”

“Ah…great, I haven’t seen my parents.” Leda suddenly said in a low tone.

“So I said, what the little child wants that many do, just be happy, let the past things pass, just write them down, there is no need to live in memory all the time.”

Kulo rolled his eyes and said, “That would be very painful.”

“I’m twenty, Kulo, I’m not a child! You don’t allow me to drink now “Leda pursed her lips.

“The drink is enough for the little child.”

Kulo glared at her and said, “Don’t think I don’t know how you often sneak out to taste the wine. If you don’t let me see it, you’ll just taste that’s all, but in front of me, it’s not allowed!”

“Huh?” Lida was dazed, “How did you know?”

“Kulo Vice Admiral!”

Just as the two were talking, the door was suddenly pushed open, and Sazier ran in and saluted: “Four Pirates were found behind. Ship, is approaching us!”

The three words’Pirate Ship’ seem to have stirred Kulo’s nerves.

He got up suddenly, foul-mouthed and said as he walked: “Why there is a Pirate Ship again! How come they are all Pirate Ships! Are they so afraid of death! Ah?! Good! Not for the gold of Lao Tzu The boat is curious, I let them be curious enough, go, tell Wilbur, bring the laser cannon out to Lao Tzu!”

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