After coming out of the office, Kulo went directly to the back deck. At this time, there were already many people watching there.

“Mr. Kulo.”

Seeing Kulo coming over, Kuro handed him the Telescope and said: “The four Pirate Ships chasing from behind are exactly what I said last time. Yes, the four more active ones, over 100 million Pirates.”


Kulo took the Telescope and looked away.

Sure enough, four Pirate Ships were chasing behind.

The flag on the Pirate Ship signifies their identity.

A skull is full of scars.

A skull has long hair.

A skull with makeup and a microphone in his mouth.

A skull is wearing a helmet.

It is very consistent with what Kuro said last time.

Cass saluted him and asked: “Mr. Kulo! Do you want to shelling?!”

” Shelling shelling, shelling all day long, is it special? I’m annoying!”

Kulo has a cruel look in his eyes, “I will give you a cruel, so that you can do nothing to trouble me all day long! Wilbur!!!”

“Yes! Mr. Kulo!” Wilbur replied loudly.

“Where’s your special mother’s laser cannon. Pull it out for Lao Tzu. I haven’t tried the formidable power of the laser cannon for so long. Just try these four Pirate Ships!”

“Laser cannon…”

Wilbur opened his eyes and saluted immediately, saying: “Yes! I understand!”

Laser cannon, he too Want to see specific formidable power.

In other words, since knowing that Admiral Kizaru and Begapunk built such a thing on the main gun System, everyone wants to see what its formidable power is.

Anyway, it must surpass the laser of Peace Pacifista, but as to where it is higher, it still needs experimentation.

It just so happens that there is a test subject.

On the sea, the golden ship began to turn in the eyes of the four captains.

“Did you find us?”

Jestin coldly snorted, “Be careful to avoid it. I don’t want the ship to be destroyed before getting close.”

“Don’t worry, Captain.”

Hood said with a smile: “I have calculated that although this ship is big, it is almost as fast as us. It is not as convenient as we are, and it can easily go around. Past the direction of the bombardment.”

The golden ship, as they approached, began to turn, and the hull with the muzzle was already facing them sideways.

Jestin smiled and commanded: “Go around! Let them see how convenient the Pirate Ship is!”

The four Pirate Ships turned to the golden ship almost at the same time The opposite direction went straight around, and when the golden ship turned, they also turned, from the original position of the stern, to the direction of the bow.

But the rare, what they expected, the scene of undergoing a round of shelling, did not appear.

Originally, Jestan was ready to resist the shells, but what came to mind was that they didn’t fire shells.

“Do you know that the shells can’t hit it? It’s the clever Marine, but if you want to fight with us to determine the outcome, then it’s a miscalculation, I’m very strong!” Jie Stan smiled confidently.

Just as he was thinking about it, the sculpture on the bow of the boat that looked like a dragon, like a lion, and had horns, suddenly opened his mouth.

In that mouth, a group of golden light was directly gathered, and under the sunlight, the sculpture reflecting the brilliance of golden, made the golden light look unusually dazzling.


Donald squinted slightly. Before he could explore, he saw the golden light rushing suddenly, turning into a beam of extreme The thick beam of light, soon, this beam of light pressed against the sea surface and rolled up a wave, like a cover, before the four Pirate Ships.

In their eyes, only a cloud of golden rays of light is shrouded in their eyes, so they can’t see anything.

bang!! !

On the deck of the Golden Sun, Kulo watched that it was swallowed by the golden light. As the golden light continued to rush forward, only four Pirate Ships remained on the sea. The wreckage had been broken into sawdust, and even a larger wreckage could not be left behind.


Kulo took a deep breath, tactically leaned back, “Is the formidable power so big?”

It was almost instantaneous After the laser cannon was launched, the four Pirate Ships became slag.

Compared with this, the thickness and speed of the laser of Heping Pacifista are totally impossible to mention on equal terms.

Others also have a look of shock. Some of them swallowed saliva and sweated coldly.

The formidable power is a bit beyond their imagination.

Almost no one can stop this gun.

“It’s amazing!!”

Cass and Wilbur clenched their fists together, and the veins on their necks were exposed. “It’s so amazing!!”

Wilbur excitedly said: “The laser cannon is too strong. No one can stop this cannon. The Pirate Ship on the sea will only be destroyed when we encounter us!”

“This thing Is the formidable power so powerful?”

Kulo lit a cigar subconsciously, watching the golden head statue with its mouth gradually closed, walked over to the patted statue, and spit out the smoke, “Old Master It’s like making an all-out effort, just like the special magnified version and the Pacifista laser attack. It’s really a bit ridiculous.”

One shot destroys four ships, and looking at those Pirate Ships, the cost is not too high. Low, the average shell is hard to destroy even if it hits.

This is why Marine often fails to hunt Pirate on the sea.

Because Battleship is generally much heavier than Pirate Ship, coupled with Pirate Ship’s convenience, if it is stronger, it is easy to escape.

But now in front of Kulo, it is difficult to run.

The speed of this laser cannon is extremely fast, and the formidable power is still great.

While rubbing and bumping, the boat can’t stand it.

A direct hit is even more slagging.

Although he doesn’t like this ship very much, but this formidable power…

It’s really safe!

Sturdy ships, formidable power and huge main guns, give Kulo a sense of peace of mind.

“It’s solved, continue on the road, what are these people.”

Kulo glanced at the wreckage on the sea not far away, snorted, and was about to go to the fortress. Go there.

oh la la!

At this moment, several sounds of jumping out of the water came from under the Golden Sun.

The three of them quickly jumped out and landed neatly on the deck.


Jestin was covered with blood and one of his eyes was blind. He closed his eyes and panted, “Hateful Marine, you, You guys… dare to do this!”

Next to him is Hood, who is missing a hand. He also wants to say something, but after seeing the person on the boat, the pair squinted. My eyes suddenly opened, “Captain, this man is…”

“Despicable Marine, Sinai!”

On the other side, a long hair fluttering, very strong, Looking at Pirate, who was like a ninth villain, holding Naginata in both hands, he moved towards the crowd and rushed forward.

The shot just now would have been completely over if they hadn’t been shivered and went into the sea in time.

Even so, their family property, their subordinates, their combined Pirate fleet, in this brief moment are all over.


The Naginata he was holding, just as he swung it down, one hand blocked the blade.

Kuro appeared in the direction where the blade was swung down, caught the Naginata blade with one hand, and pushed down the glasses with the other hand, and said: “[Long hair] Morris? Is he still alive? Surprised.”

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