While catching this blade, Kuro’s footsteps couldn’t help taking a step back.

It can be seen that this Pirate, who is like the villain of the ninth world, has a lot of strength.



After Kuro pushed his glasses, his arm stretched out like lightning, a finger poke Morris in the chest , Soaring a ball of blood mist.


Morris couldn’t react at all, was hit by this Shigan in the chest, shouted, and fell to the ground.

With this blow, the heart is pierced.

“Pirate of over 100 million Beli, is he so reckless? But his physical fitness is not bad.” Kuro flew up, and another Rankyaku made a patch on Morris’ chest before he stepped on it. Up.

Morris was convulsed by this kick, completely silent.

To deal with such a purely physique existence, Shigan is very difficult to kill, and you have to make up a few more.

“Black wolf! That is the black wolf, Captain!”

Seeing this scene, Hood’s cold sweat ran out, and he couldn’t take care of the pain in his left arm, and shouted:” Wulang, and Beluga! Those are the’Great Shield’ and the’Big Spear’, these people…are all Jin Yi’s subordinates!”

“I am Haodie! Beluga Beluga, White you!” Lida said with a nasty expression.

These words made Hood more certain. He looked at the Kulo with his back to them, and trembled: “Jinya! This ship is Jinya’s ship!”


Jestin was stunned, and backhand pulled out the blades on his back. Of those thin knives, eight of them were caught between the fingers of his hands. The next two were held in his hands, with deep fear in his eyes.

Jin Lu? !

The one who defeated Lederfield, defeated Byrnndi Wapol, and it is rumored that he also defeated Shiki. He played back and forth with Big Mom. The super strong Marine is here. On a boat? !

Hood can’t make mistakes. He has always been sensitive to intelligence and pays attention to collecting it.

That is to say, the Marine who executes this project to attract Pirate is Jin Lu!

“What a joke!”

Jestan roared: “You are a big Marine, why would you implement such a despicable plan in the paradise! Or, Marine is all Is it so despicable?!”

These words caused Kulo, who was about to go back, to stagnate. He turned his head and looked towards Jestan, “Ten knives? Fancy. Lao Tzu is Marine, and you are Pirate. , How do we do it, do we still need to talk to a Pirate about morality?”


Jestan roared, and…Go straight to the ship’s edge Run away.

He is confident, but he is not stupid.

Jin Yi and his subordinates are all on this ship, and now he and his first officer are the only ones left, which definitely cannot be beaten.

If he knew that there were these people on this ship, what he said would not miss this golden ship.

Marine is too despicable, only to use this despicable plan!

He won’t let this group of Marines do what they want!


Just as Jestan was about to leave, there was a loud roar next to him.

Binz dropped a few seeds on the ground and twisted his whole body. With the twist, those seeds germinated instantly and changed into thick vines, moving towards Jestan and Hood and rushed.


Jestan waved his hands, ten thin knives moved towards the vines, but the blade hit the vines, not cutting as he had imagined, but just like hitting a hard object, sparking.

“It’s so hard…obviously it’s just plants.”

Jestin quickly retreated, already fast backing to the side of the ship, he is not an Ability User, as long as he jumps into the sea, These people won’t have a solution to him.

“Don’t want to go.”

A clear voice suddenly came from behind.

Jestan was startled, and when he looked back, he saw a blue-haired female Marine who appeared behind him with a hand on his body.

A fierce look appeared in Jestan’s eyes, and the five knives in his hand moved towards that side.

Cut off your hand!

Ain didn’t even look at it, a cloud of purple light appeared with one hand, and he tapped Jestan twice.

“Go back.”

At that moment, Jestan’s body froze.

Dang Cang.

The weapon in the hand fell off at this brief moment.

His body shrank and changed into a ten-year-old child. He looked blankly at that, somewhat unclear.

Ain was wrapped with purple awns on his hands, and said: “I am a retrograde person who has eaten the fruit of retrogression. One touch can make the existence that I come into contact with me go backwards for twelve years. Twenty-four years, you seem to be unable to bear me for the third time…”

“Ain, don’t be relieved, there is no Pirate alive on my boat.” Kulo said at this time.

Ion had a pause, stretched out his hand directly, and touched Jestan.


There was nothing left except Jestan’s clothes.


Hood yelled, his face sank immediately, his eyes scanned everywhere, watching casually in the eyes of these Marine cadres, and finally his footsteps moved quickly and got away. Open the chase of the vines, hold the handle of the knife with the right hand, and move towards Lida and pounce.

Although Daimyo of Beluga is bluffing, she seems to be the youngest among them. As long as they can capture her and take her hostage, these people might let him go.

Hood is very confident about his own fit.

As long as a knife strikes Beluga, then you can…

The knife held by the right hand was pulled out by him at this moment, turned into a cold glow, and moved straight. towards Lida who was eating there rushed.


Suddenly, a black glow suddenly appeared before his eyes.

Soon, Hood decided to spin around. He only felt that the sky, the sea, and the ship were all spinning.

Then he saw a familiar headless body, spraying a fountain of blood there.

And beside the headless body, a silhouette of a knife slowly retracting…

“You are not fancy…”

Kulo Seeing that head fall into the sea, he stared at the fallen corpse and said: “I just can’t see the situation clearly. What kind of Juhe is playing in front of me.”


He should not be too familiar.

The first time he saw Hood, he knew that he was a good player at Juhe, but it was limited to “good hands”.

It’s okay to deal with an ordinary person, but in front of him, the sword is slow as if it is slow.

It’s not that he said, this world is dangerous, but in terms of plugging and unplugging, he is the oldest driver, no, he has the oldest experience.

Hawk Eyes can’t compare with him.

Kulo spit out the smoke and said: “Get a few people out to wash the floor, it is dirty and it looks bad, and then send some people over to see if there are any leaks in the wreckage. If you say the treasure, take the treasure back.”

“Yes, Mr. Kulo, I understand.” Kuronodded responded.

“What is going on, Kuro, next time I meet, I don’t want anyone to disturb me here. I don’t want to hear any sound. If there is another sound, you can figure it out!” Kulo glared. He glanced at Kuro and said: “The past few days have bothered me.”

Kuro pursed his mouth, lowered his head, his voice is a little weak, “Yes, Mr. Kulo…”

What else can I do? When he meets him in person, and if Mr. Kulo is annoying, then only himself will be annoying.

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