East Blue, on an island.

The golden ship approached gradually.

“This is it?”

Kulo was standing on the deck, looking at the outline of the island in front, and asked.

“Yes, Mr. Kulo, this is the place Lippa Captain said.”

Kuro nodded, said: “Swansea, the name of this island town “

After Lipa was sober, he said that the place he had visited at that time was this island called’Swansea’.

The reason is that I heard that there was a sneaky person here, like a Pirate. Out of responsibility, he came here to take a look when he was patrolling.

He was here, and he met a black robed man, and then Marine, who was on the same boat as him, all changed.

Yes, not only the plough, but also the Marine who went with him at the time.

But the problem is not big, Cass is cured.

Thinking of this, Kulo looked weirdly at Cass behind him, straight up his body, like a guard.

This big beard is really indescribable. Unconsciously, Kulo can’t understand his abilities at all.

What about the accelerating fruits that are said to be good, can this thing affect people’s minds?

If Kulo thought that Cass was only good at demonstrating, then this power can now be promoted to ability.

He can even unlock the Devil Fruit ability that can affect the mind.

Devil Fruit, that’s a mighty force called’miracle’.

Battleship’s proximity to Swansea naturally attracted the attention of the residents of the town. They gathered around the harbor and watched the glittering golden ships docked there. Then, a group of Marines came down.

“It’s Marine.”

“Why did Marine come here?”

“Forget it, it doesn’t matter, it’s a guest when you come, treat me well Let them.”

The residents each had a kind smile, and their expressions were exactly the same as the previous ploughs.

Kulo has swept the town. This place is not much different from the structure of Shelters Town. The only thing missing is the Marine base.

Vendors on both sides of the street also sell things, but after a glance, apart from apples and vegetables and other things, he did not see any meat.

“Marine, you are too rough like this!”

Suddenly, an old lady stood up, moved towards them, and said, “Your ship, docked too It’s rough, and there is life in the sea!”

She walked near Kulo and the others, suddenly bent down, and picked up a fish that was shaken out by the storm caused by the Battleship docking.

She picked up the fish and looked towards Kulo impatiently, saying: “Life is wise. If fish is short of water, it will die. This sin will appear on you, and you will have Retribution, you will have to die.”

“Hey, how do you talk, grandma.” Lida was a little upset.

Kulo waved his hand and squeezed out a smile, “Then, this old lady, how can I be rewarded.”

“Of course it is to release the fish. And from now on, I will not eat meat or kill.” The old lady said, holding the fish in her hands religiously and preparing to release, “As long as the fish is released, it will be rewarded.”

At this moment, a big hand caught the fish.

The old lady turned her head and saw that Kulo was catching the struggling fish, and she was stunned: “What do you want to do?”

“Old lady, you get a good The degree of retribution is not enough. I’ll teach you a way to maximize retribution.”

Kulo squatted down, grabbed the tail of the fish, and put the fish into the sea.

“Look, once you release a fish, you will get a good reward. The way this fish is released is to enter the sea, but to get a reward, you have to have new fish come ashore. It’s too troublesome to find fish, so why not do this.”

Kulo took the fish out and said: “You just grab this fish, keep putting it in the sea, then pick it up, and put it in again. In the sea.”

When he said this, he kept his hand and put the fish into the sea for a while and picked it up again. The fish that was slippery in the eyes of ordinary people was killed by him. Holding the fish tail, I couldn’t get rid of it.

“It goes back and forth, every day, so that you can get extraordinary rewards. When you look back, you can build a machine that can automatically rotate, tie the fish to it, and keep him in contact with the sea. , And keep coming out of the sea, so that you don’t even have to get the good news by yourself. I call it the “good news recycle machine”.”

Speaking, he picked it up. Yu, throwing it to Kikyo, said with a slight smile to the old lady: “What do you think of my method.”

“I, you…”

Old lady The wife was dumbfounded, speechless for a while.

What he said seems to be right, but in theory it is correct.

But there is always something wrong…

But she can’t figure out what’s wrong, she always feels that this Marine is quite reasonable and feasible.

Kulo no matter what the old lady is thinking about there, she narrowed her eyes slightly and shouted: “Kas.”


Kas up In the previous step, similarly, the part of Greg Marine who followed them down also moved forward, and the white enveloping air enveloped them, and then swayed forward like a shock wave.


The group of residents, as if blown by the wind, their kind expressions disappeared one by one, and their minds were restored in their eyes.

“Me, what’s the matter with me?”

A resident stared at his hands in a daze, and Satori said generally, “I am a hunter, why don’t I want to Hunting?”

“Strange, I’m a fisherman, why don’t I do it…”

“Ah…I let go of my captive livestock! hateful, why would I think that way!”

Many residents, after waking up for a moment, remembered what they did, and regretted what they had done.

“It’s OK.”

Kulo clapped his hands and stopped their words, saying: “We Marine will make up for everything you lost. Now I ask, you answer , When you became… well, weird, did you find any weird points.”

These words left a group of residents in a daze.

In the end, he was still an old man, and he stood up and said, “Master Marine, I am the mayor here. This town is usually peaceful. I haven’t been to who recently, except a year ago. After a black robed man came, he never appeared again, because this is the only stranger in recent years, so I remember it very clearly.”

A year ago?

A year ago?

Kulo frowned. What happened a year ago was too long apart, and apart from this town, they were also collecting information on their way to come, and East Blue branches found nothing unusual.

In other words, the culprit may have left East Blue a long time ago…

The world is so big, where to find such a thing.

Moreover, there does not seem to be a similar description of abilities among the criminals on the 6th floor.

This kind of, seems to be the ability to absorb the hidden negative emotions of human beings and make people single-minded for good, but he has never seen the record.

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