Kulo can be sure that the “negative emotions” have been absorbed, including Lippa.

In other words, it only retains the pure’goodness’, the’goodness’ that is like a monk.

But he can’t figure out what a person with this ability can use to deal with the residents here?

The plough should have been hit by accident before being planted with abilities.

But what’s the point?


Is there anything to test this kind of ability?

He seems to make people lose the combat capability, because the existence of the so-called “pure good” can’t get angry, can’t kill life, and even plundering life to fill the stomach is a sin.

Sounds easy to use… but for those who know Haki, this ability is a burden.

Just like the guy Luo, Ope Ope no Mi is so against the sky, it can’t affect the powerful person of Haki.

Unless he himself is strong to that level.

All fruits are like this.

Haki is like a layer of invisible armor, not just for fun, any ability, if one’s strength is not in place, can not be broken without Haki’s protection.

If the strength is in place…

It doesn’t seem to be so troublesome.

Is the ability used by this person a range type or a touch type?


Or the Illusory Beast line of animal species?

This is open to discussion.

But the only certainty is that this person is really no longer in East Blue.

Kulo stayed in East Blue for a while, making sure that he hadn’t collected any information, and set off with someone.

This person’s abilities have not affected people’s lives for the time being, and Kulo is also impossible to find such a person who is not threatening for the time being in such a big world.

This person doesn’t even have a face, and he doesn’t have an arrest warrant. Where can he look for it?

And he doesn’t have that many time.

The headquarter started to urge him.

His stay in East Blue has been long enough.

But before leaving East Blue, he still went to Bharati and booked a field so that all his subordinates could eat Bharati’s delicacies.

This also kept Bharati busy for a while.

After all, these thousands of people are here, and there is also a Great Appetite King whose battle strength is not weak at all.

After eating, Kulo entered the Grand Line through the Calm Belt and sailed towards the Red Line mainland. After reaching the Red Line mainland, he flew the ship and entered the New World for several days. After that, enter the headquarters.


“Oh~Kulo, I’m back, you go back, there are stories about the’flying golden ship’ on the sea.”

In the office, Kizaru laughed.

“You still said? What are you doing here.”

Kulo rolled his eyes, poured himself a cup of tea, and poured a cup for Kizaru. “How much do you give Bergapunk? He helps you. I will pay him double and let him change the boat back to normal.”

“That won’t work~this can be considered a kind of experiment. Passing your boat, you can just try it on the sea. In addition, Begapunk is very busy now. He is now leading the special science class’SSG’. This has been completed, and we need to enter It’s the experimental stage.”

“SSG?” Kulo was taken aback for a moment and stopped talking.

He knows this thing, World Government’s new hole cards, so that he can not fear any Pirate.

But Kulo thinks this is all nonsense.

The true powerhouse on the sea cannot be surpassed by this world science.

Issho Old Brother seems to put all hope on this, in order to abolish the Shichibukai system on Reverie.

But the old marine, including Kulo, do not support this.

Sakazuki Fleet Admiral is even more opposed.

“I can’t control that kind of stuff, but there is one thing, please help me to pay attention to whether there is anything missing on the 6th floor…”

Speaking, he put East Blue’s knowledge told the Old Master.

“Goodness? Only this thing is left…It’s very similar to Crane’s washing fruit.”

Kizaru pondered for a while and said: “But the 6-Layer ran out The guy who doesn’t seem to have this ability.”


Kulo narrowed his eyes, “There is no one who ran out. Is that something new in the past two years? Maybe I got it in East Blue, so I tried it in East Blue, then now…maybe it’s in Grand Line, or in New World, forget it, it has nothing to do with me.”

He stood up and said: “Then Old Master, I’ll go first.”

“Go to take office, be careful, Kulo, your G-3 is on the front line.” Kizaru Said.

“Of course I know.”

G-3 is more than the front line, it is the front line in the front line.

The division of power in New World is tangled and complicated, but if it is about to be divided, it can also be roughly divided.

Among Yonko, Charlotte · Linlin’s power is the most advanced in New World’s face to Marine power.

According to the map, at the back left of Charlotte Linlin, Kaido is.

To the right of Kaido, is the former Whitebeard forces and the site of the current Blackbeard.

The remaining corner is Akagami’s power.

But these forces are not a complete puzzle.

There are also as many other forces as Fanxing in their forces, and these are all Pirates that are running around in New World.

Although it is not Yonko’s opponent, it should not be underestimated.

Because no one knows when they can ban Yonko and become the new Yonko.

Under the four Great Pirates of Megatron New World, there are many powerhouses coveting there.

Some of them are not much worse than Yonko.

In contrast, the [Extremely Evil Generation] really counts nothing.

“Mr. Kulo, big news!”

Just when Kulo went out of the headquarters building and boarded his own Golden Ring, Kuro suddenly brought a few newspapers over and said : “Doflamingo resigned from Shichibukai position!”


Kulo was taken aback when he heard it, and took the newspaper and said: “He will resign from Shichibukai position? What do you open? Just kidding, this thing is better than anyone else. Shichibukai is his body protection symbol. If you lose it this way, it’s not good. Moreover, the World Government will not agree to it.”

He took the newspaper. , Glanced.

There is really news about Doflamingo’s resignation from Shichibukai. There is a photo in the newspaper that reflects Doflamingo’s annoying face.

Apart from this, this page, there are two heavy news.

“Straw Hat brat and Luo form an alliance? Target Kaido? Kid, Hawkins, and Arp also form an alliance? Target Big·mom?”

“This Straw Hat is still alive and kicking there. Ah, I thought he would cultivate for a while.”

Luffy was cut by Kulo, and the damage was not light. Now he is still jumping around…

“Ro? Did you meet him? So I was rescued.”

Kulo threw the paper away, disdaining Issho: “But with them, I want to challenge Yonko too? Is Yonko so unpretentious? Where did they have the courage to pick them out, so what is Marine, a joke?”

Marine and Yonko have been confronting each other for so many years. The whole army was dispatched, and not all of it remained.

Just this little thief who just entered the world, can he overturn Yonko?

If Yonko were so weak, then Marine would have done it a long time ago.

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