At that speed, you will be here soon.

Even if it’s too late to leave, Marine still needs to rectify. With their rectification efforts, Shiki has come over. He can’t expect Shiki to not be Haki, right?

Moreover, there are still people on this island.

“Calm down, calm down!”

Kulo breathes deeply, facing this famous Great Pirate, he must think about it.

You can’t expect him to be the same as the protagonist group, if God helps him.

To count on that kind of thing, it is better to count on a thunder to smash the old bastard to death. You still have to slash it directionally. It won’t work if you slash it, and it will definitely be smashed to death.

However, Kulo is not too afraid to face a known opponent.

What humans think is the most dangerous, of course, is unknown.

This is also the reason why Kulo feels that he is not strong enough, and does not want to go to Grand Line, not to mention the reason why he does not want to go to New World.

There are too many strange Ability Users.

sword technique A barrier ability that even the gods cannot cut.

A touch can make people fall back ten years of regressive ability.

Also touch the ability that can make people a toy.

Or the ability to make people smaller and older.

The ability to be extremely depressed when worn by a ghost.

This is the power of miracles. It can only effectively strike the Ability User body to be the best. The strike ability? No one can do that kind of thing.

Above the sea, there are not only these treacherous abilities, there should be even more treacherous abilities.

There are also those powerhouses that are almost destroying heaven and extinguishing earth.

These are things that Kulo doesn’t want to encounter, and he is too weak.

But now that I can’t escape, the known is better than the unknown.

You can still operate a wave.

“Let me think about it, Shiki is now in his seventies and eighties. As he grows older, his physical fitness will decline.”

The older the older, the stronger?

Stop it.

When you get old, your physical fitness will definitely decline.

“And he has disappeared for 20 years, that is, he has not used force in 20 years. There is no major impact, and the combat experience will degrade a lot.”

“I remember this guy’s head He also inserted a rudder to affect his Haki performance. Haoshoku should be gone, and Kenbunshoku will degenerate a lot.”

“And my current strength, Old Master is right, I am Admiral alternates, there is a gap between Admiral and Yonko, but now Shiki, there is a gap between them.”

Kulo squinted, “I can control a wave!”

In fact, he wants to Go, actually don’t want to stay.

However, Shiki is obviously close in perception.

Can’t go!

If you passively wait for Shiki to come over, then you have to worry about your subordinates and civilians when fighting, and when they fight in front of them, victory or defeat will be known, which is not in line with the original intention.

Then there is only one choice!

“Leda, Kuro, follow me!”

Kulo gritted his teeth, “Let’s meet the legendary Great Pirate!”

“No, that’s Shiki.”

Leda has a weird face, yelled: “You are going to deal with him?!”

“That, I can stay and rectify Marine and civilians Do you think they need me.”

Kuro raised his hand.

He doesn’t want to go at all.

“Do you think I want to go?!”

Kulo glared at Kuro, “I don’t care if I go, you have to keep up, I can’t be safe anymore, you still want Calm and dream!”

“Furthermore, your battle strength is enough, one more person has one more battle strength.”

Speaking, Kulo stepped on the air, Step directly out of the wall that was smashed by the slash, turned into an afterimage, and flew out.

Leda sighed, “Across the sea…it’s so troublesome, I’m going to be hungry again.”

She straightened the small snack backpack on her back and stepped on Geppo followed along.

Kuro has no choice but to step on Geppo into the air and step towards the sea.

Geppo is the most practical style among Rokushiki. As long as you have enough physical strength, no one will stop you from stepping on from East Blue to headquarter.

But basically no one is so boring, and no one has so much physical strength.

Kulo Kenbunshoku kept perceiving Shiki’s position as he felt, stepping on the air above the sea and rushing forward.

Above East Blue, there are several huge islands. The islands are connected together to form a floating Skypiea island group. On the largest island, there is a royal palace.

In the palace, an elderly man with a sassy golden hair, a rudder on his head, and a cigar in his mouth smiled.

“Oh? The meteorite I controlled, was it destroyed by humans?”

He can naturally perceive the island controlled by him. Now the volume of the island is gone, that is Was destroyed.

“I just saw a town and wanted to destroy it, forget it. Didn’t expect a surprise. Is there a powerhouse?”

The man sitting on the throne , With a grinning smile: “East Blue’s powerhouse, it must be very interesting to destroy!”

He doesn’t think it can be destroyed by artillery. The island is so big that ordinary shells can’t do it. , And the island he dropped by himself was destroyed in an instant.

Puff, puff, puff, puff…

An extremely weird, fart-like footstep sounded.

“Master Shiji, we observed three people approaching.”

The man had a clown face that looked like a whitewashed face. He raised his hand and faced the wall. A projection was lifted, and above the projection, it was the scene where the Kulo trio stepped in the air and gradually approached here.

Shiki’s eyes widened and he said unbelievably: “Eh, can fly?!”


“It’s Geppo!”

Indiego gave Shiki a bit and said: “Master Shiji, it’s Marine.”

“Marine? Marine ah…”

Shiki looked at the projection. “Did we be discovered by Marine?”

“Yes, but these Marines seem to want to find out.” Indiego said with a smile.


Ski laughed boldly: “The youngster is so courageous now that he dares to come here, hey, Indiego, when will IQ be available? All finished!”

“Soon, Master Shiji.” Indiego said with a smile.

Shi Jiluo said with a smile: “Then let’s have a starter, let these youngsters remember again, Shiki’s fear belongs to me!”

“Twenty years, Twenty years, and soon, World Government, Marine…the highest war and fear are coming soon!!!”

He spent twenty years for this IQ creature, and now It’s about to succeed soon!

“Roger, the Sea Territory where you were born will be destroyed by me. Well, it is best to pay tribute to you, although it is twenty years late.”

“Kulo, there is an island there, it’s so big!”

In the sky, Leda stepped on Geppo and jumped in the air very quickly, and soon she pointed to the air A huge group of floating Skypiea screamed in surprise.

“It’s really big…”

Kuro looked towards the sky, swallowed saliva, it’s more than big, large and small island groups are connected together , The big island in the center is still surrounded by sea water, and the floating Sea Territory is formed in a daze!

“The Fruit Ability User is really a monster!”

Kulo swore, speeding up.

The precognition can freeze the sea surface to the extent that it can be frozen to a distance of four or five days for a person to walk.

Now this Old Guy floats directly on the sea.

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