
Kulo stepped in the air, still holding his hands, opened Den Den Mushi on his wrist, and dialed Kizaru’s number was passed.

“Old Master, don’t surprise me this time!”

As we get closer and closer to the island, Kulo vacated and landed on the nearest island of the island group These large and small floating Skypiea Islands are connected by the same floating Sea Territory. There are still some boats on the sea.

It is Pirate Ship.

Leda looked around and sighed: “There are so many islands. I was too far away and felt small. I landed and took a look. They are so big.”

Kuro is on guard. Zhi Lu opened the suitcase and brought the cat’s claw’Ten Blades’.

This is Shiki’s island, and we must keep a vigilant mind.

This legendary Great Pirate has many means.

“Hello? Hello?”



Kizaru opened the black Den Den Mushi on his wrist and kept replying.

But there was no sound for a long time.

He scratched his head, his mouth pursed in a magical arc, “It’s strange, there is no sound.”



Kulo hung up Den Den Mushi and rolled his eyes.

The ball is finished.

This Old Master’s old problem can’t be corrected, and he can’t be counted on.


The place where they landed is in a jungle, so they heard a roar from the jungle.

A huge spotted bear sprang from the jungle with a ferocious look and drooling, shouting at the three of them.

The shape of this bear is very strange. It is not the kind of well-proportioned limbs. Its lower limbs are very short, but its two arms are unusually long, especially the bear’s paw, which is very large.

“Ah, bear!”

Leda’s eyes flashed, “What a big bear paw!”

Kulo glanced at the bear, “This The bear can’t eat.”


The zebra bear roared, stood upright, and rushed towards the three of them.

Kuro pushed down the glasses, the body flashed, and appeared behind the zebra bear in the next instant.

“Shigan Claws!”

The five brilliances fell from the top, breaking open the back of the spotted bear, the claw blade cut through the skin, and a mass of blood burst out.

Kuro pushed down his glasses again, but didn’t even look at the spotted bear, “trifling one…”


The spotted bear eats Turning back in pain, a paw threw it over.



The giant claw of the Zebra bear smashed into Kuro’s original location and caught a huge gully, while Kuro flashed into the distance, with a cold sweat on his forehead.

This skin is too thick, and how can it be so powerful.

Buck’s disguise form is not much better than that of Buck’s last time he fought.

But it is a Great Pirate with more than 300 million people, what is this?


Kuro just wanted to continue his attack, suddenly eyes shrank, “Geppo!”

He stomped into the air, and saw a trail behind him The strong wind hit, and a big, ill-formed leopard pounced from behind him to its original position.

“Rankyaku · Claw Lan!”

Kuro’s body swooped down, slashes floated from the claw blades, and directly slashed on the leopard’s back.



The leopard cried out in pain, his body was bent, and five extremely deep wounds appeared on its back.

However, the leopard did not lose its battle strength. When Kuro attacked it, it suddenly turned around, and the leopard’s tail stood up and turned around, sweeping the Kuro attached to the air like a steel whip.


Kuro was swept away by a blow. At this time, the spotted bear also let out a roar. The huge body showed an extraordinary speed, and an afterimage flashed out and jumped instantly. In the direction Kuro flew out, both claws were held high and grabbed at once.


Kuro clenched the teeth, hurriedly stopped his body in the air, stepped on Geppo to jump higher into the sky before the paw fell, and hurried a few hops Going over the head of Zebra Bear, moved towards Kulo and jumped over.


Landing high in the air, Kuro half-kneeled on the ground with one hand, with a trace of blood flowing out of the corner of his mouth.

“roar! ”

The leopard on the opposite side was crawling on the ground, snarling at Kuro, still very angry, as if he was not injured.

“Are you kidding?” Kuro couldn’t talk.

That was enough to dent the steel, not to mention killing the leopard. After the hit, the leopard still has the strength to fight back? !

Leda saw some differences, “These animals are a bit different.”

Leda ate it, no, she has traveled that many years and she has seen many animals. Lida has also seen this spotted bear and leopard. They are the ordinary animals of East Blue that’s all. The only difference is that they are a little bigger and more fierce than ordinary animals.

She knows the strength of Kuro very well. It should be very easy to deal with such animals, but he actually suffers.

“It seems to be some kind of medicine…The medicine extracted from the plants on the island and tampering with the researched medicine can make ordinary animals huge and violent. Leda, don’t mess with things on this island Eat, don’t touch any of them, the ghost knows if there is a risk of infection.”

It’s too long, and Kulo can’t remember the name of the potion, but he remembers it was extracted from plants on the island, so It’s better not to let Lida touch things here.


The zebra bear fell on the ground, instead of roaring at the Kuro and the others in the distance, but behaved fiercely at the leopard closest to it.

The leopard roared back and began to circle around the zebra bear, seeming to find a chance to attack.

“Trifling animal, dare to ignore me!”

Kuro wiped the blood from his mouth, his half-kneeling body leaned forward, turning into a swooping shape, both of his hands crossed Get up, put the claw blades on your shoulders one left and right, and whisper: “Soru Soru!”


A touch of smoke and dust exploded from the spot, next moment , Cold glow flashed from between the spotted bear and the leopard, and in front of them, each exploded five radiances.

“Xiong Lan!”

chi!! !

The frontal body of the zebra bear showed five huge wounds with deep visible bones. It was about to be torn into several pieces, while the leopard’s head was directly chopped into several pieces, and the blood soared. , The two animals fell to the ground, silent.

Kuro appeared in front of the two animals, with his hands spread out like a bear hug.

“tsk tsk, do these animals actually achieve this level?”

Lida looked serious in her eyes.

She and Kulo train Kuro every day.

Kuro, who has mastered Rokushiki and developed derivative techniques based on it, is not weak.

Rokushiki is proficient and knows Kenbunshoku. If the credit factor is removed, Captain will not run if it is released now, and Commodore is not impossible.

If you become Pirate and remove the factors that influence the addition of Pirates, you will have 70 to 80 million bounty gold.

With such strength, we must be serious when dealing with two animals.

And on this small island…

Leda turned on Kenbunshoku, felt it, and opened her eyes wide, “A lot, Kulo.”

Lida felt a lot of the ominous beast on the island, and even more powerful than these two.

This is just an island…

Kulo looked up towards the big island in the center, bared his teeth and said: “old bastard has disappeared for twenty years, do this The degree is not unusual.”

Kulo understands this very well.

Be prepared to be safe and secure.

Here, Shiki is really experienced.

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