Pirate of dance on platform looks ugly one by one. Look at me and I look at you. The captain tremblingly said: “We, we are Pirate, we are going to rob Your kingdom, take it… and die.”

That looks, reluctant, as if it was not an actor, but came to the stage under pressure by something.

“Come on, hateful Pirate!”

Prince amusement took an exaggerated pose, pulled out the rapier, and fought against the Pirates. Those Pirate moves Very awkward, every time the sword is swung down, it is much slower, as if being slowed down.

And the amusement Prince dances in this center. Every time the rapier clashes with Pirate’s weapon, it makes a crisp sound, which seems to have been enhanced by sound effects, spread on the square, and heard by the audience. .

It is a pure performance.

Just this so-called’stage play’, can it spread in East Blue for so long, and can it be regarded as an idol by the public?

Kulo puffed out a smoke ring and shook his head helplessly.

The amusement Prince turned around in Pirate like a dance. I don’t know how many times. The Pirates were unbeatable and knelt down one by one. It looked like that, anyway, Kulo looked physically strong enough, but Have to put on a look of exhaustion.

The narration sounded.

“Prince defeated Pirate who looted Morgati, but the kind-hearted His Highness the Prince only punished the first evil and spared the rest of Pirate.”

Playing Prince Putting away the sword, took out a fired gun, pointed at the pirate captain, exaggeratedly sighed: “Pirate, I am so kind, I can’t bear to see the death of life, but I must also give my people a Explain. So, Captain, give your life and apologize for my people.”

The captain was stunned looking at the black hole of the amusement Prince pointed at him. He didn’t finish. Seeing Prince amusement pull the trigger.

Boom! ! !

The gun sounded, flying with a ball of blood in his eyebrows, and the captain, with an expression of disbelief, lay down on Wu on platform.

This scene made Kulo’s three pupils shrink slightly.

“Hey, Kulo.” Leda yelled.

“Mr. Kulo, that was a real gun. The captain was executed.” Kuro said slowly.

“Ah…I saw it.”

Kulo smacked the cigar on his lips, “The kingdom caught Pirate and executed Pirate. That’s their business, but… .”

He looked at the fanatical expressions of the people around him. He didn’t seem to be moved, panicked or surprised by the dead person, as if he was used to it.

Is it fake?


The remaining Pirate obviously didn’t expect this situation. One of the Pirate complexion ashen stood up and was about to start with the amusement Prince. That narrator, Sounded again.

“The kind-hearted His Highness the Prince forgave the other Pirates, and the Pirates were impressed by the kindness and charm of His Highness the Prince and were willing to work for His Highness the Prince. His Highness the Prince agreed to Pirate Pirates have been redeemed, and they have experienced happiness that they have never experienced in life.”

The body of Pirate who was just about to start his hands suddenly stagnated, and with the voice of the narration, his face was happy. With a smile, put down the weapon in his hand and stood beside the amusement Prince in a standing posture.

The other Pirates also abruptly hung up a layer of happiness, standing next to the amusement Prince in the same posture.

“In this way, the amusement Prince conquered Pirate, and the Pirates voluntarily handed over the plundered treasure to His Highness the Prince. With this wealth, His Highness the Prince built Morgati and brought poverty Morgati, has become a famous city of pleasure.”

The small town full of ears of rice in the painting gradually dimmed, and those ears of rice began to shrink. Instead, they rose from the ground. Castles, and those tall and luxurious buildings.

“Sorrowful people, happy, desperate people, and hope. The dream of His Highness the Prince has finally come true!”

With the voice of the narration, Prince enjoys the turn Turning around, facing the audience, condescendingly looking down.

The canvases on both sides gradually closed the screen, and the body of the captain was also closed together.

Prince moved towards the amusement Prince moved towards The audience bowed slightly, with a smile on their faces.

“Ahhh! His Highness the Prince!”

An aristocratic girl who is not Morgart screamed, with a happy smile on her face.” I want to join Morgati, I want to be happy in Morgati!”

It is not a minority like her.

One by one seemed to be possessed, screaming frantically at the amusement Prince above.

“His Highness the Prince!”

There was also a shout from behind Kulo.

The Marines behind them all looked forward to their faces, and some of them simply expressed’happy’ emotions and screamed at the high-on platform amusement Prince.

Kulo was expressionless, and silently spit out smoke.

“Oh Ho Ho, Master Marine, how about our stage play of His Highness the Prince?”

Siva turned around at the right time and asked Kulo them.

The sergeant behind him took the lead to speak: “His Highness the Prince is really name is not in vain, ah, the happy country of Morgati, I really want to join it, but I’m Marine, it seems I can only wait to come here after retirement.”

“Me too, but I can let my family come and settle here, I feel very happy.” A sergeant who spoke.

Kulo thought for a while and replied: “Ah… a great stage play, I long for it. If I settle here in the future, it will be very good.”

” That’s really an honor.”

Siwa smiled and said to Kulo: “Then, the stage play is over, do you want to continue playing here or go back to rest.”

Kulo reignited a cigar and unconsciously wiped Leda with his elbow.

Next moment, Lida pulled Kulo’s sleeve and said: “Kulo, I’m tired, let’s go back and rest.”

“You’re tired, okay, Then let’s go to rest.” Kulo nodded.

“Then I will lead the way for you.”

Siwa bowed to them and led the way first and took Kulo to the commercial street, where there is a special accommodation local.

“So, today’s journey is pleasant, if the Marine adults want to play tomorrow, I Siva will be waiting at the door.”

Bring people to the hotel, Siva He saluted them and said with a smile on his face.

“Thanks for your hard work, today.” Kulo said to him.

“It is right to work for a guest, no matter what his status.” Siva said with a smile: “Then, please allow me to leave first.”

Siva speaks , Quitted silently.

Kulo watched his back disappear, and with a more contented smile, he entered the hotel and opened three rooms. As soon as he entered his room, his face became heavy. Come down.

But after a while, Leda and Kuro walked in tacitly.

“What’s the situation?”

Kulo was smoking a cigar and looking at everything in this room. There are no windows in this room, only ventilation devices. It seems that I can’t see the street view outside.

“Marines still have willpower, they will obey orders and are now guarding at the outside door, but…”

Kuro pushed down his glasses, “I don’t know anymore. They are still talking about Morgati and Prince amusement.”

Leda sat on the sofa casually, eating with potato chips in her hand, “Obviously infected. Really, I thought What’s a good place, it turned out to be just a fool who uses abilities.”

Kulo breathed out smoke and slowly said: “Use ability to force a change of will, that’s a crime.”

Ability User.

After those Pirates who had just danced on the platform suddenly laughed like their faces changed, Kulo discovered the clue.

Because he himself felt a kind of groggy and the urge to stay in this place.

He didn’t get the shot, neither did Leda and Kuro. Instead, his subordinates were all shot.

“Especially if you dare to attack Marine, tut…”

I think of the little girl who was in a negative mood before…

“This Morgati is weird.”

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