Siwa walked all the way, crossed the commercial street, returned to the playground, and entered the castle held by layers of guards.

The inside of the castle is bright, like daylight.

It is a very spacious avenue, on both sides stand armored guards who don’t know whether it is a sculpture or a daoist. At the end of the avenue is a tall staircase. Above the stairs are three thrones, two thrones behind, and one The throne is in front.

The throne at the back it’s empty, only the throne at the front, sitting lazily in a silhouette.

Siwa walked step by step until he reached the bottom of the ladder, and suddenly waved the large cloak, revealing a strong muscle.

He is not thin at all, but full of power. Instead of smiling, he is full of seriousness.

Siwa one-knee kneels, bowed his head toward the throne, “His Highness the Prince.”

The man above is the amusement Prince, he lazily supported with his hands Looking towards the head, looked towards Siwa.

“Oh…Siwa, how about those Marines.”

“His Highness the Prince’s charm, no one can stop it.” Siwa said solemnly.

“It’s also…”

Prince of amusement took out the mirror, stroked his hair with his hand, and said to himself in the mirror intoxicated: “Because I am so possessed Charm, in terms of charm, no one is my opponent.”

“Yes, no one is our opponent of His Highness the Prince.”

Inside the palace, suddenly came There were two people, one of whom was Kai Shao who he saw during the day. He had already taken off his cloak at this time, revealing a dark guard uniform.

The other is wearing a white coat and a very small round sunglasses. Most of his eyes are exposed. He has a wicked smile. He is very thin, but very tall, looking like one bamboo.

Below the two steps, they knelt down towards the amusement Prince.

“pay respects to His Highness the Prince.”

“You are here…”

Amusement Prince nodded said: “Speaking of which, that Did the little girl find it.”

Kai Shao shook his head: “Already mobilizing manpower, but the poor…the relief area is too big, I don’t know where to hide.”

Amusement Prince said: “As soon as possible, there are still two years away from Reverie. During this time, the World Government will check if Morgati is eligible to participate in Reverie, and don’t let that little girl spoil her child.”

Kai Shao lowered his head, “Understood.”

“Dr. Akasi, how is the pill done.” You Le Prince looked towards the third person.

Dr. Akasi leaned over and smiled wickedly: “My honorable master, the production process of the’Happy Pill’ is complete, and it can be shipped at any time.”

“What about the quality of the goods.” Prince Yule asked.

“Underground World is full of praise, after all, this is a Divine Item for forgetting troubles.” Dr. Akasi said.

“Very well, let’s mix with the latest batch of grain.”

Prince of amusement stood up, moved towards the void in front of him, grabbed his fist, and clenched his fist, “Mr. Let me work together to make Morgati better!”

The three of them bowed their heads and said together: “Yes.”


The commercial street at night is obviously not as popular as it is during the day.

Morgarti is basically closed at night. The playground has been closed, and most shops in the commercial street have also closed. The fairy tales and joy that the little child wants are already missing.

However, it also has adult fairy tales and joy.

Kulo decided to explore, this Morgati is too weird, too’criminal’, for nothing else, just because the commercial street at night is full of’criminal’, he acts as justice Marine, it must be a good probe to investigate these evils.

He is not Saint, so how could he not play in such a fun place.

But now, there is a stumbling block.

“Where are you going?” Lida looked carefully, and she had some questions.

“Of course, it’s to investigate evil. This Morgati is so weird. As Marine, as the incarnation of justice, he must explore it.” Kulo was very righteous.

“You’re right, Kuro.”

Kuro pushed down his glasses and rolled his head, with a rare blush on his face.

“Yes, Mr. Kulo, as Marine, I want to investigate sin.”


Leda raised her eyebrows and said in disbelief “When have you been so diligent?”

“As that said, I’m Marine. You go back to bed obediently. It’s not suitable to take you with you at night. You still have your tasks during the day.” Kulo looked towards Leda.


Leda was nodded in doubt and turned around and was about to leave.


Suddenly, Kulo made a voice, “Leda, follow me.”

“en? Are you taking me there? “Lida turned around without knowing it.

Kuro’s eyes opened wide, what’s the matter, Kulo wants to take Lida to experience an adult fairy tale?

Although she is an adult, Kuro knows that Kulo has never regarded her as an adult.

Immediately, Kuro looked towards Kulo with a look of rubbish.

“Let’s do it first…”

Kulo turned and looked towards a direction, took out his cigar and lit it, “The more concerned people seem to have come. “


In the alley of the commercial street, a little girl ran in the dark.


She ran into a trash can, and she couldn’t help but rushed to the ground. With this flutter, the trash can covered her entire thin body.

“Where did she go!”

At the entrance of the alley, a team of guards just rushed out. After looking around, they moved towards the front chase.

After waiting for a while, the little girl opened the trash can cautiously, and looked around, confirming that there was no one, and then relaxed.

She tightened the things in her arms and took a look. It was a tattered cloth bag with a few hard buns that had been bitten in.

“There is… still there.”

As if looking at some precious baby, the little girl closed the cloth bag and carried it into her arms.

She found the buns from the trash.

This street is the only place where she can find food.

She didn’t dare to approach the playground, the goal was too obvious.

“With these foods, you can… let father Mama eat something, you have to eat something, or you will die.” The little girl strengthened her conviction and stood up and was preparing Go to the alley.


But at this moment, a voice rang from behind him.

A group of shadows enveloped the little girl by the lights of the commercial street.

She turned her head stiffly and saw Kai Shao wearing a cloak and a high hat, and a group of guards behind her.

“Is hide-and-seek fun? Little girl, I just wanted to catch it casually, but my Royal Highness gave an order, we can only wait here.”

Kay Shao Slowly Stepping closer, staring at the girl condescendingly: “After all, you have nowhere to go except this street.”

The little girl hugged subconsciously, stepped back, and seemed to react to something. , Staring at Kai Shao angrily: “You devil!”

“Ah…Sure enough, I didn’t take pills.”

Kay Shao extend the hand, “Come on , Behaved, come with me, after being relieved by your highness, you will not have these messy emotions, and be a happy person to live this life.”

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