Pirates: Control Thunder and Lightning

Chapter 428: : The fisherman is fearless

After saying goodbye to Zefa and others, Nicholas continued to fly towards the North Sea. In the new world, even if you were in the air, the speed could not be raised sometimes.

After all, there are too many abnormal climates in the New World. For example, not long ago, Nicholas encountered a meteor shower, and the power was even comparable to the scene he saw when he went to the New World from Fishman Island. It can be said to burn the mountains and boil the sea.

For this reason, Nicholas had to temporarily stop and rest on an island temporarily, waiting for the natural disaster to pass.

And since it was getting late, Nicholas also planned to take this opportunity to take a good rest and adjust his state. After all, Beihai is already in chaos. The ghost knows that Jiazhi will not be able to stand it when he goes there. If he is caught Now, I will inevitably have to start with Kaido or the navy.

Just as Nicholas was roasting around the campfire a goat meat that was bestowed on a tree by vines.

Suddenly, there was a movement in the depths of the jungle that could scare ordinary people to death.

The sound was unclear at first, but it was vaguely audible, and Nicholas didn't care. After all, it was a forest, and it was normal for a little movement at night.

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Even when Nicholas was on Earth, he encountered strange things while fishing at night.

At that time, when he was thinking about whether he could catch a big catch tonight, a woman's painful and mourning voice suddenly came from the woods behind him.

Originally, Nicholas didn't care, but after another big load of at least 30 pounds was shocked, Nicholas couldn't sit still anymore.

He put the fishing rod in front of the spiritual monument next to him, and after saying hello, Nicholas took the incense burner of 'good brother' and touched the source of the sound.

As a result, when he came to the place where the sound came, Nicholas was almost scared to pee. Behind a big tree, there was a monster with a woman's upper body in front and a man's upper body in the back.

The man in the back had a ferocious upper body, while the woman in front was in considerable pain and kept wailing.

Seemingly aware of Nicholas' arrival, the men and women of the terrifying monster looked in the direction of Nicholas in unison.

Aware of the danger, Nicholas immediately ran back to his fishing pit and began to make a nest. After all, how can dirty things be scary to the Air Force?

In my last life, I was not afraid of ordinary fishing when I was old, and now I have no reason to be afraid.

But as time went by, that kind of rustling movement gradually approached, and it seemed that someone was talking.

"Jennifer, are you sure the treasure you're talking about is here? Why didn't I see anything?"

"Don't worry, I got this from the 800-pound fat man. It is said that his ancestors had a great pirate. If it wasn't for this treasure map, would my mother be crushed by that 800-pound fat man?"

"Hey hey, who doesn't know the name of your anti-stress Wang Jennifer, let alone 800 jin, even if it is 1000 jin, you can easily bear it."

Deep in the woods, the voices of a man and a woman were gradually heard clearly.

The two seem to be here for the treasure.

At this time, another man's voice sounded in the cold wind: "The pair of dogs and men have already been fooled. We will start when they find the treasure."

At this time, another voice came, with a hint of indifference, saying: "These guys who know the secrets of our navy must be destroyed humanely. We can't let the scandals in the navy spread out!"

The voices of these people got closer and closer, and they kept walking towards where Nicholas was. Finally, they stopped near Nicholas and stopped talking, only the sound of the cold wind blowing the leaves in the night.

A smile suddenly appeared on Nicholas's face, who had already swept out of the domineering.


Suddenly, there was a loud shout from the depths of the woods!

"Who is eavesdropping!"

After shouting, the woods returned to calm, only the sound of leaves sang.

And just when Nicholas was still leaning on the mutton, it seemed that he was not affected at all.

A pale face suddenly appeared above the dense canopy in the distance. Through the dense foliage, this face peeped at Nicholas who was roasting by the fire.

The sound of the wind suddenly stopped, and the night became dead silent and quiet.

And just as the human face was watching Nicholas carefully, Nicholas, who was sitting cross-legged by the fire, turned his head along the peeping gaze.

Facing Nicholas' gaze, the pale face was obviously startled.

And Nicholas also saw the whole picture of the pale face.

To be precise, the body of the pale face is a huge bird with a ferocious face, and the pale face is just a picture on its chest.

The bird's body was as black as ink, and if you didn't pay attention in the dark, all you would see would be the pale human face.

At this moment, the bird was tilting its head and looking at this big living man who suddenly appeared in its territory.

It seemed that Nicholas was not a threat. Like the guys it hunted, the bird flapped its wings and charged directly towards Nicholas with a harsh sound.

A pair of sharp claws even flashed coldly in the moonlight.

The bird was very ferocious, and as soon as it shot, it planned to kill the prey in front of it.

And the speed of the bird was very fast~www.readwn.com~ It was almost a blink of an eye, and it was already close to Nicholas within three meters, and the sharp claws were about to grab the back of Nicholas' skull.

A flash of lightning suddenly appeared out of thin air, directly staggering one of the ominous bird, and then Nicholas spread his fingers, and as the lightning flashed, he directly pinched the ominous bird's neck.

And then pressed it to the ground.

The human-faced bird was struggling with the flutter of electricity, and human voices continued to come out of the bird's beak.

"Brother, do you not like me?"

"I bought a small windmill, huhu~."

"Help! Don't kill me!"

"Um... why not?"

"You are so cruel!"

"There is a ghost! Where is the ghost? Where is the ghost. Where is it? Behind you!"

It seems that the bird was a little flustered because of the transfer, and the conversation turned into another person's voice.

"Young 嚯 嚯 Sex's wine to you next to you like the sea breeze to break the waves."

"He Fang rat, dare to peep secretly! Look at me... what am I doing?"

Looking at the ominous bird in his hand that kept making various sounds in his mouth, Nicholas couldn't help but look surprised: "There are many strange things in the new world, but even this kind of sound can be learned so vividly that it can mimic the real tongue. It's the first time I've seen it, isn't this something as rare as a dead fish's mouth?"

And even if it was caught by Nicholas, the eyes of this ominous bird were still very fierce, and even if the body was not bound by lightning, it is estimated that Nicholas would have been ruthless with its sharp beak.

Although this bird is very fierce, but after Nicholas's three-minute humanized electrotherapy, it immediately slumped on the ground and began to rot.

After all, you can't beat it, you can't escape, and you can't escape.

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