Pirates: Control Thunder and Lightning

Chapter 429: : 7 Wuhai Recruitment

And just as the ominous bird was rotten, suddenly a piece of roasted and fragrant mutton was handed to it with a stick stuck in it.

Nicholas also wanted to test how well the ominous bird could imitate.

"Take a lama from the south, with five jins of sole in his hand. From the north, a mute comes with a trumpet attached to his waist. The lama from the south will exchange his sole for the trumpet of the mute who doesn't have a trumpet in the north, mute. Not willing to exchange the trumpet for the sole of the lama, the lama insisted on changing the trumpet for the dumb trumpet of another trumpet.

The lama raised his sole and slapped the trumpet, and the dumb one sole, the dumb took off the trumpet and slapped the Tila sole lama. I don't know that the lama of the purpose of Tila sole hit the trumpet and the mute one sole, and that the mute of the other trumpet hit the lama of the purpose of Tila sole. Lama stewed sole. The mute blew the trumpet. "

In the face of Nicholas' words, the rotten bird did not respond at all, just stared at the mutton in front of him.

In the face of this behavior of placing rotten birds, Nicholas directly received a wave of electrotherapy, and when the electricity placed the rotten birds, the feathers of the birds exploded.

When Nicholas repeated it again, and the rotten bird still didn't respond, he received a wave of electrotherapy again. After Nicholas repeated it for the third time, he realized that if he didn't respond a little, the rotten bird who would probably turn into a roasted bird also followed. Imitate Nicholas talking about tongue twisters.

At the beginning, I was a little stumbling, but after a few times, I realized that this rotten bird became more and more vigorous after I didn't need to be shocked, and even began to repeat the lama and the dumb, and when I finished speaking the tongue twister completely , looked at the rotten bird that was handed to him and swallowed it, then tilted his head to look at Nicholas.

It seems to think that it has discovered something incredible, and it seems that as long as the two-legged beast is repeated, not only will it not be electrocuted, but it will even eat delicious food.

Looking at the rotten bird with some anticipation in his eyes, Nicholas is also interested. Tongue twisters of this difficulty are difficult to set the rotten bird, so make it more difficult?

"Old man Lu, who is 66 years old, built 66 buildings, bought 66 crates of oil, raised 66 cows, and planted 66 weeping willows. Sixty-six crates of oil were piled in Sixty-six buildings, sixty-six cows, tied to sixty-six weeping willows. Suddenly a gust of wind blew down the sixty-six buildings, overturned sixty-six baskets of oil, and broke sixty-six trees. Weeping willows, smashed to death sixty-six cows, and made the sixty-six-year-old old man Lu."

As a result, the voices of Liu Lao Liu and Lu Lao Liu began to sound in the quiet forest.

Early the next morning, a pirate ship sailing in the new world suddenly heard a movement overhead.

"Hey, did you hear that?"

"What did you hear?"

Just as the two pirates stared at each other, there was a sudden burst of sound from the sky.

"The ash of the blackened black-ash fertilizer will volatilize and turn gray, and the flowers will fly back, and the ashing, gray-black fertilizer will volatilize and turn black and gray, and the flying flowers will turn into ashes!

Red carp, green carp and donkey!

Khan, take us one more charge!

Chen ( ) you ( ) when ( ) ah?

I'm from Donghai, Donghai Windmill Town..."

The demonic voice, and quickly flew towards the direction close to the windless belt of the North Sea.

Only the two pirates looked at each other.

North Sea.


The gust of wind engulfed the dark clouds, and thunder and lightning like a giant snake flickered in the clouds, on and off.

The wind howled, and waves of monstrous waves were set off on the sea. Between these violent waves, even the giant ship seemed extremely small.

On the deck of the giant ship, a pirate in the uniform of the Hundred Beast Pirates looked up at the sky full of thunder and clouds, with a helpless expression on his face.

"It's really bad luck to be assigned to rotate on the deck in such bad weather."

"Well, it's true that all the unlucky people are on the deck in this weather."

On the other side, a pirate who was also wearing a pirate group uniform first wiped off the sea water that had been blown to his face by the gust of wind, and then echoed.

Obviously in this kind of weather, in the cabin and on the deck are completely two worlds.

At this moment, a huge black figure emerged from the dark cloud and turned into a tall human figure on the deck and came over.

"Do your best."

The two members of the Hundred Beasts Pirates who were guarding the gate looked at the figure striding forward, and immediately restrained their expressions and greeted them respectfully.

Glancing at the two of them, he asked, "Is there any news about the young master Yamato yet?"

The two looked at each other subconsciously, and immediately shook their heads at the same time.



After seeing this, he didn't say any more, and walked past the two of them towards the cabin.

a few days ago.

Kraingana Island, an island that has been abandoned for countless years.

Most of the time, there is always a mist on the island.

On the island, there are architectural relics left over from the war, as well as various rusted weapons.

A relatively complete castle, standing among the abandoned buildings, is very eye-catching.

Here, it is the residence of Shichibukai Hawkeye Mihawk.

As he is determined to become the world's greatest swordsman, unless he needs to go out to sea to challenge some well-known swordsmen, he will basically stay here all the time, tempering his swordsmanship.

in the castle restaurant.

Putting the apron aside, Mihawk sat on the main seat of the long dining table, holding a glass of red wine in his hand.

On the dining table in front of him was an open envelope.


Hawkeye looked down at the letter and said nothing.

The content of the letter is very simple, but it is of great significance. Since the establishment of the Shichibukai system, this is the first call to the Shichibukai.


Hawkeye took a sip of red wine and made a decision in just a moment.

After all, it was the first time he was recruited, not to mention that the identity of Qiwuhai had indeed brought him a lot of convenience, so he had to go there anyway.

After a while.

The sound of the castle gate being closed came from the forest.

A figure carrying a long knife like a cross walked towards the coast in the misty forest.

In the forest, all the baboons holding various weapons and fighting each other stopped moving ~www.readwn.com~ with awe-inspiring eyes, watching the figure drift away.

"The Guard is Here"

When the figure disappeared, the baboons fought again. Obviously, for these guys, fighting was one of the few fun to kill time.

The North Sea, the world government member country, the Kingdom of Kistad.

As one of the World Government member states, the Kingdom of Kistad has become an important naval base in the North Sea.

hours later.

Several warships arrived at the port.

A gangway stretched out from the warship and was placed on the shore.

The navy headed by Garp went ashore one by one along the gangway.

"It's a 'scare' sight."

After seeing that the other side of the port also arrived at the Qiwuhai Sea, Kisumu said indifferently.

"The dregs of the sea."

When Sakaski saw Shichibukai, his attitude was quite clear.

Karp, Kizaru, Sakaski…

As a sea rogue Doflamingo who had just arrived, there was a hint of fear in the depths of his eyes.

It can be said that any one of these three guys is a nightmare threat to the Don Quixote family.

Compared to Doflamingo's faint fear...

Others such as Crocodile, who no one cares about,

Bartholomew Bear with a quiet posture,

An eagle eye that has nothing to do with his posture.

They seemed more settled.

"Hey, it's really scary. The navy sent three monsters at a time, plus these monsters, what are they trying to do in Beihai?"

Doflamingo kept swinging his fingers, and his eyes kept scanning around.

Obviously, in his opinion, a mere Germa and even Kaido's Beast Pirates are not worthy of such a big battle for the navy.

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