"Sand Crocodile... Don't be some shit king under the Seven Wuhai, it's too arrogant!! "

Just when Klockdar was about to suck Ciridon, the backbone cadre of the Hundred Beast Pirates, into a dry life, a cold drink that made people fall into an ice cellar suddenly sounded.


Finally can't stand it and want to do it?

Klockdar's face became a lot more solemn, like Hilliton, a small cadre of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group, he could fight a group one by one casually.

But if it is a high-level cadre, it is a bit tricky, after all, a pirate who can become a high-level cadre in the fleet of the four emperors can become a sea pirate with a reward of more than 100 million in any place!

Not to mention on Kaido's ship.

If you want to become a pirate cadre on the ship of the Four Emperors Kaido, the brain is not very needed, the most needed is strong strength, as long as the strength is strong enough, it is enough to become a senior cadre.

Anyway, none of these high-ranking cadres are simple goods!

"Go and die! Nosy crocodile! Armed color - giant horn!! "

Klockdar quickly raised his head, and saw that an extremely strong man had jumped into the sky above him at some point, and the whole handwriting turned into a huge horn, and the horn was covered with armed color domineering!

Is it also a Devil Fruit powerhouse?

It is worthy of being the fleet of the Four Emperors Kaido, and any cadre is a devil fruit ability, although it is only the most ordinary animal line, but there is no weakest devil fruit, only the weakest devil fruit ability!

Moreover, covered with armed color domineering attacks, his elementalization could not dodge at all.

"Hundred Wheels of Flowers Bloom!"

At the moment of the attack, countless arms popped out of this pirate, instantly locking all the joints that could be locked on the other party's body.

Let his movements be paused.

You don't need to look at this to know that Nicole Robin, who is hiding in the shadows, did it.

It's a pity that Robin's strength is too weak, if her physical skills are strong enough, she may be able to break the opponent's joints abruptly, making the other party instantly lose its combat effectiveness.

Instead of just making the other person move a little slower.

"You should be the general under Drought Jack, an animal sheep fruit ability, Sipshead, right? Kill you, there should be quite a few military merits. "

Klockdar sneered, and his two arms turned into countless gravel and threw towards the enemy in the air.

"Desert Vajra Saber!!"

The sand formed by the two arms formed two extremely sharp blades, like the slash of a great sword, the entrainer has nothing to cut the sharp momentum.

On top of that, the front end of the sand blade is also attached to the armament!

"Damn fucking thing!"

Looking at the two sand blades that came, Sipshead struggled hard, and soon broke free of all the annoying arms on his body, after all, Robin's strength was not comparable to the huge strength of those who moved the Devil Fruit.

"Smoke spray!!"

However, before he could take precautions, a ten hands inlaid with sea lou stones suddenly flew towards him, and if he was poked by the sea tower stone on the ten hands, his ability would temporarily disappear!

But Sipshead is also the first general under Drought Jack anyway, and his status in the Hundred Beast Pirate Group is one head lower than the three major disasters.

This kind of strength is already similar to that of the vice admiral of the navy headquarters, and if it is one-on-one, it may be able to win a vice admiral of the navy headquarters.

As for special lieutenant generals like Peach Rabbit, they are completely exceptional.

"It's a bit of a hassle, but it's not enough! Let you earth turtles see the combat power of the cadres of the Four Emperors Pirate Group of the New World!! "

Sipshead shouted violently, and his other arm also turned into a huge horn, and slapped it fiercely towards the ten hands that flew towards him, and the huge force slapped the ten hands away I don't know how far.

Facing the two sand blades that were about to cut him, Sipshead raised a sheep's horn covered by armed color domineering in front of him, and two sand blades that were also covered with armed color domineering slashed at the horn.

Well? Is it blocked?

Klockdar's face was extremely solemn, although Sipshead was not like Whitebeard and Qi Xiu, giving him the feeling of an endless Wang Yang.

But the same is a close opponent, and even he is not this guy's opponent to a certain extent, especially in terms of physical skills and defense, he is completely crushed by the other party.

And the other party will be armed with color domineering and seeing and smelling color domineering, then elementalization and sneak attacks will be of little use to Sipshead.

Although the natural Devil Fruit ability is very powerful, once they encounter a strong person who is proficient in domineering, they will be much more restricted.

Suddenly, seeing that the domineering man sensed that danger was approaching, a black shadow appeared in front of Klockdar, and a large and sharp pale black horn stabbed him fiercely in the chest.

What a fast speed!!

This guy's physical skills are so terrifying!

Klockdar was shocked in his heart, raised the poison gold hook to block forward, the block was blocked, but the huge force from the poison gold hook almost did not break his bones, and his entire arm was chan.

"Boss Mr.0, do you need help?"

What people?!

When Sipshead heard this strange female voice, his heart was slightly startled, and suddenly he felt that the sky seemed to have darkened, as if the sun in the sky was blocked by something.

Doubtful looked up, and his pupils suddenly shrank sharply!

Because he saw that a huge naval battleship was floating in mid-air, although it was a little shaky as if it would fall at any time, it was still floating!

Warships of the Navy can fly? Just kidding.

Miss Valentine's Day held a gorgeous umbrella, stood pale on the naval warship in the air, and muttered: "This thing is so heavy... I almost couldn't support it, I didn't know if this trick worked. "

"Ten thousand pounds of pressure!!"

At this moment, the warship floating in the air instantly lost the ability to float and fell violently towards the ground, as if the weight of the warship had increased a lot.

This ability was naturally developed by Qi Xiu for her, otherwise with the brain of miss Valentine's Day, if she wants to learn the signature move of the golden lion, I don't know how many years it will take to develop!

"This stupid woman is also too messy!"

Klockdar's face darkened, because the attack range of this warship also added him, if he was not a natural Devil Fruit ability, he would have to rest.

Shouldn't you be glad that there was no miss Valentine's Day armed color domineering? _

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