
In the face of the naval warship falling from the sky, Klockdar did not dare to make a hard connection at all, otherwise he could only be smashed into a pile of meatloaf, not even a whole corpse.

He is not Karp, he can easily lift an iron ball larger than a warship, if he had this kind of physical cultivation, he would not have been glued with Sipshead for so long, and directly killed this guy with one punch.

Therefore, Klockdar is elementalized without saying a word.

Fortunately, miss Valentine's Day will not be armed with color domineering, even if it will be armed color domineering, it is estimated that there is no way to cover the entire warship, covering a warship, I am afraid that even the general's armed color is not so terrifying.

Otherwise, his Klockdar's end is definitely not much better, and before he can get the power to surpass the ancient weapon Hades, he will be smashed to death with something.

That's a lot of humiliation.

The most important thing is that it is your own people who smash yourself, then it is not as simple as holding back, even if you go to the King of Yan Luo, you don't know how to cry.

Smogg, who was very close to Klockdar, was also frightened by this scene and quickly elementalized, the devil knows why a naval warship suddenly appeared in the sky, he never knew that his warship could still fly in the sky.

A group of pirates watched the two of them elementalize, and then raised their heads to look at the naval warships that were descending faster and faster, and their faces were all collapsed.

"Run, aaaa

A pirate with muscles bigger than his head howled miserably, threw his weapon aside, pulled his legs and ran elsewhere.

The appearance of rolling and climbing seemed to complain about why his father and mother didn't give him two more feet to come out, so that he could run faster in this moment of crisis.

Even a little bit!

Seeing this, the rest of the pirates did not care that many navies pointed their muskets at them, turned around and ran away.

Whether it is Klockdar or Smogg, they are both natural Devil Fruit abilities, and they can completely use elementalization to dodge in the face of this physical attack.

Although the bottom of the warship is stained with seawater, the sea water is not a sea floor stone that loses its ability when touched, and if the body does not touch much seawater, it will not have much impact on the Devil Fruit ability.

As the number one general under Drought Jack, Sipshead does not care about three seven twenty-one at this time, even if his strength is very strong, his attainment of armed color domineering is very high, and his physical skills are also very powerful.

But in the face of a warship falling from the sky ...

There was nothing he could do either.

Perhaps with his strong physique, he may be smashed to death, but injuries are absolutely inevitable, and he may even suffer very serious injuries.

Can make the warship fly, should it be the fluttering fruit of the golden lion, is the golden lion coming? But wasn't that guy locked up in Push City?

Sipshead, who was dodging and thinking at the same time, even if he wanted to hurt his braincase, he couldn't figure out what was going on.

Of course, he didn't know that there were still quite a few fruit abilities similar to the golden lion, after all, there were more than one fluttering fruit that could make objects fly.

Boom boom -

Rumble Rumble!!

In just a few seconds, the huge naval warship smashed heavily on the ground, and the strong impact swept out a group of navy and pirates around, and the nearby buildings were even more destructively damaged.

The navy warship is very strong, but falling from the sky has also become tattered, the entire stern is missing, countless pieces are swept in all directions, I don't know how many pirates have suffered.

The dust shrouded the huge pier, and the visibility of the eyes was not even two meters, and the battle above the pier was temporarily stopped.

Even the enemy cannot see where it is, how else to fight ??

Slashing around with a knife on your shoulder?

It's good to say that you can cut a pirate or something, but cutting your own person is not an ordinary embarrassment, and accidentally hurting your own boss, which is even more self-defeating.

"It's so dangerous... Almost hit. "

A lot of cold sweat broke out on Sipshead's forehead, and even his back was all beaten with sweat, these were cold sweats that were scared out.

If he knew that it was only an army colonel who caused all this, I don't know what kind of reaction would be.

The senior cadres of the Hundred Beast Pirate Regiment are comparable in strength to the powerful pirates of the vice admiral of the Navy headquarters, and the bounty has been hundreds of millions of Baileys earlier, and he was almost smashed to death by an army colonel!

If you say it, you will be laughed off your big teeth!

"Damn, who the hell? This fruit ability and the fruit ability of the legendary sea thief Golden Lion Shiji are too similar, completely carved out of a mold. "

Sipshead's face was very ugly, and he did not expect that such a powerful potential stock would appear in the East China Sea, the weakest sea.

If the other party develops the Devil Fruit ability well and does not die prematurely, even if he cannot reach the height of the Golden Lion Shiji in the future, he will not be worse than him Sipshead.

That's scary.

The most important thing is that such a potential stock seems to be on the side of the world government, and when the other party grows up in the future, it will definitely be one of the great enemies of their Hundred Beast Pirate Group.

Nourishing a future enemy is not the style of pirates, if you can, Sipshead would like to kill the Devil Fruit ability who secretly shot.

Kill the threat in the cradle.

But it's a pity that he doesn't know where that capable person is.

Because Miss Valentine's Day was based on the idea of pretending to run away, after dropping the warship, he didn't care about anything, and flew away vigorously.

Controlling a naval warship to fly, almost hollowed out her body, now she has no way to continue fighting, maybe even an ordinary pirate can't beat, if you don't run, will you stay and be killed?

According to General Qi Xiu, this is a strategic retreat!

"Enough!! It's time for this boring farce to end! You useless waste, you can't even handle a naval yellow-haired boy and a king Qiwu Hai, it's really a loss of my Jack's face! "

A figure jumped from the Mammoth ship, and the smoke and dust that filled the dock were shaken off, and the vision returned again.

Drought Jack! Finally can't hold back!! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - favorites, recommendations

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