What's going on?!

Drought Jack's head suddenly felt a little confused, just now Qi Xiu was still standing far away holding his ivory, but why did he suddenly appear in front of him now?

Most importantly, Qi Xiu was still sitting on his last ivory at this time, which made a hint of premonition rise in his heart.

No, this guy should still want to break his other ivory, right?

Drought Jack immediately sobered up, and his original anger suppressed sanity also recovered, and he looked at Qi Xiu in front of him with a look of horror.

That look was like looking at a big devil.

"Big stupid elephant, do you think you only have one tusk now, doesn't it look a little asymmetrical? Why don't I make you symmetrical a little bit? "

Qi Xiu had a faint smile on his face, and his tone was as gentle as possible, so as not to scare people. Anyway, we also have to take good care of small animals, right?

Although Drought Jack's size does not resemble a small animal at all.

No, if compared with the sea king, then Drought Jack's body size is a small animal, after all, some large sea kings are at least the size of an island.

Even bigger than an average island!

In an instant, there is a power that can destroy a knife fish, if it is not for the IQ of most sea kings, it is estimated that those super large ones are all general-level combat power.

Moreover, many sea kings have the ability to spit seawater, which is simply a nightmare for those with Devil Fruit abilities.

Unless you can freeze the sea water like a pheasant, or evaporate the sea water directly like a red dog, you can simply make the sea water lose gravity and fly into the sky like a vine tiger.

"Bastard, you get me off!"

Drought Jack twisted his head frantically, almost shaking his head like a rattle, if it were an ordinary person, he would have been thrown out of the sky long ago.

But Qi Xiu was obviously not an ordinary person, he was still sitting quietly on Drought Jack's ivory, with a smile on his face, which made the other party almost can't help but turn his head and run.

At this time, Drought Jack was very helpless, because he had already seen Qi Xiu holding his ivory, and just now this hateful man broke off one of his tusks!

As for those men who are counting on him?

That's okay, because all of his subordinates were targeted by Peach Rabbit and Klockdar!

Although the Mammoth has several hands on the panting, especially Sipshead's strength is not weaker than that of the vice admiral of the navy headquarters, plus the strength of those other cadres is not simple, there is a large group of pirates.

But the opponents they encountered were also very terrifying.

Peach Rabbit, former vice admiral of the navy headquarters, and also an alternate admiral of the navy, her strength is not much different from the current admiral, and her physical cultivation and sword cultivation are even more powerful and terrifying.

Now she is already in the army headquarters, it can be said that she is the third ranked combat force of the army, and the second is the behemoth of the giant city, and the first needless to say must be Qi Xiu.

After all, Qi Xiu's strength has far exceeded the top combat power in this world.

Klockdar, a member of His Majesty the Seven Warriors, was once a New World Supernova, president of the Baroque Work Society, and now the head of the Army's intelligence and espionage department.

Old Sha's strength naturally goes without saying, plus his Devil Fruit ability is a natural sand fruit, the pier beach in Rogue Town is very large, and there is sand here.

In the face of pirates who will not be domineering, Klockdar is not afraid of anyone at all, but if the other party is stained with water, it will be troublesome.

Because his sand fruit ability is not only afraid of armed color domineering, but also afraid of water, sand will condense when it encounters water, and using water can also break his elemental ability.

If you use seawater, the effect is better.

However, at present, it seems that none of these pirates of the Mammoth know this weakness of Klockdar, otherwise they would have smeared sea water on their weapons long ago.

In addition to these two people, many members of the Baroque Work Society also came.

For example, Nicole Robin, who helped Klockdar once in the beginning, also participated in this operation with Qi Xiu, but she kept hiding in the shadows.

Under this kind of melee, Robin's flower fruit ability can be said to be fully exerted, and the necks of pirates have been broken by her abruptly.

Some pirates that she couldn't beat used their fruit abilities to sneak into the dark.

Let's say an arm grows from behind your butt, picks up a knife on the ground, and stabs it into an indescribable hole.

That picture.

Mountains of flowers are blooming.

Many pirates who watched it had a cold back, for fear that they would be secretly made of this trick, this trick must not be cruel!

In fact, Robin is also inspired by Peach Rabbit, since Peach Rabbit can attack these unspeakable weaknesses in the enemy, then why can't she Nicole Robin?

So, our little sister Robin was damaged by the peach rabbit.

Of course, she is still a little clean, not directly using her hands, but using tools. With his hands, even Peach Rabbit is afraid that he is unwilling, let alone Robin, who has just successfully stolen the master.

In addition, there are Mr.1, von Kray and so on.

By the way, there is also a miss-valentine's day that has long run away, this girl smashed a stalwart cadre of a hundred beast pirate group to death, and almost smashed Sipshead into a half-body failure.

But after using that trick, Miss Valentine's Day was like an instant kidney failure, and even flying was very reluctant, let alone continue to fight.

Seeing that she was pale, she looked like a relative who had come more than a dozen times in the middle of the night, and she had to cultivate for at least a week or two before she could recover.

At this time, all the pirates of the Mammoth were supported by the army, and even if they wanted to come to the rescue of Drought Jack, they were powerless!

Qi Xiu looked at Drought Jack's slightly begging gaze, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, big stupid elephant, I just make you look symmetrical, anyway, these two teeth are so big and affect your image, right?" "

Can I say that it does not affect?

Before Drought Jack could say a word, he heard a crisp click.

"Aaaaaa Bastard Army, Lao Tzu swears against you!! "_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - favorites, recommendations

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