After seeing that his only ivory was broken, Drought Jack couldn't keep his sanity this time.

His round eyes were bloodshot, and when he looked at Qi Xiu, it was as if he was looking at a hundred enemies.

"Two ivories, if you find a suitable seller, you should be able to sell it for 990 million, and with the gimmick of the senior cadres of the Four Emperors, maybe the price will be higher."

Qi Xiu didn't seem to see Drought Jack, who had lost his mind and had a look of anger on his face, holding the huge mammoth tusks in his hand and muttering in his mouth.


At this moment, Qi Xiu suddenly felt a strong air flow blowing, and Yu Guang saw a huge elephant trunk throwing towards him.

You can still vaguely see Drought Jack's crazy eyes.

How can young people in this year get angry so easily? It's not good to want to kill people at every turn, and lose your mind at every turn.

Qi Xiu put the ivory on the ground, and the sharp ivory pierced directly into the earth, as if penetrating a piece of extremely soft tofu, it seems that the quality of this ivory is comparable to a famous knife!

No wonder two tusks are worth 990 million Baileys, and if you divide half of them, it is a 450 million Bailey, which is almost the price of a famous knife.

Qi Xiu slowly raised a hand, and his flat palm blocked his side.


The huge elephant's trunk was thicker than a large Canggu tree, and compared to Qi Xiu's palm, it was completely one in the sky and one in the ground.

But when the two collided with each other, Qi Xiu actually didn't move!!

The crazy energy tore everything around it to pieces, even the solid stones turned into rubble, and the radius of hundreds of meters seemed to have been bombarded, and the ground was sunk into a huge pit tens of meters deep.

Countless dark cracks, centered on Qi Xiu and Drought Jack, spread in all directions, and even spread to the beach, causing the sea water to pour in instantly.

However, it is a pity that the current drought Jack has been carried away by angry resentment, and he has not noticed that the sea water has flowed from the king's side, and he is still trying to be stronger than Qi Xiu.

But no matter how he stepped on the ground, no matter how many green tendons were exposed on his forehead, there was no way to get Qi Xiu, Qi Xiu still had a breezy expression, and he blocked his attack with one hand.

"This guy is really scary. Drought Jack's strength is only afraid that even Lieutenant General Karp can only defeat the other party a little, but this guy can actually block Drought Jack's attack with one hand. "

Peach Rabbit slashed down a pirate cadre, looked in the direction where Qi Xiu was, and couldn't help but sigh.

She also didn't know why Qi Xiu was so powerful, even if she started cultivating physical arts in the womb, she couldn't be so powerful at the age of twenty!

One hand can block Drought Jack, is this still human? A humanoid sea king class!

Klockdar's gaze was also very much, but more of a look in his eyes, and he muttered in his mouth: "Is this the power that surpasses the ancient weapon Hades?" Sooner or later, I can have this power too!! "

"Dead crocodile! What a distraction when fighting! "

A pirate cadre who was not weak held a double knife in his hand, and the blade was actually covered with armed color domineering, and slashed towards Klockdar's head.

Dead crocodiles...

Klockdar's gaze turned cold, and he said coldly: "I think it's you who died!" "

"What?! Uh..."

This pirate cadre didn't know what Klockdar meant at first, but the next second he understood, because Klockdar's poisonous gold hook had pierced his abdomen!

The poison on the poisonous gold hook made his strength seem to be drained in an instant, and even the palm of the two knives that was tightly held couldn't help but loosen, and the double knives covered by the armed color domineering fell to the ground.

Klockdar flicked it casually, threw this pirate cadre out, and said indifferently: "When I don't see the domineering?" Anyway, I was once one of the worst supernovas in the New World. "


Smogg, who didn't know how long he had been in a coma, was woken up by a stone that flew from nowhere, and a large bag was suddenly smashed out of his head, which also woke him up.

When he saw Rogue Town at this time, the whole person was stunned.

What's the situation? Was there a major earthquake of several hundred magnitude?

Because the destructive power of Qi Xiu and the others in the battle was too great, even if the army tried their best to control the damage to the environment, it still destroyed the small half of Rogue Town into ruins, as if in the end.

Struggling to get up, Smogg suddenly saw a huge figure in the distance, it was Drought Jack!

Drought Jack is actually here! Damn, Rogue Town should have fallen already, right? No, Drought Jack seems to be fighting people!

Could it be that Lieutenant General Karp dared to come in time, but the windmill village is far from here.

Smogg's mind was filled with countless question marks, but he soon discovered that the strange man fighting Drought Jack was wearing an Army uniform, not a Navy uniform.

The colors of Army and Navy uniforms are not the same at all, and if Smogg does not recognize this, he is blind.

Who can fight Drought Jack? And he blocked Drought Jack's attack with one hand, is this guy still human? Where did the Army come from such a terrifying figure?

Qi Xiu, who was hundreds of kilometers away, did not know the doubts in Smogg's heart now, even if he knew, he would not express much.

Looking at Drought Jack, who seemed to have gone crazy in front of him, Qi Xiu deflated his mouth and said helplessly: "Isn't it just pulling out your two teeth?" As for this? But you're not a good person anyway, so let me give you a pain.

As soon as his words fell, the palm that blocked Drought Jack's attack suddenly appeared a blue-white light, which looked very dazzling.




"Gong !!"


A beam of light containing terrifying energy pierced through Drought Jack's body, and the scorching temperature made the wound not even a drop of blood come out.

This is the Turtle Sect Qigong from the Dragon Ball World, the Turtle Immortal Flow martial arts!

The turtle faction qigong hole did not disappear after penetrating the body of Drought Jack, but directly slammed on the mammoth on the sea.

In an instant, the entire Mammoth turned into a fireball. _

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