To be honest, in the Hundred Beast Pirate Group, a guy with the character of Drought Jack is simply too difficult and difficult to get the hearts of his subordinates.

In the original work, Sipshead is the first general under Drought Jack, and his strength is no less than that of the vice admiral of the navy headquarters.

However, as soon as he accidentally said the wrong thing, he was tied up by Drought Jack and hung for an unknown amount of time, until he was almost out of shape.

Can such a drought jack make the crew heartfelt? Except for Jack, a silly pirate before, who was heartfelt rain and drought, everyone else had more or less a lot of complaints.

They seem to be very loyal to Drought Jack, but in fact, because of Drought Jack's strength, they can guarantee their survival in the dangerous places of the New World.

If Drought Jack is the kind of pirate who is very weak, or not very strong, and belongs to the kind of pirate who is more than the top and the bottom.

They were too lazy to bird drought Jack.

Now that Drought Jack is dead, he has been killed by a hard move, which has made many people's additions rise to a small nine-nine, even Sipshead, who is the number one general of Drought Jack.

Peach Rabbit smiled lightly and said, "There used to be a pirate group from the first half of the Great Voyage, called the Scythe Pirate Group. This group of pirates wanted to kill our General Qi Xiu, and was finally defeated by General Qi Xiu. "

Speaking of this, her voice changed: "But General Qi Xiu did not kill them, but let them go to labor reform, in short, he did not take their lives." "

"If your Mammoth pirates also surrender like the Scythe Pirates, then our army can also be lenient and will not kill you because of your past crimes."

Of course, Peach Rabbit still has a lot to say that has not been revealed.

For example, most of the people of the Scythe Pirates are heinous, and at least half of them have to spend their whole lives in prison and serve a lifetime of hard labor.

Dare to resist, kill all without mercy!

As for the Mammoth pirate ship, which is a member of the Hundred Beast Pirates, many of these pirates may be trainee crew members, and there are not many crimes committed, and they can be released after a year or two in prison.

But those old pirates are different.

Peach Rabbit didn't believe that these pirates had been arrogant and rampant in the New World for so long, and they hadn't committed a big thing!

It is conceivable that if the pirates of the Mammoth surrender to the army, at least 90% of the pirates will have to sit in prison for a lifetime.

Of course, compared to death, it is not impossible to go to prison.

After all, the army's cells are spacious and have a variety of humanized entertainment facilities, but if you want to use those entertainment facilities, it depends on whether you work hard or not.

After listening to Peach Rabbit's words, Sipshead fell silent in a rare way.

Although he didn't know how the army would deal with the enemy, it seemed that he would at least squat in prison for a lifetime, and he just hoped that the army's prison would not be as terrifying as advancing the city.

If he advanced into the city with the Great Prison under the sea, then he would rather commit suicide than stay in that kind of ghost place to suffer.

Looking at the drought jack who was dead in the distance, after a long time, he raised his head and asked seriously: "Can you guarantee it?" Lieutenant General Peach Rabbit?! "

"I can't guarantee anything else, but your lives can still be guaranteed, and as for whether you will die in prison because of the conflict between the prisoners, then it is not my problem."

Peach Rabbit said with a smile.

Taking a deep breath, Sipshead seemed to have made the final decision, shouting to the group of pirate men behind him who were still confronting the army: "Don't fight!!" Hitting us again is also a dead end!! "

By this time, Drought Jack was dead, and Sipshead, as the current supreme commander of the Mammoth pirate ship, said something very useful.

Anyway, after Drought Jack died, Mammoth was the boss.

"Lord Sipshead, but their army bastards killed Captain Jack, are we going to let them go?"

A pirate cadre asked with a reluctant face.

Let them go? It's the army that let us go!

Sipshead smiled bitterly in his heart, the current situation is that the army has completely crushed their Hundred Beast Pirate Group, plus there is a strong man who can kill Drought Jack with one move.

How else to fight this? How else to play this? The two sides are not on the same power level at all.

If this group of them are senior players of level fifty or sixty, almost all kinds of powerful equipment on their bodies, they can casually hit ten thousand critical hits.

But the people's army, all of them are a hundred-level map-level big boss, wearing a god costume worth tens of thousands of yuan, or the kind with special effects.

People can cut out 100,000 or even a million critical hits with one sword, how can these little minions be opponents of others? No matter how many people there are, it is estimated that they are the lives of delivering vegetables.

What's more, their current Mammoth has turned into a big fireball, and now they just want to escape and don't know where to run.

The town of Rogue is such a small place, they have no way back.

In order not to let this gang of bastards commit stupidity and pit his life into Sipshead, he shouted: "Don't you still see the current situation clearly? If we continue to resist, we will all die!! "

"Surrender... Surrendering can at least save one life, how is it better to be alive in this world than dead. "

Sipshead's whole person has become decadent, and there is a sense of déjà vu that the tiger fell into Pingyang and was bullied by dogs.

When they first commanded the new world, almost no one in the entire new world dared to provoke their group of beasts and pirates, usually only they killed people, and no one else killed them.

But today, feng shui takes turns and everything is reversed.

At least hundreds of their Hundred Beast Pirate Group died, and many of them also died, and there were not many left.

And the people's army?

None of them died, all of them were alive and well, it seemed that there was not even a single one who was seriously injured, and such a big gap was really desperate.

"Lord Sipshead..."

Seeing that the two masters all opened their mouths to surrender, the rest of the pirates also lost their fighting spirit, raised their hands and stood in place, holding their weapons and not knowing what to do. _

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