"You only have one minute to think about it, and if nothing is said after a minute, then we will send all of you pirates to hell."

Pulling the poison gold hook out of one of the pirates and shaking off the blood stains on it, Klockdar looked at a group of hesitant pirates and said coldly.

Compared to the female peach rabbit, Klockdar puts more pressure on their group of pirates.

Although Peach Rabbit's strength is higher than Klockdar, after all, she is a woman, and she is also a very beautiful girl. When a very beautiful girl speaks harshly to you, it is difficult for you to feel any oppressive force no matter how timid you are.

Unless Peach Rabbit will be overbearing.

However, it is obvious that although our peach rabbit will be armed with color domineering and seeing color domineering, and the attainments of these two domineering are very high.

But only one in a million people is overlord and domineering, and she doesn't have it.

If she had the overlord-colored domineering, would this group of pirates still be so hesitant? They have long been so frightened that they all dropped their weapons and surrendered.

You must know that at the time of the top war, Luffy, a guy who has just awakened the overlord-like domineering, can stun so many powerful pirate elites and naval elites.

There is no reason why the peach rabbit will be overlord and domineering, and even this group of pirates can't hold back.

Of course, don't think too much about the overlord color, because the peach rabbit will not.

And although Klockdar does not have any overlord domineering, at least he looks fierce enough, and his gloomy and cold expression always makes people can't help but shiver.

Compared to the peach rabbit, Klockdar's gloomy expression brought much greater oppression to this group of pirates.

A group of pirates looked at each other, whether it was ordinary pirate minions or some pirate cadres, they were very confused at this time, and they didn't know whether it was better to surrender or resist.

But as soon as he saw the body of Drought Jack, he saw Sipshead, who was half kneeling on the ground covered in scars, and it was already difficult to continue fighting, and then looked at Klockdar, who was gloomy and cold in front of him.

As well as the rest of the bloodied army.

Until now, they finally recognized the situation here, and if they continued to resist, there was only one way to die.

Bang dang --

I don't know which pirate threw away the mace in his hand, and the tall body slowly knelt on the ground, shouting in his mouth: "I surrender!" I give up! Don't kill me, I... I haven't lived enough, please don't kill me!" "

"Bastard! Do you want to betray the Hundred Beast Pirates? "

A pirate cadre next to him was surprisingly angry, and raised his big knife with a hideous face, wanting to slaughter this defector who surrendered to the army.

But in the next second, an arrow made of gravel pierced his heart, and warm blood soared out of the distance.

Glancing at this pirate cadre who was unwilling to collapse to the ground, Krok shouted: "Those who dare to resist, there is no amnesty for killing!" "

"I surrender!"

"I... And me! "

"Forget it, it is also a dead end to fight again, it is better to survive than to die in the East China Sea."

"Surrender all, we are not opponents of the army."


When one by one the pirates dropped their weapons and knelt on the ground, Klockdar, who had just killed the chickens and monkeys, was inexplicably in a trance.

Looking at these pirates kneeling on the ground, he sighed a little.

Although Drought Jack is dead, but anyway, these pirates in front of him are also the elite pirates of the Hundred Beast Pirates, if the East China Sea is not guarded by their army, I am afraid that a drought Jack can make a mess of the East China Sea.

In the past, if it were not necessary, Klockdar would not have provoked a Four Emperors force, and it was just a young and vigorous person to rashly challenge Whitebeard in the past.

But now, one of the three major disasters under Kaido, Drought Jack died in the East China Sea, the weakest sea, and even all the crew of his Mammoth were dead.

Needless to say, what happened today is estimated to soon spread throughout the world and become the headlines of various newspapers around the world, and perhaps the territory of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group will be watched by many people.

After all, if a capable general dies, the territory of Hundred Beasts Kaido will have one less powerful person to take care of, and some guys who originally have a grudge with the Hundred Beast Pirate Group will definitely not be able to make the Hundred Beast Pirate Group safe.

Moreover, it is very likely to anger Kaido the Hundred Beasts!

You must know that the hundred beasts Kaido is known as the strongest creature in the world, even if it is a man as powerful as Whitebeard, it is a headache to meet this guy who always thinks about how to commit suicide every day.

Defeat Kaido, many people can do it.

But catching Kaido or killing Kaido, this difficulty is not ordinary, otherwise with Kaido's various acts of death, can he live so dashing and comfortable until now?

"It's a wonderful feeling to defeat one of the three major disasters of the Four Emperors Kaido."

At this moment, a young girl with a slim figure came out of the dark corner, compared to the embarrassment of others, Robin, who had been hiding in the dark attack, was much cleaner.

"I didn't expect that we would also have a day when we would go head-to-head with the forces of the Four Emperors, but we had to be careful when we even entered their territory before!"

Mr.1 also couldn't help but sigh, he was now covered in blood as if he had taken a blood bath, and he had the blood of the enemy and his own.

But more enemy blood.

Because of his Devil Fruit ability, he can turn the bits of his body into a sharp blade, even if he is cut on his body, he can use the blade to block it, but he has not suffered much injury.

In the original book, he was able to block Hawkeye Mihawk's sword.

But the next knife hit the street...

"You are Nicole Robin, son of the devil!!"

Others didn't have anything yet, but Smogg, who was a captain in the navy, recognized Robin's identity at a glance, and exclaimed in disbelief.

Especially seeing the army uniform on Robin's body, it almost blinded his eyes.

"Well, yes! So you're going to arrest me? Colonel Smogg? The corners of Robin's mouth hooked, and now that she has her back to the army, she no longer has to hide her head and show her tail.

The strength that General Qi Xiu showed just now is estimated to be able to sweep the world!

With such a strong man covering her, does Robin still need to continue to hide his head and tail as before, playing a game of cat and mouse with the world government? _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - favorites, recommendations

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