"So it is! I didn't expect your army to be so powerful, hahaha! "

Karp sat cross-legged with his hands around him, not caring about the blood stains on the ground, and couldn't help laughing after listening to Nicole Robin's description.

As for Robin's identity as the son of the devil?

Well, with Karp's personality, even if Robin is One Piece Roger, he can raise a glass with Roger when he is in a good mood, let alone a Nicole. Robin up.

For the original O'Hara Slaughter Order, and the so-called "crime" of O'Hara's scholars, Karp, as a vice admiral of the Navy, was very clear, and he disapproved of the world government's dehumanizing action.

But unfortunately, he couldn't stop it at all.

But soon, he set his eyes on Smog on the side and said dissatisfied: "Smog little ghost, when you were there with the old guy Zefa, you behaved quite well!" How did you get to the East China Sea, and now you can't even get a bunch of pirates? "


Smogg, who had just been relieved for a long time, heard this, and almost not a mouthful of old blood spewed out, and his originally expressionless face was full of innocence.

Little pirates...

If Drought Jack's group were little pirates, it is estimated that the navy would have cleared out all the pirates in the entire world long ago, and let that Pirate King Roger open the era of pirates?

However, in the eyes of Lieutenant General Karp, a pirate of Drought Jack's level does seem to be a small pirate.

After all, this is a legendary lieutenant general, who has forced One Piece Roger into a corner, and his strength is really very terrifying, if he fights with Drought Jack, it is estimated that it can be solved in a few strokes, right?

"What you say is what you say..."

At this time, even Smogg had to temporarily provoke, because this time it was indeed their naval skills that were inferior, and they were directly blasted by others.

It is good to say that when encountering those pirates who are not armed with domineering, his natural Devil Fruit ability is almost invincible, because it is difficult for the opponent's attack to capture his body.

But once the enemy will use armed color domineering...

Then his elementalization is basically useless, otherwise he would not have run into a Sipshead, and he would have been almost killed by the other party.

If it weren't for Klockdar's timely rescue and the naval warship that Miss Valentine's Day dropped, it is estimated that he would have died by now.

Seeing this scene, Qi Xiu, who was not far away, couldn't help but smile a little.

In the original book, Smogg is a cold and tough guy who can maintain a sane mind no matter what happens, and can argue right from wrong, at least a very qualified navy.

But now that I look at it...

When it's time to provoke, maybe because Smogg is relatively young, maybe the cold personality has not yet developed.

At this moment, Karp's voice suddenly came: "Boy, are you the current army general Qi Xiu?" The man who can kill Drought Jack with one move, your strength is not simple. "


Qi Xiu didn't expect the topic to lead to himself, and with a kind smile on his face, he nodded and said: "It's just a casual practice, but most of the elephant's bounty is because of two ivory." "

What kind of terrier is ivory?

Only then did Karp notice that next to Qi Xiudi, there were two huge ivory tusks.

Looking at Drought Jack's body again, the two ivory tusks on his head had obviously been broken off, and in connection with what Qi Xiu said, he reacted instantly.

The idea that Drought Jack, who offered a reward of 10 Baileys, was so valuable because of ivory is really fresh enough.

Kapuhaha smiled, suddenly his eyes became sharp, his face was full of fighting intent, and asked: "I wonder if Brother Qi Xiu, can I fight with the old man?" "

Hearing this, Qi Xiu was slightly stunned.

Contest? It seems that it is not impossible, Qi Xiu has long wanted to know how strong Karp's combat power is, especially when he looked at One Piece in his previous life and saw the war on top.

I believe that many Jeans want to know whether it is the strength of Karp or the strength of Red Dog.

After all, after the red dog killed Ace during the war, Karp asked the warring countries to hold him down, otherwise he would have been tempted to kill the red dog.

A group of red dogs naturally thought that Karp could not beat the red dog, because Karp was already a bad old man with gray hair at that time, and his strength should have decreased.

And Kapu blow is that the strong man of One Piece will not decline in power due to age, and Whitebeard is just because he is seriously ill.

In short, both sides have their own opinions.

But there are only two ways to know the truth, one is to let Oda personally come out to explain, and the other is to try how big the gap between Karp's strength and the strength of Akainu is!

At this time, Karp's hair was not completely gray, and there was still a black hair on the top of his head, but the white hair on his sideburns was a little more, and his beard had not turned white.

Now Karp, should be sixty years old?

"Happy to accompany!"

The corners of Qi Xiu's mouth were slightly hooked, and the righteous cloak on his body was windless and automatic, grinning.

Several people on the side saw this thick scene, and felt that their heads were suddenly a little inadequate.

At the beginning, I was still talking and laughing, why is it going to fight in the next second? Although the two of them are just trying to do it, with the strength of Karp and Qi Xiu, it is almost impossible to destroy half of Rogue Town if they try their names casually!

The current town of Rogue can not withstand much destruction.

Now in this year, the brain circuits of the big people are really elusive, at least they can't figure out why the two suddenly want to fight.

But when they saw the ruins around them, they fell silent.

Now that half of the town of Rogue is in ruins, it is definitely necessary to rebuild it, and this ruined night just becomes a fighting ground between Qi Xiu and Karp.

"Army brother, you are very strong! It is likely to be stronger than the old man, and the old man can't help but have a little itchy hand when he encounters a strong man of your level. "

Karp, who was sitting cross-legged, also stood up, and his momentum was not weaker than Qi Xiu.

"Lieutenant General Karp is not bad, with your strength has already set foot in one of the top in the world. But my power is beyond this world. "

Qi Xiu said with a smile.

Karp's eyes froze, and he laughed: "Hahaha, then let the old man see it, beyond the power of this world!" "_

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