"Shouldn't these two really want to fight? One moment you are talking and laughing, and the next moment you are actually going to compete in martial arts, and you men are really difficult to guess in your brain circuits. "

Nicole Robin has long retreated to the side, after all, the battle between the world's top powerhouses like Qi Xiu and Karp is not something that she can resist as a girl.

Maybe Peach Rabbit can, but Robin's strength is not very good, and he will not be armed with color domineering, and if he dares to get close, he will probably be injured by the aftermath of the battle.

Although Qi Xiu and Karp may deliberately avoid them and prevent the attack from hitting their group.

But the flying stones on the ground are not long-eyed, and the kinetic energy generated by these stones in battle is at least comparable to bullets, and her physical cultivation can not withstand the attack of bullets.

"The brain circuitry of your woman is very simple."

Smog on the side couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth, but he knew very well how novel the female Jean's brain circuit was, and you never knew what the woman wanted to do in the next second.

Perhaps what the seniors said about a woman's heart should make sense.

At least the women he met, what Tina, Dusty or something, the brain circuits were very novel. Especially the woman Dusty, the brain circuit is not only very novel, but also stupid.

Of course, Smogg did not worry about Dusty's safety, because he had already instructed Dusty to take a group of naval and town policemen to evacuate the people and find a place to hide.

Now she is safer than anyone.

As for why there are police in Rogue Town? Is this weird? At Nami's hometown of Orange Needle, the one who takes care of Nami growing up is not also a village policeman.


"Army brother, the old man is about to make a move, you have to be ready!" Kapuhaha smiled, but the solemn look on his face did not decrease at all, but became more and more prosperous.

Almost cultivated to the point that he could listen to the domineering nature of all things, he clearly felt that Qi Xiu contained a very majestic and terrifying power, this powerful force could not be compared even to his naval hero Vice Admiral Kapu!


This army brother named Qi Xiu, even if he started to cultivate physical arts in the womb, it was impossible to cultivate to such a terrifying point!

You know, Qi Xiu's face is not more than twenty-five years old no matter how you look at it, maybe not even twenty-three or even twenty-two years old, and it is scaryly young.

In the Navy, it is already heaven that such a young soldier can be a brigadier general at most, which is due to the special strength and ability and potential.

For example, the current three generals, all of whom are naturally capable, are not a big deal to become commodore at the age of twenty.

Because they have enough strength and the potential to become a general admiral of the main division of the Navy!

Now it seems that the Navy's vision is very vicious, and the three natural Devil Fruit ability people have all become admiral-level combat effectiveness.

Each of them has a super combat power that one person can destroy an island, which is the top three combat power in the navy, and it is also the pillar of the navy that can stand in the world for so many years.

But Karp can clearly feel that Qi Xiu is stronger than the three yellow-haired boys who have become generals in the navy headquarters, and even much stronger, very much!

Is it really as the other party says, with the power to transcend this world?


A muffled sound came, and I saw two flames suddenly appear from Qi Xiu's two palms, and the scorching heat distorted the air, making his figure look very blurry.

Flame...... Devil Fruit Ability?

Nature or Superman? Or a phantom beast species of animal lineage.

"There is again, that terrifying flame."

Klockdar's eyes narrowed slightly, he had seen the terrifying high temperature of Qi Xiu's flame, and even earth and stones could burn into magma flames, which simply did not belong to this world!

His ability to sand fruit is logically the natural enemy of all flames, and no matter how big your fire is, he can extinguish it with a basin of sand, much faster than using water to extinguish the flame.

But when he encountered this strange flame from Qi Xiu, his end was also magma.

Originally, his elemental weakness was water and armed color, but now there was one more thing, that is, the flame used by Qi Xiu, a flame that could burn soil and stones into magma, not to mention his sand.

Qi Xiu once said that this is just a special physical technique.

Since it is a physical skill and not an innate ability, doesn't it mean that he can also have this physical skill if he has the opportunity in the future?

Beyond the power of the ancient weapon Hades, just thinking about it is refreshing.

"Armed color!"

Karp's face was very solemn, his two fists were covered by a completely dark armed color domineering, and his momentum changed at this moment.

Although he didn't know whether Qi Xiu's flame ability was a natural system of burning fruits, or some fruit ability that could breathe fire in the superhuman line, or an animal phantom beast species demon fruit that was more precious than the natural demon fruit.

Anyway, it is right to use armed color domineering attacks.

"Lieutenant General Karp should be careful, my move may be a little powerful, after all, I have never performed this physical technique completely, I don't know how powerful it is."

The corners of Qi Xiu's mouth had a faint curve, and the hot flames rising from his hands became more and more vigorous, and in the end, almost half of his body was covered by flames.

But strangely, his clothes can be traced by the flames, as if these flames are just bluffs, not real.

Of course, the air that became extremely hot told everyone present that these flames were not easy to mess with, and those who dared to despise it would at least have to be burned off a layer of skin.

Or...... The whole person will become a human jerky, and the water in the body will be evaporated, and even if it becomes a piece of coke, it is not impossible.

"Come on! Let me see how much young people have grown up now! Let's see if we old guys should also retire from the stage of history! "_

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