"Although I don't remember whether this trick is called a big snake pheasant or a ghost, as long as it can beat people."

An invisible energy burst out from under his feet, and a huge deep pit suddenly appeared on the ground, and Smogg was a little distressed by the scale of the pit, and the devil knew how much manpower it would take to fill it back.

Looking again, Qi Xiu had disappeared in place.

No matter how everyone looked around, there was no way to capture Qi Xiu's figure, and even if they opened their domineering aura to the extreme, they couldn't perceive it.

This speed is simply too fast!!

Even Vice Admiral Peach Rabbit, who was once a naval candidate admiral and the current three generals of the Strength Pen Navy, was frowning at this time, and his face was very shocked.

Her domineering appearance is much more powerful than Klockdar and the others, even against the yellow ape who ate the natural shining fruit, with the other party's incomparably close to the speed of light, she can detect a trace of drawbacks.

However, seeing that the domineering qi was used on Qi Xiu, it was as if it had failed in an instant, no matter how she used the domineering qi, it would not help, even if it was forcibly overloaded, there was no way.

After only a second or two of overloaded use, the peach rabbit was already sweating profusely and a little overwhelmed.

Helpless, she had to give up.

It seemed that Qi Xiu's strength had completely exceeded her imagination, and even her domineering attainment with such a high level of knowledge could not capture Qi Xiu's speed.

This guy is probably faster than the yellow ape!

"This kid... The speed is so fast, even the old man's domineering appearance cannot be detected. "

Karp's face became extremely solemn, at first he thought that Qi Xiu was just a little stronger than the current admiral, but now it seems that he is not only a little stronger? It is clear that it is much stronger!

The speed of the yellow ape is not unseen, with his strength, he can completely detect the speed of the yellow ape with the domineering power of seeing and hearing, after all, Karp's domineering cultivation is standing at the apex of this world.

But put it on Qi Xiu...

That's a bit of a bit unpleasant.

"Old man Karp... Be careful! "

What the? When?!

Karp's heart was shocked, he finally sensed where Qi Xiu was, and the other party actually didn't know when he had circled behind him.

A terrifying high temperature struck!

"Iron Fist!!"

Without having time to think about it, Karp quickly clenched one fist, twisted his waist fiercely and threw a punch behind him, and the terrifying qi wave spread for thousands of meters, making Klockdar and other points in the distance unstable.

The fist hardened by the armed color domineering slammed into a ball, and actually shattered the fireball directly with a punch, turning into a cluster of small flames.

But what made Karp frown was that Qi Xiu disappeared again, this time not knowing where it would appear.

And the fireball just now was a little high, even if Karp had hardened his fist with a weapon, he still felt that his fist was very hot.

This feeling is like soaking your hands in hot water at nearly 90 degrees, and stirring your hands vigorously in the hot water.

"It's not over yet!"

Qi Xiu's voice suddenly sounded again.

When he appeared this time, he was not behind Karp, but directly in front of Karp, which made Karp a little confused.

Holding a cluster of dark blue flames in his hand, although the flame this time was only different in color from just now, the terrifying temperature it contained made Karp tremble.

This flame is dangerous!

Holding the flame, Qi Xiu directly slapped it on the ground, and the abnormal flame, which was originally only the size of a palm, suddenly expanded countless times, and spread outward madly.

Almost instantaneously, the area of hundreds of meters centered on the two of them was covered by this dark blue flame, as if someone had poured a large amount of gasoline on the ground and then lit it all.

Of course, the color of the flame is not the same.

"Not good! Armed color full body! "

Karp was alarmed in his heart, although he didn't know what Qi Xiu's purpose was for throwing the flames on the ground, nor did he know why the flames instantly covered such a large area.

But he knew that danger was approaching!

The dark armed color covered Karp's whole person, and under the light of the fire, the whole body reflected the oily and smooth feeling, and the whole person was darker than the native African black uncle.

At first glance, I thought that someone had spilled ink on an old man.

Boom - boom!!!!

Almost instantly, a pillar of fire with a diameter of hundreds of meters rose into the sky, reaching a height of thousands of meters, allowing almost the entire East China Sea to see it clearly.

The scorching and terrifying heat directly evaporated the nearby sea water by a full one or two meters, and the entire sea surface was full of spreading water vapor, as if stepping into a misty forest.

"This, this, this... Just kidding, this..."

A group of surviving naval soldiers and junior officers all raised their heads in amazement at this time, and a pair of eyeballs almost glared out, looking at the pillar of fire in disbelief.

As a naval colonel stationed in Rogue Town, Smogg almost bit off his tongue at this time, and although they were still a long way from the pillar of fire, their heads were still sweating from the hot heat.

But it's more of a cold sweat, all of them are cold sweats that are scared out!

"Well... That's awesome. "

Mr.1 and other former members of the Baroque Work Society, this was the first time they saw Qi Xiu using a large-scale attack move, and at this time, they were so shocked that they almost couldn't say a word.

That surging qi wave, even their strength felt a little unstable on their feet, and they would be blown away at will.

Not to mention shaving those little pirates and the little navy, they all hugged together to increase their weight, so that they were not blown away by such a majestic wave.

However, for them, the stronger Qi Xiu is, the better their future development will be, and then the status of the army may really be able to compete with the navy!

Even, than pressed the head of the Navy.

However, if they knew that Qi Xiu's purpose was to make the navy disappear, or to integrate the entire navy into their army, they would find out how short-sighted their goals and vision were.

However, in addition to the people on the pier, people in other places also saw it very clearly. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - favorites, recommendations

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