In the town of Rogue, in a small valley in the middle of nowhere, Dusty, dressed in a plaid shirt and holding a famous knife in his hand, is nervously observing the movements around him.

If anyone comes here, they will be surprised to find that this small valley is full of densely packed human heads, these are the townspeople of Donghai Rogue Town.

They came here to take refuge.

Of course, there is not only this one place to hide, after all, the townspeople of Rogue Town plus tourists, it is impossible to have only such a few people, and a valley cannot accommodate so many people.

"Sergeant Dusty, hasn't there been any news from Colonel Smogg's side? After all, the other party is the fleet of the four emperors of the New World, shouldn't it be that there are already fewer fierce and less jealous? "

A middle-aged man dressed in gorgeous clothes with a big belly asked impatiently.

A person next to him chimed in: "Yes! It is not an option to stay here like this, if Colonel Smogg dies at the hands of pirates, we people will not have any good ends, it is better to quickly leave Rogue Town by boat. "

"I think it's better to surrender, they won't be as many of us as sha11!" A middle-aged man who also looked extraordinary muttered.


Dusty clenched her pink fists tightly, her joints made a crisp sound, gritting her teeth and listening to the dissatisfaction of these guys, it was enough to see how angry she was now.

If it weren't for the fact that the other party was all politicians of the world government and high-ranking officials and dignitaries in Rogue Town, she would have been unable to resist chopping all these bastards with a knife.

Although the navy is the guardian of Rogue Town, to a certain extent, the status of these officials is not lower than that of the navy, not to mention that she is only a sergeant.

He was barely a petty officer, and he also had some naval soldiers under his command.

But compared to these high-ranking officials and nobles, his rank is still too low, and his words have no weight at all, and no one will obey her orders.

Even if all the navies on the pier that angrily resisted the pirates were sacrificed? Could it be that these people would be able to immediately Rogue Town?

Leaving by boat?

Dusty and several of the same angry navies around him seemed to hear the biggest joke in the world.

The boats in the town of Rogue are all docked at the pier, where did they get the boats? If you want to find a ship, you can only go to the dock, but the people of the Hundred Beast Pirates are also at the dock.

Isn't this going to die?

As for surrender, it is even more unlikely. Not to mention that she Dusty can't surrender, even if she surrenders, will Drought Jack let them go?

As a junior naval officer, although Dusty has not been to the New World, she has also studied the long-established sea pirates of the New World.

That drought jack's style of acting, she too.

That is the existence of the island at every turn, if they surrender, they will probably kill them all at once, and no one will survive.

However, at this moment, a loud noise sounded like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, which startled everyone in the valley.

Dusty quickly turned his head, and saw that in the direction of Rogue Town, an incomparably spectacular blue pillar of fire rose up into the sky, almost connecting the ground and the sky, like a giant pillar of optimism.

Even though it was very far from the pier, they still felt a huge sense of oppression hit them.

The timid guy even squatted on the ground with one butt, and his feet were soft and unsteady on his feet.

"That... What is that thing? "

Dasiqi almost couldn't even hold the knife in his hand, staring at the pillar of fire that soared into the sky, and the whole person seemed to be in a dream.

"Lord, Lord Sergeant, shouldn't it be Colonel Smogg... Oops! Pain!! "

Before a naval soldier finished speaking, he was smashed on the head by Dusty's scabbard, and although this force would not open the head, it would definitely make a big bag.

"Don't say such demoralizing things!"

Dusty reprimanded with a straight face, but she also had no bottom in her heart, because she knew that although Smog was a natural Devil Fruit ability, it was impossible to make such a large pillar of fire.

Not to mention that Smogg's strength is not so strong, his Devil Fruit ability alone makes him unable to make any fire out.

Because Smogg's fruit ability is smoke, not flame.

Hope it's okay!

Otherwise, these people in Roguetown... I'm afraid it's going to be less fierce.

Dusty smiled bitterly in her heart, but her face was still as if nothing had happened. Because she knows that if she loses her measure, these people will become a group of headless flies.


East Sea, Windmill Village.

"Ace! What do you think that thing is?! What a big hot dog! "

A little fart boy wearing a straw hat suddenly pointed to the distant sky and shouted, and behind him also stood two young children.

A small child, like the straw hat boy, has jet black hair, but has a little freckles on his face.

The other child has blonde hair.

"Stupid Luffy, that's not a hot dog, it's like a flame!!"

"Flames? Ace, you want to lie to me again, how can a flame be so high? And can you stop hitting me on the head all the time, I'll be stupid! "

"Hahaha, Luffy, don't make trouble, it seems to be really a flame, is it an island volcano erupting?" This seems like a serious scale! "

"Saab, even you don't help me!"


East Sea, Orange Town.

"Is there a general fighting with the sea thief? However, when did the East China Sea have a strong man of the level of a sea thief and a general? "

Fishman Aaron looked solemnly at the pillar of fire in the distance, he used to be a crew member of the Sun Pirates, and he had also seen battles between the strong.

But this kind of vigorous battle, he had never seen in his life.

"If I have this power, I can rule all humans, let humans be our fish-man slaves, and establish a big fish-man era!!"

Aaron's face was full of hideousness and madness, and if his words were heard by the navy, it was estimated that the end would not be much better.

Of course, a navy like Colonel Mouse is still counted, and this guy is no better. _

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