"Who won? Or is it difficult to tell the difference between victory and defeat? "

No one paid attention to Sipshead, including his subordinates, and at this time everyone was concerned about who had won, after all, Qi Xiu and Karp were just a simple exchange, there was no need to fight for days and nights.

However, because there was so much smoke and dust at the scene, they had no way to see the scene inside, and it was difficult to detect such a long distance.

Unless it is powerful to a certain realm, such as the future Admiral Fujitora smile, his domineering range is an island!

It seems that Renly's domineering look is almost the same, he found an island when he was practicing Luffy, and he knew how many powerful creatures there were on the island just a few glances.

This level of domineering may be incomparably close to listening to everything.

At this time, Karp looked at Qi Xiu in front of him expressionlessly, with a little strange color in his eyes, and said in a deep voice: "Is this the power beyond this world?" It is indeed the strongest force I have encountered in this life, and there is no one! "

"Lieutenant General Karp, don't you heal your arm?" Qi Xiu smiled slightly, pointed to Karp's slightly twisted right arm and said.

If anyone saw Karp's right arm, they would be absolutely shocked and unable to say a word.

The dignified naval hero Vice Admiral, who has turned Roger the One Piece into a dead naval hero many times, is even more powerful Karp at the peak of the world.

His arm was actually discounted abruptly!

Just now, when Karp and Qi Xiu were fighting each other, even if Karp's right arm covered the incomparably dark overlord-colored domineering, it still could not resist Qi Xiu's strength, and the bone of his right arm was directly broken.

The man who can break Karp's arm is afraid that there are few things that the whole world can do, unless Karp deliberately does not defend and does not fight back, or this matter suddenly has a brain hole.

For example, in the original work, that Colonel Monka of the East China Sea took advantage of Kapu's temporary brain hole, and opened a big hole for Karp with an axe, and was directly named the "Axe Emperor"

Of course, after being cut and woke up, Karp still didn't have any fart trouble, as if he didn't even feel any pain, maybe it was just a little skin trauma for him.

It's no different from being bitten by a mosquito ...

"Hahaha! This small injury, you can recover from a casual sleep, when they fought Roger, Whitebeard, and Golden Lion in the past, they were at least a thousand times more serious than now. "

Kapuhaha smiled and waved his arm to indicate that he had nothing to do now.

Qi Xiu couldn't help but be in awe.

A veteran like Karp, in fact, a soldier who is just righteous, if there is no such as Karp for justice and for the people, no matter how seriously injured, even if he pays with his life.

I'm afraid that this world has long been ruled by pirates.

It is precisely because of their existence that there is a short period of peace now, although there are still many pirates and other evil forces on the sea, but at least it is much better than the previous war.

But...... Soon the army will wipe out this arrogant underworld and evil forces one by one, and the rest will be at most some guys who are not in the flow.

After all, where there is light, there is darkness, and if a place is full of light, Qi Xiu really can't believe what kind of picture it is, and then the army can be disbanded.

"That... Lieutenant General Karp, who won this time? "

Qi Xiu asked.

Now he has fully understood Karp's strength, compared to Drought Jack, Karp's strength is even stronger, if Drought Jack and Karp fight, it is estimated that he will pounce on the street in a few moves.

No, Drought Jack, who turned into a mammoth, may be a little more durable.

"You win, you win! Hahaha, it's really not simple for young people now! But beyond the power of this world... I'm afraid that the five old men of the world government will probably not be able to sleep if they find out. "

Kapu laughed loudly, and spoke without a little concealment, anyway, he didn't bird the guys of the five old stars, and he didn't know how many times he ignored the orders of the five old stars.

It can be said that Karp is the most troublesome guy in the entire navy.

Not only is the strength very terrifying, even the name has the existence of "D", but the son has recently defected from the navy, to build some kind of revolutionary army, and also try to overthrow the entire world government.

The most important thing is that this guy still disobeys orders, but the five old stars have no way to help.

After all, this year, strength is more important, if Karp does not have the strength to dare not obey the orders of the world government, now the grave grass is estimated to be several meters tall.

It is precisely because Karp has a strong and terrifying strength, and if he falls out with the world government, Sengoku, Zefa, Lieutenant General Tsuru and others who have been his good friends for a lifetime may also be on Kapu's side.

That would be equivalent to separating the entire Navy from the world government.

This kind of consequence, even the five old stars do not want to see, they cannot bear this consequence.

As the sharpest blade of the world government, if the navy defects from the world government, it means that the world government has lost an arm.

Plus the army that is now in full swing ...

It is estimated that both arms are gone.

At this time, after Peach Rabbit saw that the competition had ended, he couldn't help but run over with curiosity in his heart.

When they saw Karp's somewhat twisted right arm, they almost couldn't even close their mouths, this is a dignified naval hero vice admiral!

Even Karp is not Qi Xiu's opponent, just two moves have already divided the victory and defeat, it seems that Qi Xiu really has the power beyond this world, this is the power that can completely shake the entire world!

As for the group of pirates who were captured, they almost bit their tongues off, they just wanted to come to the East China Sea to ask Qi Xiu to go to the new world and fight with their Kaido boss.

But because of the drought Jack, the pit ratio pit to all their ship, and now they are dead, and the prisoners become prisoners, in short, it can be said that the regiment is destroyed.


PS: Rushed to the sales list and subscription list, all this is the support of everyone, happy!

Reader qun: 237~613~879

(There are no photos of the author's women's clothing in it, there really isn't!) )_

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