"Hawkeye, Fuji Tiger, Green Bull, Anilu, Whitebeard II, and a group of monsters at the bottom of Advance City."

After thinking for nearly half a day, Qi Xiu compiled a list that could be won into the army and become an army general.

These are the strong people he remembers, and the strength is not much weaker than that of the admiral, and all of them should be able to reach the level of the general.

As for some guys who could not win over the army although they had the combat power of the level of a general, Qi Xiu ignored them, because no matter how much he tried his words, the other party could not join the army at all.

For example, Marko of the Whitebeard Pirates, Magellan, the warden of Advance City, the great sword Ryoma who will be carved out in the near future, and Bucky whose strength is unknown but the overlord's luck hangs the sky, and the right arm of One Piece Roger...

All of these have the strength of the level of generals, but it is a pity that they cannot join the army, because they have their own camp, or they like to work alone, or they are already ready to retire.

Marko of the Whitebeard Pirates is the one who ate the fruit of the animal line demon and the fruit of the phantom beast species of the immortal bird, and the guy who was seriously injured by the yellow ape sneak attack in the war.

For Marko this person, Qi Xiu still appreciates it, not only heavy on righteousness but also quite a big picture, and his strength is not weak.

It is said that his Devil Fruit ability can quickly recover from injured injuries, and under certain circumstances, he can really achieve immortality.

Of course, this is not really immortal, because when the damage reaches a certain level, Marko will also die, compared to the devil fruit that has not appeared such a bug in this world for the time being.

Isn't the surgical result powerful? Can give a person immortality!

But immortality does not mean that you cannot be killed, even if you can live millions of robberies if you are killed, there is no one to split.

But it's a pity that the person is the son of Whitebeard, and he is also the captain of the first team of the Whitebeard Pirates, if Qi Xiu goes over to woo him, the harvest is estimated to be a bunch of white eyes.

As for Magellan, who pushed into the city, it was even more needless to say.

Although this house is a natural Devil Fruit ability, the strength is very strong, otherwise it is impossible to become the warden of Advance City, you must know that there is now a golden lion locked up in Advance City, the legendary sea thief!

However...... People on the other side's navy, this is a little helpless.

Not to mention whether the navy is willing to give people or not, Magellan himself is 10,000 unwilling.

People stay well in the city, how comfortable it is to be leisurely every day, there is no need to follow the army to tiring work.

As for the Great Sword Hao Ryoma?

Qi Xiu didn't dare to guarantee that this guy was warped now, it stands to reason that with Ryoma's age now, he is afraid that he is no longer alive, and it won't be long before his grave will be gouged off by one of the seven martial seas of His Majesty.

If you die, you can't live in peace, hey.

It's good that this guy didn't die, Qi Xiu can also use the Turtle Immortal Flow martial arts to nourish his body, maybe he can live a few more years, or even live for more than ten years.

But the question is, if he has already taken a break, then what to do?

Bucky, who is full of luck in the overlord color, can be said to be one of the few people whose strength is unknown in One Piece, and I don't know how many people want to know how strong Bucky really is.

But this girl...

Forget it, our Bucky's brain circuits are always very novel, and this guy is a crew member of One Piece anyway, and it is very likely to know what OnePiece is.

Definitely not interested in the Army.

Needless to say, the old man of the people is thinking of retirement, if it is not for Luffy's appearance to make him reappear, I am afraid that he will be a coater for the rest of his life.

This group of guys has the strength of the general level, or is suspected to have the strength of the general level, but it is impossible for them to join the camp of the army.

And Qi Xiu couldn't kneel and ask them to join the army, then he would rather not have these five mysterious treasure chests, even if the contents of the mysterious treasure chest were valuable, it was not worth his kneeling.

There may not be such a thing as gold under the man's knees, but at least Qi Xiu will not let his knees easily collide with the ground, and dignity is really important sometimes.

Looking at the names listed on the list, Qi Xiu muttered, "Hawkeye... I haven't seen him for almost half a year, and there is no news on the news, so I should be practicing swordsmanship hard! Wait, swordsmanship?! "

Qi Xiu's eyes suddenly lit up.

He was still worrying about how to win these guys into the army, but now he was suddenly enlightened.

What is the most important thing in Hawkeye's life? Needless to say, of course, swordsmanship! For him, the sword is his life, and it is better to kill him without the sword.

Throw in your favor!

This was the method Qi Xiu had in mind.

Isn't Hawkeye Mihawk trying to take his realm to the next level? Doesn't this guy want to challenge him Qi Xiu again?

Then Qi Xiu will fulfill his wish!

The island where the guy from Hawkeye lived, Qi Xiu, who had seen One Piece, naturally knew very well that the other party lived on an island called Kraikana, and there was a girl named Perona living with him.

Krajkana was originally a site called the Kingdom of Sizkear.

However, the kingdom was destroyed by war, and later Hawkeye Mihawk, who was the king of the Nanabukai, occupied the island and made it his home.

Anyway, at the moment this is also borderlands.

In addition to the animals on the island, Mihawk and Perona live here, and by the way, there is a group of ghosts.

Later, he forgives the head Solon, is flown by a bear bomb in the Soap Bubble Islands to the ghost castle on the island of Kraikana, and meets Perona, who was previously flapped by a bear.

The island's "human imitators", that is, a group of animals that can imitate human behavior, are very powerful, will use human weapons and attack skills, and are more powerful than humans.

It is difficult for ordinary people to resist, so the danger factor is high!

On top of that, the animals learned swordsmanship from Hawkeye Mihawk!

In the original book, these animals are not lightly abused by the forgiveness head Solon, and almost doubt life. _

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