In addition to Hawkeye, as a future admiral Fuji Hu Yixiao, it is also Qi Xiu's focus on the target, and the strength of Fuji Hu Yixiao is very strong.

In particular, his fruit ability is even more explosive in the sky, and the ability of superhuman gravity fruit can tear off meteorites on the universe abruptly, and can also send meteorites back.

This kind of fruit ability and domineering is simply heaven-blowing.

The name Fuji Tiger was actually given to him by the world government, and now his name should be Yixiao, as for what Qi Xiu surname is, it is unknown.

In the original work, it seems that Fujitora's surname is not mentioned.

Fujitora was originally a folk master unknown to no one, a blind swordsman, and also had a very serious hobby, that is, gambling.

It is said that his eyes were blinded by himself, and he also knows a little about why he blinded Qi Xiu.

It is said that he saw the ugly deeds in the world, but he had no ability to stop it at that time, and could only watch the tragedy happen.

With the character of Fuji Tiger, it is not impossible to blind his eyes so that he can no longer see the sins of the world, after all, this is a man who can kneel to anyone for the sake of justice!

Moreover, the strength of Fuji Tiger Yixiao is not simple, it is definitely very powerful, and even has the power to destroy the world!

His gravity fruit is simply a bug-level fruit, which can emit purple gravity rays to hit meteorites in space, using the fruit ability to tear meteorites off abruptly and seems to be relatively relaxed.

How destructive is a meteorite?

Although Qi Xiu has not seen it with his own eyes, he has also seen it on the news, it is definitely a world-destroying power, and even the legendary dinosaur era is said to be caused by meteorites hitting the earth.

Qi Xiu once saw an old news on Earth.

It seems that in 1908, that is, at the beginning of the last century, Tunguska in the old Mao country had a world-destroying explosion.

In nearly 2,000 square kilometers, 60 million trees were destroyed into a pile of broken wood, and even many hard boulders were not spared.

According to later statistics, the power of that explosion exceeded 10 million tons of T.N.T, 1,000 times that of the two original ZI bombs dropped by an island country.

It is speculated that it was caused by the impact of a meteorite with a diameter of only about sixty meters!

If it falls into a densely populated city, the consequences are unimaginable! If the diameter of the meteorite is larger, the power can be imagined! (Real Events)

Just a meteorite with a diameter of sixty meters caused such a big damage, but it was a range of more than two thousand kilometers in diameter, and everything was reduced to ruins.

Although the power of meteorites depends on their quality, who knows how good the quality of those meteorites in space will be?

If Fuji Hu laughed and pulled a huge meteorite down, even if it burned a lot in the air, it would have a diameter of six hundred meters...


That picture was so beautiful that Qi Xiu didn't dare to imagine it.

In a sense, the destructive power that Fuji Tiger's Devil Fruit ability can cause is firmly in the top three in the One Piece world, and it is unknown whether it can be ranked first.

Unless Fujitora is frantically experimenting.

If not, she will basically not do this, unless she is completely disappointed in the world, even desperate.

Fortunately, the gravity fruit was obtained by Fuji Tiger with a smile, and if it was given by other people who were suspicious of wanting to destroy the world, then it was estimated that there would be no more than a few people left in the entire world now.

All in all, this is an extremely terrifying powerhouse.

However, two years after the Top War, Fujitora smiled through the "World Conscription" ordinance issued by the World Government and was promoted to admiral and became one of the three new admirals of the Navy.

Fuji Tiger's strength is extremely strong, and it is known as a super powerful monster, on a par with green bulls and yellow apes.

He has a gentle and upright character, attaches importance to the safety of the people, and hates unjust deeds.

And his main purpose as a senior admiral is to hope that the world government can completely abolish the system of His Majesty's seven martial seas.

Or take the evil guys in the Seven Wuhai of His Majesty to a big change, leaving only Hawkeye Mihawk and others.

But Fuji Tiger is not easy to find!

Qi Xiu had a little headache, but after knowing Fuji Hu's appearance, it was a lot more difficult, after all, the Baroque Work Society, which is now the army's intelligence and espionage department, is not a vegetarian.

I only hope that the Fujitora smile in the anime and the Fujitora smile in reality will not have such a big difference in appearance, otherwise it will be tragic.

Compared to the vine tiger, the green bull behind is more difficult to find.

There was no appearance of the green bull in the original book at all, and Qi Xiu didn't know what this guy looked like, and he didn't even know whether the other party was male or female, so he could only pass it.

Qi Xiu is the first time that he hates the water plot so much, if Oda does not have the water plot, it is estimated that he will have seen what the future Admiral Green Bull looks like.

Now he can't wait to travel back to the earth, beat Oda hard, and let the other party know what it is to go to the sky, and the stimulating feeling of shoulder to shoulder with the sun.

And that Whitebeard II Qi Xiu is not going to want it, although this guy has the strength of Whitebeard's youth, and he also beat the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirate Group to the ground.


Sometimes the brain is a good thing, and I wish he had.

This guy's brain must have flooded when he went out of the province, and his IQ is only inferior to Drought Jack, and Drought Jack's IQ and EQ can completely crush him.

As for Anilu, who lives on the empty island, that is, the guy who calls himself a "god", Qi Xiu is also inevitable.

The Thunder Fruit is one of the most powerful Devil Fruit abilities, although this guy Anilu thinks of himself very high, and he also thinks of himself as a high god, which is all because of the problem of vision.

This guy's strength is definitely at the level of a general, but in the end he is still not the opponent of the protagonist's aura, and no matter how powerful the Devil Fruit ability is, he is a rookie when he meets the protagonist's aura.

This is true of Anilu, so is Klockdal, and even the Golden Lion Shiki is like this.

"That's the three of you! Hawkeye Mihawk, Fujitora Smile, Anilu, but these guys seem to be on the Great Voyage! "

Qi Xiu was slightly stunned, was he about to enter the Great Voyage so soon?

Is...... What about excitement! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - favorites, recommendations

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