
Doesn't the Army have a little bigger ship?

Although Qi Xiu decided to recruit the three of them by himself, giving himself a reason to be lazy on vacation, it was impossible to fly over, because he would not be able to fly for the time being.

In this case, he can only find one ship.

But what made him have a black line on his head, with a helpless face, these ships on the army dock are ultra-small boats in addition to the oversized army warships.

Because the army is not the navy, there is no need for ships of all types and sizes, and it is necessary to prepare multiple ships.

Today's army has only two types of warships.

One is that it can carry hundreds of people, squeeze or even squeeze a large warship with thousands of people, of course, these are captured, after all, the army does not have so much money to build its own warships.

No way, the Army is not the Navy.

If the world government is counted as a mother, the army and navy are counted as the two sons of this mother.

That navy is definitely biological, and it is also the type of person who has particularly excellent academic performance, particularly good ideological quality, and especially honors his parents.

As for the Army...

It must have been adopted, simply picked up from the garbage heap, and it was the kind of bad boy who had particularly poor academic performance and often bumped into his parents.

In this case, the military expenditure of the navy is naturally much more than the path, even if the development of the army is in full swing now, but the military expenditure given by the world government is still not much.

The reason is also very simple, it is because the army destroyed a nobleman!

This had already touched the nerves of the World Government, and if it weren't for the fear of Qi Xiu's strength, they would have captured Qi Xiu into the city by now and directly locked him up to the first level.

Not to mention the military budget, there is not a single hair!

In addition to this large warship that can fit thousands of soldiers, the army also has the kind of small boats that can only provide up to three or four people to fish and play in the offshore waters.

Although this kind of boat is fast, I am afraid that it will have to rest as soon as it reaches the deep sea area, right?

Especially once it encounters a whirlpool, this kind of small boat that does not even add up to five hundred pounds is likely to be swept into it every minute without any resistance.

This is tragic.

Qi Xiu doesn't want to swim to the Great Voyage, Rayleigh can swim across the windless zone, and there is a boat that doesn't have to swim through the windless zone, is this a loss of intelligence?

"Your Honor, our army has these two kinds of ships, or do you want to find a larger ship?"

Next to Qi Xiu, an army soldier saw his increasingly darkening face, and his tone couldn't help but tremble a little and asked in a low voice.

No matter how young Qi Xiu looked and how harmless Xiu looked, he was always a general of the army and the supreme commander of their army!

In addition, this army soldier had also been fortunate enough to see Qi Xiu make a move, that kind of non-human means, which almost scared him half to death at that time.

Facing a man whose identity is not only very prominent, but also terrifyingly powerful, how can this ordinary army soldier not be afraid? How can you not tremble?

He was not scared to soft feet now, it was already Qi Xiu who deliberately converged the momentum on his body, otherwise this army soldier would at least have to roll his eyes, and then pass out directly.

"Forget it! Never mind! "

Qi Xiu shook his head helplessly, although these small boats were a little smaller, but for a person of his strength, it was not enough to let the ship vortex suck in.

Otherwise it would be a failure.

Moreover, he also reacted, because if the ship was too big as if he was alone, there was no way to make the ship move, unless he could follow Ace's example and get a jet at the stern.

Anyway, the ancient martial arts of the grass pheasant flow can also control the flame, and the principle should be similar.

But obviously, a lazy salted fish with Qi Xiu's personality is impossible to do this kind of thing, and it is also tiring to control the flames all the time!

He didn't eat the burnt fruit, and his whole body turned into a flame man.

Ignoring the somewhat apprehensive army soldier next to him, Qi Xiu casually found a relatively new boat, casually cut the rope that tied the boat, and then turned on the sails.

I don't know if today is because of better luck, the wind direction just blew to the side of the Upside Down Mountain, and the strong sea breeze blew on the sails, so that the boat, which was not very heavy, sailed towards the Upside Down Mountain like a sharp arrow off the string.

In the East China Sea, there are only two ways to go to the Great Route.

One way is to cross the Red Earth Continent, and then you can reach the Great Route.

The other way is to go to the Upside Down Mountain, and use the Upside Down Mountain to go to the Great Voyage, and the two paths are much faster to go to the Great Voyage through the Upside Down Mountain.

Although the One Piece world is dominated by the sea, this does not mean that the Red Earth Continent is very small! Ordinary people want to cross the Red Earth Continent, without a month or two, it is simply impossible.

Moreover, on the Red Earth Continent, there are many countries that are still in a period of war, which is even more delayed, and may be involved in the war, and then become dry bones on the Red Earth Continent.

Gee, that picture is so beautiful to think about.

Of course, you can also cross the windless zone, as long as you are not afraid of being eaten by sea kings that are the size of islands at every turn.

After the boat sailed to a certain distance, Qi Xiu suddenly remembered a very important thing, that is, he didn't bring food and fresh water at all!


What kind of groove is this Nima, looking at the coastline that has long disappeared, Qi Xiu doesn't know whether to cry or laugh, is this considered to be pit himself?

There is nothing wrong with his strength being very strong, but Qi Xiu will not cultivate what is in the true novel! He also wants to eat, and the amount of food is more exaggerated than the average person, I don't know how many times.

This...... This is not an ordinary embarrassment, I already knew that I was not so anxious to come out and be lazy, at least I had to make a little preparation to come out again!


PS: I recommend a good book "The Strongest Guardian of Urban Fantasy", and if you like it, you can take a look, a very good novel. _

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