"This MMP..."

At this time, the sea wind was getting bigger and bigger, and the speed of the boat was also very fast, and now if you turn around and go back, the devil knows how long it will take, and Qi Xiu is most worried about getting lost.

Although these days, he has a certain sailing experience, so that he can't even understand a navigation chart, and he is barely out of the realm of road idiots.

But the problem is that the route he can now take without being a fool can only go in a straight line, and once the bow of the ship turns, the devil knows where to float next?

Qi Xiu now understood how important it was to have a flying skill, and if he could fly, he could fly directly to the Great Voyage, and then he didn't need to take a broken ship.

Sitting weakly on the deck, Qi Xiu took out a gold brick that could blind people, he had enough money, but he didn't expect that there was no such thing as a shop on the sea.

It seems that the sailing experience is not enough, and it is absolutely impossible for someone else to make such a low-level mistake.

But as an army general, Qi Xiu, whose strength has exceeded the peak of this world, has made such a low-level and even mentally retarded mistake, and no one believes this matter.

But the problem was that Qi Xiu did not bring food and fresh water, which was not an ordinary embarrassment, and he felt a little angry on his face just thinking back.

A mistake is hated for thousands of years!

However, at this moment, a ship about the same size as his small boat appeared in Qi Xiu's line of sight, but the small boat looked a little shabby and should have been used for some years.

Qi Xiu could also faintly see where a figure was on that small boat.

You can actually meet people on the vast sea! Luck finally came back, if the other party has food on the boat, you can buy a little from someone, even if there is no food, you can ask for directions.

Ask where there are islands nearby, as long as there are islands, then Zixiu can replenish food and fresh water, and it would be nice if the other party knew where the sea restaurant Bharati was.

But if it's a pirate...

Qi Xiu didn't mind sending the other party into the sea at all, maybe he could use pirates to catch a sea king, and a small sea king should be enough for him to eat for a while.

Anyway, he has the ability to control flames, and he also eats raw things, but it is just a bit troublesome without ingredients.

But before Qi Xiu could approach the boat, he heard an eager exclamation: "There is... There's the King of the Near Sea behind! The boat in front quickly get out of the way, to get in the way!! "

From the voice, it can be inferred that the other party must be a girl, and the age is not very large.

Such a young girl actually dares to go to sea, how bold is this? No, it should be said that the other party's parents are so nervous that they can let their children go to sea alone.

Unlike Qi Xiu, who was in a cranky state, Nami was so anxious at this time that tears almost welled up, and the speed of rowing had broken through the sky, because there was really the king of the near sea chasing her behind her ship!

And there is more than one, this is a full three offshore kings!

With the huge body of the King of the Near Sea, just one can swallow her and this small boat together, let alone three.

Her flesh is not enough!

What broke her the most was that there was actually a ship in front of her, knowing that the straight line between the two points was the shortest, and once she turned a corner, the speed would definitely slow down.

At that time, the three offshore kings behind him are not vegetarians, they are meat-eaters!

You let a ten-year-old child compare speed with the king of the near sea, it was already her Nami who suddenly burst into human potential, and now you actually want her to slow down and turn a corner?

What a joke, she doesn't want to be the king of the near seas for today's meal.

That's right, this girl who went to sea alone is Nami, the navigator of the future Straw Hat Pirates, she is one of the heroines of the anime One Piece, and she is also the first heroine.

But now Nami seems to be less than 10 years old, or just 10 years old, and there are still eight years before she meets Luffy!

But it's a pity that Qi Xiu can't recognize this as Nami, even if he sees Nami's delicate little face, he just feels a little familiar.

After all, in his memory, Nami is a girl with at least E in the cup, and now Nami has not yet begun to develop, and her figure is a washboard, which is no better than a washboard.

But Qi Xiu's ears are not yet deaf, such as the four words "King of the Near Sea", he can still understand.

Who made the King of the Near Sea so famous, there was a member of this group, but he ate one of the arms of the red-haired Shanks of the Four Emperors.

Can make Shanks break an arm, enough to glorify the ancestor for hundreds of years, although the final end is still Luffy punched......_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - favorites, recommendations

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