Under Nami's shocked expression, Qi Xiu's palm full of arcs wrapped around Rao slapped casually, and the terrifying electricity instantly hit several offshore kings who had just surfaced.

Although the Offshore King has a thick layer of skin on his body, it is obvious that this thing cannot be insulated, and the terrifying electric current instantly invades the bodies of the three Offshore Kings, destroying the muscle tissue inside the body.

Cracking sound...... Cracking sound...... Cracking sound...... Cracking sound......

One after another electric arcs hovered on the sea like sea serpents, and the piercing light almost made Nami on the side unable to open the corners of her eyes.

However, these arcs disappeared after a while, and the corpses of three offshore kings also floated on the sea, all of them foaming at the mouth and rolling their eyes, and the whole body was scorched black, and even the meat could be cooked.

Qi Xiu removed the arc that was still wrapped around the rao on his palm, looked at the three corpses floating on the sea, and couldn't help but say: "Just this kind of weak chicken can actually gnaw off the arm of the red-haired guy, aren't you afraid that your teeth will be broken?" "

In fact, the strength of the king of the near sea is really low, in the original book Luffy just went to sea, at that time he may not even have the combat power of a commodore in the navy, but he can still blast a king of the near sea with one punch.

However, being able to eat the arm of the red-haired Shanks, if this news spreads, I am afraid that the reputation of the Near Sea King will overwhelm all sea beasts or sea kings.


The meat price of the king of the near sea will also rise, especially the meat price of these king of the near sea in the East China Sea will definitely soar to a sky-high price, after all, no one knows which king of the near sea ate the arm of the red-haired Shanks.

If you catch that king of the near seas, it will be developed!

"Hey! It's time for the little fart to wake up, the three little snakes that are chasing you are dead. "

Looking at Nami, who was still stunned in place, Qi Xiu couldn't help but stretch out his extremely evil claws and knocked on the other party's little brain.

It's really that Nami's dull look is too cute, Qi Xiu can't stand this kind of loli selling cute, for the loli selling cute stunt, his resistance is almost negative.

Nami was knocked by Qi Xiu, and finally came to her senses, staring at Qi Xiu in disbelief, and quickly distanced herself from Qi Xiu with a frightened face.

Her current appearance was like an innocent girl who was being Lingru, and she shivered and asked, "You, you, you... You're not supposed to be a monster, are you? No...... Otherwise, how could he be able to discharge with the palm of his hand, and he could also kill three kings of the near sea with one palm!! "




Qi Xiu almost didn't have a mouthful of old blood spurt out, he didn't expect that this little fart boy would actually shock the Ten Thousand Nations Shock, one of the several major killing moves of the Turtle Immortal Flow martial art, as a means that only monsters can use.

If the turtle immortals knew about it, it is estimated that they would not vomit blood, but wanted to quickly dig a grave and bury themselves.

No, with the urine nature of the guy from the turtle fairy, when I meet such a cute Li, the first thought will definitely be to peek at each other's little inner ku.

Otherwise, it would not be a turtle immortal.

"Anyway, you just need to know that I can't eat it, by the way, do you know what island towns are nearby?" I need to go and resupply some supplies. "

Qi Xiu suddenly remembered something important and hurriedly asked.

Hearing this, Nami nodded instinctively and said, "There is an orange town nearby. "

Speaking of this, a touch of bitterness and unwillingness appeared on her face, and she said with a bitter smile: "But I advise you not to come to Orange Town, a sea thief named Fishman Along has occupied this place, and they will not be polite to outsiders." "

Orange Town...

Fishman Aaron...

This seems a little familiar, it seems to have been heard somewhere.

Looking at the little loli who was more and more familiar in front of him, a spiritual light suddenly flashed in his mind, and the hidden memories came out one after another, and one picture after another appeared in his mind, making Qi Xiu suddenly remember a lot of things.

Orange Town, isn't this where Nami, the first heroine of the original work, lives?

Coupled with a fishman Along, Qi Xiu is even more sure that this is the orange town where Nami is located, and at this time, the fishman Aaron should come to the East China Sea for a few years.

So this little girl with orange hair in front of you shouldn't be Nami, right? Wouldn't it be such a coincidence? As soon as she went out to sea, she ran into the heroine of the One Piece, and this luck has almost broken through the sky.

Qi Xiu raised his eyebrows and asked, "Are you called Nami?" There is an older sister named Nokigao, and an adoptive mother named Bermel?! "

Nami's eyes widened in disbelief, and the vigilance on her face became stronger and stronger, and she exclaimed, "Who are you?" How do you know my name? Also How do you know about Nokigo and Bermel? "


Qi Xiu suddenly realized.

No wonder this little loli is so familiar, it turns out to be Nami when she was a child, Nami at this age is afraid that she has lost Belmel, her adoptive mother, and her sister Noki Gao is dependent on each other.

This girl...

Seeing the trace of determination on Nami's delicate little face, Qi Xiu couldn't help but sigh softly.

To put such a heavy burden on a little girl, and this little girl is still a girl under the age of 10, this burden is inevitably too heavy.

Nami's childhood, in addition to early childhood, was only a short one or two years of beauty.

A year or two later, her adoptive mother was killed, and she silently took on a heavy burden, just for the sake of the hometown that her adoptive mother Belmer loved.

Fishman Aaron?

A smile appeared on Qi Xiu's face, pointed to the army uniform on his body, and said, "I'm an army general, isn't it difficult to know your name?" "

"Lu, army general?"

Nami then noticed that the army uniform Qi Xiu was wearing, especially the general-level justice cloak behind him, was even more powerful.

For the army, Nami is naturally familiar.

After all, the deeds of the army these days have long been known to everyone in the East China Sea, and the justice and strength of the army have also given many people a very intuitive understanding.

I don't know how many people in dire straits want to be sheltered by the army, and Nami is one of them.

But the army now has so few people, it can't take care of so many places. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - favorites, recommendations

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