"Are you really a general in the army? However, how can you be an army general at such a young age, even the rat colonel who did the wrong thing looks to be in his thirties! "

Nami's first reaction was to disbelieve it, after all, Qi Xiu's age seemed not much older than her, at most nine to ten years older.

But even if he is so old, he still can't hide the fact that Qi Xiu is only twenty years old, and he can become an army general at the age of twenty, what kind of joke?!

Qi Xiu's age was too deceptive, no matter what time it was.

If he says that he is a lieutenant officer in the army, even if he is a colonel, he is afraid that others will only be surprised, and will not have much reaction.

Because there are more people who become lieutenants at the age of twenty, they are not worse than Qi Xiu.

As for the school officer, if the background is a little stronger, you can also go up, as for the seniority, this thing only needs to operate a little, there is no need to be surprised.

It's just that Qi Xiu can become a general of the army at the age of twenty! This is too fake, even if it is true, it is very difficult for outsiders to believe.

Nami didn't believe it anyway.

But when Nami thought about it, she suddenly remembered that the East China Sea was the location of the army headquarters, and it was impossible for someone to dare to pretend to be the general of the army, otherwise he would be impatient!

You must know that the army easily killed Kaido, one of the four emperors of the New World, and Drought Jack, one of the three major disasters under his command, and even those pirates of the Mammoth were all captured.

The strength shown by the army has long been standing at the top of this world, haven't you seen that the army eradicated a nobleman in the East China Sea, but now it is not a?

Qi Xiu's people may deceive people, but the army justice cloak behind him is absolutely impossible to deceive, and no one in this place in the East China Sea dares to impersonate the general of the army.

People who dare to impersonate are 100% alive impatient, and the man in front of him does not look like the kind of person who gets impatient, that is...

That is, this guy is really a general of the army !!

Nami's little mouth couldn't help but open wide, in her small cognition, people who can become army generals at only twenty years old are either the illegitimate children of army generals or really powerful people.

And Qi Xiu was able to slap three offshore kings to death with one palm just now, which means that he is a powerful person, and his strength is not ordinary strong!

The creature of the king of the near sea can be said to be the most ferocious monster in the sea in the East China Sea, because there are no medium-sized sea kings in this part of the East China Sea.

As the saying goes, there are no tigers in the mountains, monkeys.

However, Qi Xiu was able to emit terrifying arcs of electricity in his palm, and he could roast the three terrifying Near Sea Kings, which was completely beyond Nami's imagination.

Are there really such powerful people in this world?

If Nanami knew that there was a girl named Nicole Robin, who was already a major general in the army headquarters as a teenager, she would not know how shocked it would be.

Of course, if she knew that Qi Xiu was the general of the army headquarters, she would probably be even more shocked.

Taking a deep breath, Nami's face with a hint of anticipation and pleading, forcibly summoned up enough courage to ask Qi Xiu, "Riku, Lord Army... Are you really going to Orange Town? The fishman Aaron in Orange Town came from the Great Route, and there were many powerful cadres. "

At this time, Nami has completely regarded Qi Xiu as an army general, and a powerful path general, if the other party can clean up Along, even if she can do anything.

Therefore, she very much hoped that Qi Xiu could go to Orange Town.

But Nami was also a little worried.

Because Fishman Along is a sea pirate from the Great Voyage, the bounty is as terrifying as 2000W profit, not to mention a group of pirate fishmen under his command are all from the Great Voyage.

When the fishman Aaron and them arrived in the East China Sea, even Colonel Smogg, who was stationed in Rogue Town, could not stop them.

After all, these guys are all fishmen, and if the fishmen are on land, Smogg has the confidence to kill them all, but if they fight in the water, Smog can't do anything.

Because he is a Devil Fruit ability, and it is not the ability of the green pheasant to freeze seawater, nor the ability of the red dog to boil seawater.

Coupled with a Colonel Rat meddling behind his back, Aaron and they successfully arrived at Orange Town and occupied Orange Town.

Of course, the news of their occupation of Orange Town was completely blocked by Colonel Mouse.

Even if Smog wanted to catch the fisherman Aaron and the others, he didn't know their orientation, and the East China Sea was so big, he wanted to find a pirate group in the huge East China Sea, which was tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

All in all, Nami wants Qi Xiu to be able to capture all of them in prison, and it is better to kill them to avenge Bermel.

But on the other hand, he was worried that Qi Xiu was not the opponent of the fishman Along, and in the end, the people did not kill but killed the people.

Nami's heart is very entangled.

The young Nami was able to hide the thoughts in her heart, and Qi Xiu knew what was in her heart just by looking at the tangled and hesitant expression on Nami Little Lori's face.

Taking off the army cap on his head, Qi Xiu slowly buckled it on Nami's head.

Under the other party's bewildered gaze, Qi Xiu said with a faint smile on his face: "A group of fish people who sneak their lives and like to daydream all day. Anyway, I'm going to Orange Town to buy some supplies, so let's solve them! "

As for whether his actions will affect the future plot?

Now Qi Xiu was not very worried, because he thought of a good solution.

Since he is already so powerful, why can't he be a chess player behind the scenes?

When Luffy Solon goes to sea, arrange Robin and Klockdar to put on a good show in Alabastan.

As for Aaron from Orange Town?

Anyway, there are so many people locked up in the army's prison, there is always a plot position that can replace the fishman Aaron, this kind of game of being a chess player behind the back... Seems quite interesting.


PS: Recommend "Entertainment from Dragon Set to Superstar"_

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