The journey was a long journey, and the journey was a long journey.

Smoker and his companions went northwards, through the vast desert, and arrived at their destination, Yoba.

Yoba is a young town built on an oasis in the desert. It is a must-go place for trade in western Alabasta, and the number of hotels ranks first in the country.

Entering Yoba, Smoker had only two impressions.

One is that it is new. Many buildings are new, and even many shops and hotels are under construction in full swing.

One is that it is chaotic. Unlike Aluba, most of the guests here are merchant groups, which are much larger in scale.

In addition, with the upcoming slave auction, many pirates and underground forces are also mixed in.

These people are not as well-behaved as merchants, residents, and tourists, and always try every means to cause trouble.

Therefore, the King's Army would run past them breathlessly from time to time.

Sanai sighed: "I have never seen so many caravans..."

Smoker nodded and said to Bell with a smile: "I finally understand why you want to support this place. This guard force is really not enough!"

After a few days of getting along, Bell was no longer so nervous in front of Smoker.

"Originally, the slave auction was scheduled to be held in the capital Arubana or the tourist city of Rainy Land, but the king persuaded the Celestial Dragons to change the location here."

Smoker was curious: "Why here?!"

"The king said that the desert scenery here is the most primitive." Bell said, and then he was silent for a while: "I'll tell you the truth."

"King Cobra is very opposed to the slave trade. He doesn't want this dirty thing to taint the hearts of the people!"

"And the gathering of a large number of human traffickers will also cause great hidden dangers."

"So, he changed the location to Yoba. Although there are many people here, most of them are caravans or merchant groups, with their own security forces, which is much safer. It can also keep this kind of trade away from the sight of civilians..."

Smoker suddenly realized.

In the main storyline, it was also at this time that Princess Vivi was almost captured by human traffickers.

If the location is really set in the capital, it will be a big deal...

"It really deserves to be King Cobra. It is a blessing for the people to have such a king..."

At the same time, in the palace of Alabasta

The distinguished Celestial Dragons came here as guests, and King Cobra accompanied them throughout the trip.

In the garden, a dozen slaves formed a lounge chair, and the Celestial Dragon Makas Hastavasi lay comfortably on it, with CP and guards standing behind him.

Opposite him was King Cobra, sitting on a stool.

Although he had a spring breeze smile on his face, when his eyes swept across the lounge chair, a hint of discomfort flashed in the depths of his eyes.

A servant came to the garden and presented a plate of fruit.

Cobra took it and held it in front of Hastavasi with both hands.

"Saint Hastavasi, this is our Alabasta's most famous specialty - the sand pear fruit, please taste it."

A slave hurriedly forked one and stuffed it into Hastavasi's mouth.

Hastavasi chewed a few times and said lightly: "Not bad..."

Cobra bowed slightly.

"As long as you like it, I have ordered the army to search in the desert and present it to you when you leave."

Hastwasi said "hmm" and opened his cloudy eyes.

"King Cobra, I have lived with you for a few days, but I have never seen your family or even maids. Why is that?!"

Cobra paused after slowly getting up.

"Sorry, my family is not in the country recently, so I don't have the blessing to meet you."

"As for the maids... Alabasta is a desert country, and the appearance of women is far different from your concubines. I really dare not bring them here to pollute your eyes."

Hastwasi stared at Cobra, and after a few seconds, he slowly lay down.

"It's up to you..."

"I know what you're thinking, and I don't want to argue with you, but, Nephite Cobra, you have to remember one thing!"

"Please speak..."

"Although you live in the dirty underworld, you also have the blood of the Nephite family."

"In our eyes, you are different from ants!"

"So... don't lower yourself and get too close to those ants!!"

King Cobra was silent.

He didn't refute, or he knew that refutation was useless.

After a while, he bowed.

"Wise Saint Hastvasi, you are absolutely right! Even the kings of various countries are not worth mentioning in front of the Celestial Dragons, let alone the untouchables."

"But I also have my reasons for doing this. After all, even when facing livestock, basic guidance is necessary!!"

Hastvasi's eyes drooped slightly.

"It's good that you have the idea. I'm tired, go down..."


After Cobra left, Hastvasi said lightly: "Come here!"

Two CPs came out: "My Lord!"

"Place two people in this country..."



On the other side.

Bell sent Smoker and the others to Yoba, and the mission was actually completed.

Smoker took the initiative to say goodbye to Bell, saying that he wanted to go around.

Bell has known Smoker's temper in the past two days. He said he wanted to go shopping by himself, and he really wanted to go shopping by himself,

So he didn't insist and said goodbye happily!

The mole fruit in his arms had to be sent out as soon as possible...

In fact, Smoker still had a dog-dog fruit in his hand, dachshund form,

but this thing was really not good enough, so he kept it.

When Bell walked away, Sanai came over.

"Mr. Smoker, I want to go around and find out about my sister..."

In fact, Smoker has asked Morgans for help,

But if Sanai is left alone, he will definitely feel uneasy, so he nodded in agreement.

"Go, things are not peaceful recently, don't be too ostentatious."

"If there is anything, bear it first, tell me everything when you come back, and don't do it if you can..."

If you accidentally kill a few nobles, even Smoker will be in trouble...

Sanai is the navy seedling he chose, and he must not have a criminal record.

"Don't worry! I'm leaving!!"

Sanai picked up the gun and ran away.

[Tsk tsk... He is a good kid, but unfortunately he is still too weak. He needs to practice hard later! ]

About 100 kilometers away from the Brazilian side.

There is a huge and hidden cave.

Although the sun is scorching outside, it is cool and humid in the cave.

At this time, there were more than a thousand people gathered in the cave, all holding weapons and looking extremely fierce.

These people were divided into several groups,

They looked at each other with scrutiny and hostility, and kept talking trash.

"Hey, baldy, you're not dead yet?!"

"Stinky woman, if I have to die, I'll die on you!"

"You? Thin dog!!"

"Curly, you dare to show up like a coward?! Trash like you should be fed to desert scorpions."

"Hehe... I'm waiting, idiot!"


In the corner, a tall, muscular bald man with the word "壱" tattooed on his chest stood in the corner.

He ignored those guys who were talking nonsense, just crossed his arms and looked coldly into the depths of the cave.

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