The king of Cobra was very happy.

Hearing Smoker's suggestion to establish a branch in Alabasta, King Cobra's face changed drastically.

Smoker continued: "When the branch is established, the navy will be enough to protect your safety."

"And you can reduce the King's Army, which will not only reduce military expenses, but also increase the labor force!"

King Cobra's eyes flashed with a gleam of light, picked up the cup and slowly drank a sip of water, then slowly put it down.

"Is this the opinion of the World Government? I will consider it!"

"But it's a matter of great importance, and I need to weigh it for a while before I can give you an answer!"

Although the words were polite, the attitude instantly became much more alienated.

Just kidding,

Let the World Government's military forces enter Alabasta and reduce the King's Army. What a great Qing Dynasty!

The ancestors of the Nephite family have worked hard for so many years just to get rid of the influence of the World Government. If I really do this, I guess even the coffins of my ancestors will not be able to hold it down!

I thought I really met a good navy, but I didn’t expect it to be a lobbyist for the government.

MD, bad luck!

But Smoker was not angry at all.

"King Cobra, you misunderstood!"

"This is my suggestion, or the navy's suggestion, but it has nothing to do with the World Government..."

King Cobra turned around suddenly and stared at Smoker with a strange look.

Smoker smiled slightly.

"I understand Alabasta's attitude towards the World Government. This is a suggestion from the standpoint of Alabasta and the Navy, and it has nothing to do with the World Government!"

King Cobra's face changed, but he still didn't change his words.

"Alabasta is a member of the World Government and will not do anything that violates the World Government!!"

"Oh? Is that true?!"

Smoker approached him, leaned forward, and whispered: "Will the king with the name of D really obey the Celestial Dragons?"

Smoker still doesn't know what the hell D is, but he can't help but use it as a banner.

Sure enough, when he heard D, Cobra's face changed drastically and he couldn't help but stand up.

"Now, you believe my position!"

Cobra nodded.

Indeed, this is the biggest secret in his heart.

If the World Government knew, it would not be the Navy who came today, but the CP.

Smoker said lightly: "Don't worry, except for me, only the Marshal and several senior officials know about this."

"After all, the Navy is not so clean!"

Cobra: "What?!!"

"You should also know about Admiral Zefa's affairs, right?"

When Cobra heard this, his pupils shrank, as if he understood something.

Then he sat back in his seat, holding his forehead and smiling bitterly: "It seems that I have no choice but to trust you..."

Smoker also sat back in his seat.

"You are wrong. The navy is not a government and will not force a peaceful country to do anything. This is a suggestion!"

"I see. I am sorry... Then please tell me about your plan..."


So, Smoker began to introduce the plan.

Establish a branch near the capital of Alabasta and establish naval bases in several major cities.

Only a few thousand navy troops are needed to protect Alabasta from pirate attacks...

And without pirate attacks,

Only tens of thousands of royal troops are needed to suppress the sand bandits and thugs in the country.

Smoker also gave Cobra a reassurance.

He can insert some of the royal troops into this branch. Although it is impossible to appoint them as senior officers, it is still no problem to be a colonel.

Of course, the navy's funds are limited.

The cost of building and operating the branch needs to be borne by Alabasta alone.

To put it bluntly, it means spending money to hire bodyguards...

After thinking for a while, Cobra felt that it was still very feasible.

Of the 600,000 royal troops, nearly 500,000 are guarding the coastline, and their annual military expenditure is about 60 billion Baileys!

If a naval branch is established, at least 400,000 troops can be reduced.

With 200,000 people left, the military expenditure becomes 20 billion Baileys,

and those 400,000 people can create about 40 billion Baileys of value every year.

One positive and one negative, an extra 80 to 90 billion Baileys every year!

With so much money, let alone supporting a branch,

it is enough to demolish the branch and rebuild it!

With this money, the situation that is stretched by drought will be reversed immediately!

Thinking of this, Cobra felt a lot more relaxed.

Originally, the most worried thing was the position of the navy, fearing that the world government would borrow

The opportunity to intervene in the affairs of Alabasta.

After listening to Smoker's plan, I am not worried anymore.

As the king of a country, he still has political sensitivity.

Smoker, oh no, it's the Navy's current actions, which are tantamount to digging up the roots of the World Government...

The strongest beast under his command is quietly untying the collar...

I, Cobra, am not worthy of enjoying such a high-level self-torture...

"Mr. Smoker, I basically agree with your suggestions."

"There are only two more questions!"

"Hmm? Please speak. In public and private, we can be open and honest!!"

Cobra nodded.

"The first one is Crocodile."

"That guy is one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea after all. Once he goes berserk, can a single base, or even a naval branch, stop him?!"

"If not, it will be a disaster for the people!!"

"The second one is the most important!"

"How can the World Government allow the Navy to establish a naval branch in Alabasta for no reason?! Will they be suspicious?"

Smoker nodded.

"The first one is not a problem. We will arrange strong people who can deal with Crocodile."

"There is no need to defeat him head-on. Just tie him up and make him unable to free his hands."

"As for the second point..."

"If it were another country, it would be more difficult,"

"But Alabasta is different. The Nephite royal family is the descendant of those 20 kings!"

"Just based on this identity, it's not too much to apply for some special protection!!"

"This..." King Cobra smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"That alone is probably not enough..."

"In the eyes of the Celestial Dragons, we are indeed different from other kings, but since we have chosen to step down from the altar, we can only be 'humans'."

"Compared to the false gods, we would rather be flesh and blood, but this also means that we have lost the privilege of being 'gods'."

"I see..."

Smoker thought for a moment.

"King Cobra, Eruma has begun to decline. It is better to build a slave auction there to attract Celestial Dragons."

"It is close to the sea and far from other cities. Even if the Celestial Dragons come, it will not affect other places!"

"Just think about it, is the place where the Celestial Dragons like to come worth protecting?!"

King Cobra's eyes lit up at first, then frowned and shook his head.

"This is just a temporary auction house. The only legal auction house in the world is the Sabaody Archipelago!"

"And the Navy Headquarters has issued a special statement. If they really do this, wouldn't it be a slap in their own face?"

Smoker smiled slightly.

"Don't worry about that, I'll find a way..."

"But, if I want to accomplish this, I really need your help!"

"Oh?! Please tell me..."

"I want you to help me meet... meet the Celestial Dragons!!"

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