The auction lasted from morning to evening, and a meal was provided in between.

Smoker calculated,

Some slaves were sold individually, and some were sold in packages,

In total, the auction house alone sold thousands of slaves.

After the auction house was done, they gave the place to the human traffickers,

The human traffickers also took the stage and spared no effort to promote their "goods".

Smoker secretly observed.

Seven out of ten slaves in the slave auction house were born as pirates, sand bandits, criminals, etc.

Even if they were born as civilians, most of them were middle-aged men, and there were very few elderly people and women and children.

Although they are also pitiful, their chances of survival are greater after all.

Smoker also understands this.

Although Zain is a giant in the industry, he can't save all civilian slaves by himself.

He can only try to keep more slaves alive...

But those traffickers are different.

The slaves they sell are mostly abducted civilians, regardless of gender, age, or even pregnant women.

From this point of view, Zain's bottom line is much higher than theirs.

But for those nobles, it is obvious that Zain's slaves are of better quality...

As a result, her reputation and credibility in the slave industry are getting better and better...

When the auction is over,

Smoker and Sanai leave the venue.

During the auction, Sanai stared with eyes wide open, not blinking, for fear of missing his sister.

But the result is regrettable,

He stared from beginning to end, but still couldn't find his sister.

After coming out of the auction, Sanai's face was pale, as if he had been drained of strength, and he walked lightly.


"Mr. Smoker, I'm sorry, please let me be quiet..."

After saying that, Sanai randomly found a direction and left on his own.

Smoker sighed.

This failure was a huge blow to him.

The most painful thing is not knowing the death of a loved one,

but knowing that the other party is not dead and is still suffering, but you have power but can't do anything...

"Calm down, there is still room for maneuver, it's coming!"

Sanai: "What's coming?"

At this time, a huge seagull fell from the sky.

It was not Morgans, but it was dozens of times larger than an ordinary seagull.

It "quacked" a few times and handed Smoker a bundle.

Smoker thanked him, took the bundle, and took out a passbook and stuffed it into the seagull, then took Sanai to a hotel and opened a room alone.

Sanai asked curiously, "What are these?!"

Smoker opened the bundle, and countless pieces of paper flew out, all of which were information about slaves.

Photos of the slaves, who had them, where they were going, all were available. A closer look showed that they were all blonde slaves.

Sanai's heart skipped a beat.

Smoker picked up a piece of information.

"Human traffickers come to Alabasta just to facilitate the sale of slaves, but they may not be auctioned..."

"This is a blonde slave who appeared in Yoba recently. Many of them did not go to the auction. Let's see if there is your sister."

In order to find Stella, Smoker also spent a lot of money.

While asking Morgans to start the seagulls and stare at the ships entering and leaving Alabasta.

While secretly asking Vip to come to Alabasta and use animals to find out information.

Sanai hurriedly flipped through it, and after a while suddenly exclaimed: "Sister! It's my sister!!!"

Smoker leaned over to take a look, and the photo showed a blonde slave wearing a green skirt.

[She is really beautiful, no wonder she can charm Tesoro...]

"Who is she in charge of now? Did she say where she is going?!"

Sanai looked at the information, her face livid.

"The information says that my sister was in the hands of a human trafficking group called the Black Dog Hunting Group. Five days ago, they sold my sister to the Starlight Pirates."

"This pirate group bought a permanent pointer to the Sabaody Archipelago and set sail four days ago!"

"Also... this pirate group seems to be interested in entering the slave industry. They have only purchased and not sold along the way. It seems that they are ready to make a big splash in the Sabaody Archipelago!"

Smoker was stunned: "Sabaody Archipelago?!"

[That's right. According to the original plot, Stella met Tesoro in the Sabaody Archipelago and was later sold to the Celestial Dragons! ]

(The play did not say it was the Sabaody Archipelago, it was created appropriately)

Sanai gritted his teeth and clenched the gun in his hand.

"No! I have to save my sister!!"

Smoker looked at

Data, shook his head: "No need..."

Sanai was shocked and angry: "What did you say?!"

"The other party has left for several days with the permanent pointer of the Sabaody Archipelago. How do you want to chase them?!"

Sanai was stunned.

Ordinary pointers are easy to deal with. They must be magnetized to point to the next island.

So the route is fixed, and you can just follow the direction.

But the permanent pointer is different.

You only know the final destination, and you can go wherever you want in the middle. You can't determine the direction at all.

From the data, this pirate group will definitely not stop, and will look for slaves everywhere.

Four days have passed.

Even the slowest pirate ship must be thousands of kilometers away.

Without a direction, even riding Griffin can't chase...

"Then I'll go to the Sabaody Archipelago to wait for them!!!"

Smoker nodded: "I agree, but have you forgotten who I am?"

After that, he took out a Den Den Mushi and made a call.

"Hello, it's me, Smoker."

"Oh? You're together? That's great!"

"I'm at..."

After a while, there was a knock on the door.

Sanai opened the door quickly.

There were two people outside, one of whom he didn't know, and the other was Conan Jemiller.

When they saw Smoker, they stood at attention and saluted: "Captain Smoker!"

Smoker saluted back: "Vip, long time no see, Jemiller, I didn't expect it was you!"

The few people exchanged a few words.

Smoker first introduced Sanai and talked about Stella.

Then, he told Sanai: "Sanai, the next destination is very dangerous, you and Griffin don't follow me!"

"You two follow Vip and wait for me in Shampoodi."

Sanai wanted to say something, but he opened his mouth and finally nodded.

Smoker said to Whip again: "You heard what I just said."

"Remember to increase the patrol range. If you find any trace of the Starlight Pirates, capture them immediately!"

"Also, enlist Sanai and help me train this kid well!"

The two said in unison: "Yes, Teacher Smoker/Base Captain!"

Smoker nodded.

"Sanai, take Whip to see Griffin first. Whip can talk to animals. Griffin has been in a bad mood these days, so let Whip help you ask what's wrong."

After saying that, he gave Whip a subtle look, and Whip understood and said: "Yes, I am also very curious about Griffin! Sanai, please!"

He didn't know what Griffin was at all, but he cooperated with Smoker with the tacit understanding he had developed over a long period of time.

Sanai wanted to listen again.

Hearing Whip's words, he was embarrassed to refuse.

So he greeted a few people and took Whip to the oasis outside the city.

Only Conan Jemiller was left, so Smoker didn't hide it.

"Jemiller, why didn't Zane come? What happened?"

Jemiller's expression became a little strange.

"Well... Lieutenant General Zane is very good, but he has been busy recently..."

"The specific reason, well, she won't let me tell you..."

Smoker: "..."

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