The past two weeks have been very strange.

For some reason, all the pirates in the East China Sea have disappeared.

Smoker went out with the ship for patrols several times, but often did not encounter any pirates.

That day, Smoker trained until night again.

He untied the bandage on his hand and looked at the cracked wound on his fist, muttering to himself.

[What's going on recently? ! Why is the sea so quiet...]

[I have absorbed a lot of pain these days, and no one bears it, so I dare not let go of my hands and feet to train...]

"All personnel, all personnel, please pay attention!"

Suddenly, Cole's voice came from the loudspeaker of the training ground,

The voice was nervous and hurried.

"Everyone, gather at the dock in five minutes! If you are delayed, you will be punished by military law!"

Cole read it three times, and then turned off the horn with a low whistle.

Smoker was a little surprised.

Cole was a very easy-going person. Although he was strict, he rarely used military law to pressure people.

What happened today? It was so tense...

The other navy officers were also confused.

Whether they were lying down to sleep or strolling around, they did not dare to neglect it. They changed into military uniforms and rushed to the dock.

Smoker also rushed to the dock quickly.

At this time, Cole and several officers had been waiting here. When they saw someone coming, they asked them to return to the team.

They sorted out the appearance of the marines one by one, and if they saw someone's movements were not standard, they would scold loudly without hesitation.

Smoker quietly asked his comrade next to him: "What's wrong with the base commander?"

The navy next to him held his head high, glanced left and right, and shook his head imperceptibly when he was sure that no one saw him.

"I don't know, maybe a big shot is coming."

Bellmaire happened to be standing on the side, whispering: "What big shot... Two years ago, when the Banmon royal family came, they didn't make such a big show..."

Suddenly, someone whispered "Here they come".

Smoker looked over quickly, and saw a warship slowly approaching in the night.

Judging from the outline, it should be a large warship of the headquarters.

The one who can mobilize a warship of this specification must be at least a vice admiral of the Navy Headquarters.

Although the vice admirals of the Navy Headquarters are a little lame in the later plots, they are all elite among the elite.

For Base 161, they are definitely big shots that are hard to touch.

When the warship approached, Smoker's expression became weird.

Because the shape of this ship is too weird, there is a dog holding a bone on the bow!

[Hiss... Isn't this the warship of the Navy hero - Monkey D. Garp? ! ! ]

No wonder the East China Sea has been so quiet recently...

This gentleman actually came to the East China Sea.

The small temple welcomes the great Bodhisattva!

But why is Cole so awed?

It feels like this guy is not the kind of person who flatters his superiors,

Otherwise he wouldn't have stayed in the small 161 base for so many years...

At this time, Bellmair solved his doubts.

"It turned out to be Vice Admiral Garp, no wonder..."

"When Captain Cole was a child, his town was attacked by pirates. It was Vice Admiral Garp who saved him and guided him to join the navy. In his heart, Vice Admiral Garp is not only a superior, but also a benefactor..."

Smoker suddenly realized...

After a while, the warship docked steadily at the dock.

Garp ate a donut and walked down step by step, followed by a group of navy.


Captain Cole shouted, and everyone saluted with a standard military salute.

"Vice Admiral Garp, thank you for visiting late at night! All officers and soldiers of the 161 base welcome your arrival!"

Garp walked in front of him with a casual expression.

"Haha, little Cole, you are still as serious as ever! I'm just passing by, no need to go through so much trouble!"

"By the way, I... zzz"

Garp was halfway through his speech when he suddenly lowered his head, his breathing became heavy, and a big snot bubble blew out of his nose.

Cole was listening, and he was also stunned when he saw this, and was confused for a moment.

Smoker happened to be standing next to Cole, and whispered: "Base Commander, Vice Admiral Garp fell asleep!"

Cole's face turned black: "Don't talk nonsense! Vice Admiral Garp is a combat hero, how could he..."

Before he finished speaking, Garp's snot bubble suddenly burst, scaring himself awake.

"Ah... Sorry, I just fell asleep."

The navy: "Huh?!!!"

Garp picked his nose: "Let's not talk about this for now."

"Originally, I wanted to go back to the headquarters directly after my vacation, but Kuzan

The kid asked me to pick up a kid named Smoker and bring him back to the headquarters. Who is it? Come out and let me see! "

Everyone was stunned and looked at Smoker in unison.

Smoker was confused.

It turned out to be Kuzan. It's a good thing he didn't forget the agreement.

But isn't this too high-profile?!

How could I be so worthy as to ask the legendary navy hero to pick me up...

Smoker felt his scalp tingling, but he still took a step forward.

"Report to Vice Admiral Garp, Private Smoker reports to you!"

"It's just ordinary... huh? "

Garp glanced at Smoker. At first glance, it seemed nothing serious.

But the next moment, he found something wrong and his eyes suddenly became sharp.

Then he suddenly rushed towards Smoker, so fast that it seemed like teleportation.

Smoker was also shocked. His first reaction was to step back and dodge.

But before he could move, Garp's fist had stopped at the tip of his nose, and the fierce wind from the fist made his face hurt.

"Garp... Vice Admiral Garp? !"

Garp opened his hand and the seastone pendant appeared in his hand.

Smoker looked down and broke out in a cold sweat.

The buttons on his collar had been neatly unbuttoned.

"So that's it, seastone... No wonder Kuzan recommended you!"

Garp let go of the pendant.

"You actually use this messy method to practice. You are really an incredible kid. Hahahaha! "

With Garp's observation Haki, he can naturally sense Smoker's physique, which is already pretty good at his age.

As for the devil fruit ability, it is not that important...

In Garp's eyes, it doesn't matter what fruit he eats, he can slap his brain out with just a slap...


Garp suddenly yawned loudly.

"I'll sleep here tonight, it's uncomfortable to be wet on the boat! Everyone rest, and set off tomorrow morning! Smoker, don't be late!"

After that, he walked towards the base.

Cole hurried forward: "Vice Admiral Garp, we have prepared a room, please follow me..."

"Ah, thank you for your hard work, I'm really a little sleepy!"

"You must have been working all night to clear out the pirates? You've worked so hard!"

"Ah, there's no need to be so troublesome about such a small thing, I'm just challenging the record of eating donuts in a row. "


In the late night, Smoker came to the training ground, and Bellmère was already waiting there.

"Smoker, I heard that you are going to take the assessment of the elite navy expansion class of the Navy Headquarters. As long as you pass the assessment, you will have the opportunity to stay in the headquarters. Congratulations first!"

"It's just to take the assessment. I don't know what the result will be. You called me out so late, not for this, right? ? "

Bellmère is not the kind of person who is not straightforward. It must not be just to say goodbye when he called me here.

Of course, Smoker didn't think that the other party liked him.

"Smoker, play with me!"

"What nonsense are you talking about? !"

Bellmère pulled off the hairband from his wrist and tied his hair, and took off his coat, revealing his muscular body.

"Take off the pendant!"

"I know I am not your opponent at all, but at least let me know the real gap between you and me! "

Smoker paused for a moment and nodded: "Okay..."

A few minutes later.

The playground was in a mess, and the surrounding stone fences were cut into pieces.

Bellmaire fell on the playground with a bruised face and swollen nose, gasping for breath.

"Damn... I didn't expect that I couldn't even touch the corner of my clothes after trying my best! This gap is really despairing!"

"Yeah, it's still a long way off..."

"Haha... cough... cough..." Bellmaire laughed a few times, and then turned into a cough because of the pull of the wound.

"You bastard, you really don't know how to comfort people!"

"Just telling the truth, when you get to the battlefield, false comfort will only cost you your life."

Smoker sat next to her.

"However, you are more than 100 times stronger than when I first met you..."

"Besides, in the eyes of a strong man like Vice Admiral Garp, what's the difference between you and me... We still have a long way to go! "

Bell-mère thought of Garp's despairing speed after just one try, and murmured: "Haha... it's true!"

"Why did you come to me tonight? To see you off? I won't be moved..."

"Haha, you bastard! It's nothing, I just felt a little emotional after seeing Vice Admiral Garp."

"Emotional? !"

"You know, in everyone's eyes, Vice Admiral Garp is like a guardian angel!"

Smoker nodded: "I've heard that, because he comes back every year for vacation, the East China Sea is the weakest sea..."

Bell-mère sighed

: "I'm not willing to accept this! We are also the navy with the name of justice, and we should be the guardians of the East China Sea!"

Smoker was silent for a while, and said lightly: "After I leave, you will be the only one with the ability, I'm counting on you..."

"Bellmaire, if you can become a gentle mother, you will definitely become the guardian of the East China Sea!"

"Huh? What the hell is a gentle mother, I don't want a child hahaha... cough cough..."

Bellmaire sat up with difficulty, took out a cigarette and lit it, then threw the whole pack to Smoker.

"This is a farewell gift for you! Smoking is not good, but it will make you more manly!"

"So you are the most manly person in the base."

"Get lost..."

Not far away, Garp was sitting on the roof watching the excitement, and Bogart was sitting quietly on the side.

Hearing the two quarreling, Garp grinned.

"161 Base... Interesting!"

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