After a long time of waiting, I was very happy.

I chatted with Bellmair all night.

The next day, Smoker boarded Garp's ship and set off for the Navy Headquarters.

Then it was a boring voyage...

But Smoker was not idle either.

As a training maniac at Base 161, he still trained every day.

"4998, 4999, 5000!"

"Huh... It's over!"

Smoker finished today's boxing training, took off his clothes and twisted them, sweat "rushing" down, shook them a few times and put them on, turned around and prepared to return to the cabin.

At Base 161, Smoker was an absolute training maniac, but he was not so eye-catching on Garp's ship.

Garp was able to compete with Roger's pirate group, but he didn't fight alone.

Although everyone on his ship, except Boga, is nameless, they are all elite among the elite.

Apart from their missions, they spend the rest of their time training every day.

So, although Smoker sweats profusely every day, he is not very eye-catching on this ship.

However, there is a lazy Garp.

Garp ate senbei and walked over like a street kid.

"Hey, Smoker, you are very energetic. Do you want to find an opponent to spar with?"

Smoker looked back at Garp with an incredible face.

Sparring? ?

With you? ?

Are you kidding me? !

Garp walked to the side and sat down, took out a bag of senbei and started eating.

"Kid, this is the first time that the Elite Navy Expansion Class is recruiting students. Although Kuzan recommended you, you are only qualified for the assessment, and you are still far from joining!"

After saying that, he muttered again: "That rigid old man is not easy to fool..."

Smoker nodded, his expression unchanged.

"Thank you for telling me, I thought it was too much of a joke to join just by recommendation!"

Garp grinned: "Kid, you are very confident..."

"Do you want to find an opponent for you to practice with?!!"

It turned out that Garp didn't do it himself, I was scared to death!

Smoker moved his neck.

"Okay, I won't refuse a fight that comes to my door!"

"Don't you need to rest?"

"Pirates won't wait for me to rest."

"Well said!"

Garp showed a hint of appreciation in his eyes.

At this time, many navy officers came over to watch the fun.

Garp glanced and pointed at a person: "Well said, Mantis, you practice with him!"


A giant man walked out of the crowd.

Smoker glanced at his shoulder straps.

Judging from the rank, this man is a colonel like Kokol, but his momentum is incomparable.

Garp smiled and said: "Kid, take off that pendant and show me your real ability!"

Then he reminded Mantis: "Remember not to damage the ship, I don't want to listen to Xiaohe's nagging!"

Mantis responded respectfully, took off his coat and threw it aside, revealing his granite-like muscles.

The surrounding navy surrounded him, looking like they were watching the fun and not minding the trouble.

He is really Garp's crew...

Smoker took off the pendant and bumped his fists.

"Please give me more advice, Colonel Mantis!"

Smoker was not arrogant enough to look down on a colonel of the Navy Headquarters.

In the comics, the colonel seems to be nothing special, but in the Four Seas, he is already the highest officer.

If you really count,

The colonel is basically equivalent to a pirate with 50 million.

The brigadier general is equivalent to a pirate with 100 million.

As for the major general, Drake is the best benchmark, and the bounty at that time was 222 million.

As for the vice admiral, the gap is too big and it is really hard to judge.

The weak vice admiral Maynard was killed by Bartolomeo, who had a bounty of 150 million berries.

The strong one is called the admiral candidate, and the strongest one calls the admiral a kid...

Mantis nodded to Smoker, touched his fists, rushed to Smoker in an instant, and punched him in the chest.

"So fast!"

Smoker was secretly surprised and raised his hand to block the fist.

"The power is also very strong..."

The surrounding navy was also surprised.

"Is this guy a private?! He actually blocked Colonel Mantis's attack?!"

"He's still a private with this strength?! Is the threshold for a warrant officer so high?!"

"Damn, it's a good thing I was promoted early..."

Everyone was whispering, only Garp looked at the pit on the deck that Mantis had stepped on, his face extremely solemn.

Seeing that the attack was blocked, Mantis hooked his hands around Smoker's head and pressed it down, then

He raised his knee and rammed it hard.

Although Smoker blocked it, the force was too great and he staggered.

Mantis took the opportunity to punch Smoker and sent him flying, creating a big hole on the deck.

The navy: "Beautiful!"

Garp: "Fuck!"

Smoker stood up, holding his chest, and took a few deep breaths before catching his breath.

Over the years, he has devoted most of his energy to training his defense.

This punch did not cause any damage, but it felt particularly painful because of the Dark-Dark Fruit.

But the strongest people on the ship frowned.

Bogart walked to Garp: "Vice Admiral Garp, Smoker's aura..."

"Ah, I feel it."

Garp seemed careless, but his observation Haki was insightful.

"His breath fluctuated violently, but it didn't weaken at all."

"This means that the blow just now didn't hurt him, but it made him very painful..."

Suddenly, Garp shouted at the two of them: "You two, stop playing these empty tricks, just use your abilities!"

Smoker and Mantis were both shocked and said in unison: "Yes!"

Mantis suddenly activated his ability, and then his body suddenly grew, long tentacles grew on his head, and his eyes turned into huge compound eyes.

Then his arms became thicker and longer, with jagged teeth growing out, like two huge sickles.

At the same time, a layer of carapace appeared on his body, and transparent wings grew behind him. He flew into the air with a slight flap.

The surrounding navy soldiers shouted excitedly, "Come on!"

"It appears! Colonel Mantis' ability, Animal System · Bug-Bug Fruit · Mantis Form!"

"The power of insects is far superior to that of ordinary animals, and mantis is second to none!"

"That's right, not only is its speed and strength amazing, it also has blade attacks, shell defense and flight capabilities, there is absolutely no blind spot!!"

Garp chuckled.

"Smoker kid, after Mantis uses his ability, his combat power is not weaker than that of a major general!"

"Don't hold on if you can't bear it! If you get hurt, I'll have a headache, ahahahaha!"

Looking at Garp, who said nice things but actually looked forward to it, Smoker was speechless.

Didn't you ask him to use his ability? !

Really just watching the fun and not minding the big things...

Then, he stared at Mantis hovering in the air.

"I'm going to attack!"

Mantis shouted and rushed towards Smoker, twice as fast as before, and his blade foot slashed at Smoker's neck with a sharp sound of breaking through the air.

"So fast! So ruthless!"

Smoker dodged sideways.

The blade foot brushed past his scalp, and the powerful force brought out a wind blade, instantly cutting off a section of the boat rail.

"This power is stronger than Bellemeier's wind blade!"

Smoker's counterattack was also very fast. He found an opening and punched Mantis in the lower abdomen, knocking him out.

But Mantis turned several circles in the air and stabilized his body with a flap of his wings.

Smoker clenched his numb fists and said in surprise: "Armor?!"

"Insects have shells!"

Mantis shouted, waving his arms and four legs continuously, and a light blue wind blade tilted over.

Smoker was shocked: "Storm Kick?!"

Perhaps the transformation improved his physical fitness, allowing him to perform the Storm Kick.

Smoker dodged in a hurry, but still couldn't dodge all of them. He could only use his body to block, leaving scars.

"Hiss... It hurts so much."

Smoker's teeth were clattering.

He couldn't do what Blackbeard did and rolled over with a howl, but his face was also very ugly at this time.

The severe pain made him sweat all over, and veins on his forehead were bulging.

The surrounding marines were afraid of being injured by mistake, so they had already scattered to avoid it.

And Garp's eyes bulged, and he kept muttering: "My deck..."

Bogart stood behind him silently.

At this time, a few wind blades happened to affect the two of them.

Bogart held the sword body and moved the hilt carelessly a few times, and then easily pushed away the wind blades, as if pushing away a few leaves.

Garp waved his hand casually, and shattered the wind blades as if hitting a mosquito.

In the severe pain, Smoker no longer held back and rushed up to fight with Mantis.

The two sides punched and stabbed each other, and the fight was extremely fierce.

But everyone can see that with the three abilities of flight, shell and blade, Mantis completely suppressed Smoker.

As time went by, Smoker's wounds became more and more, leaving bloodstains on the deck.

But Smoker still clenched his teeth, and his eyes became more and more fiery.

Garp took out a bag of senbei from somewhere, and said to Bogart while eating: "So that's it... I know!"

"His pain is the side effect of the devil fruit!"

Bogart squinted

Eyes: "He hasn't used his ability... Why? Is his ability useless?"

Garp took a bite of the senbei and shook his head gently.

"What are the existing fruits with side effects? Whitebeard's Tremor-Tremor Fruit, Magellan's Poison-Poison Fruit..."

"Besides them, even the fruits of those four...three little monsters have no side effects..."

"Fruits with side effects can't be simple no matter how you think about it!!"

Bogart frowned: "Then why doesn't he use his ability?!"

Garp snorted coldly.

"Arrogant kid, he's using Mantis as a whetstone!"

"This also shows that he is confident that as long as he uses his ability, he can end the battle quickly!"

Suddenly, Mantis hovered in the air.

At this time, he had a lot of wounds on his body, and the insect armor on his cheeks and arms was also damaged.

But compared to Smoker, who was covered in blood, his condition was much better.

"Mr. Smoker, you are very tenacious, but unfortunately you still can't beat me... Just admit defeat!"

Smoker endured a wave of severe pain and slowly straightened up.

"Thank you for your kindness, Colonel Mantis, psychological warfare is useless to me, and..."

Smoker smiled confidently and stretched out his dark palm to Mantis.

"The battle is over!"

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