After a long time, the island was full of history.

Smoker spent nearly a month to go around Sky Island.

I have to say that the actual area of ​​Sky Island is much larger than shown in the anime, and there are many more islands!

These days of exploration are very tiring, but also very rewarding.

Smoker not only found some valuable technologies and resources, but also established connections with many closed small islands.

When they heard that Gang Cole had agreed to the Navy to build a base, most of them expressed support.

Although a few were a little nervous and worried, it was a normal reaction and not hostile.

Of course, Smoker also encountered violent criminals along the way,

but these guys were all vagrants and braves, and they didn't need to take action themselves. The accompanying priests and marines could easily solve them.

This made Smoker feel much more relieved.

As long as there are no more ambitious guys like Enel and Briffith!

In Angel Island Bay, the construction of the Navy branch is also in full swing.

In just one month, the base has taken shape.

If it weren't for the inconvenient transportation between Sky Island and Qinghai, it would have been completed long ago.

Before, in order to show their sincerity, Zefa and Crane came to Sky Island,

but both of them are high-ranking members of the Navy, and disappearing for too long will attract the attention of those who are interested,

so, after the two of them finalized the cooperation with Gang Cole and the old chief, they visited Sky Island and left early.

The Navy's high-ranking members adopted Smoker's suggestion.

Send a small number of elite navy to serve as the backbone of this branch, and recruit new soldiers from Sky Island as much as possible!

Before the Navy branch was built, they began to recruit soldiers on Sky Island.

Many angels and Shandia people signed up to join the Navy.

Especially Webber and other teenagers are extremely active. Although they are not yet old, they are also specially recruited as interns.

A few days later, the new head of the Sky Island branch arrived.

They were two young, pragmatic lieutenant generals - Flying Squirrel and Tucha.

They were accompanied by their old friend Vip.

Smoker talked with him about the past, and then sent him to Sanzhang Island to see if he could recruit Sanzhang birds.

Originally thought it would be difficult,

Unexpectedly, although the Sanzhang birds looked ferocious, they were actually very intelligent and very close to humans.

Vip brought back dozens of Sanzhang birds without much effort, and after a little taming, he got a flying formation!

In addition to the base and soldiers, the scientists also gained a lot.

They have successfully built a prototype of the Ark and are studying the use of high-combustion gas to drive the Ark.

In addition, they have also developed many technological equipment,

such as using jet shells to make backpacks that allow people to fly for a short time,

using iron clouds to make armor that is as hard as steel and looks almost weightless,

using large-scale Weiba to transform combat speedboats, etc.

Although these equipment cannot be equipped in the entire navy, they are enough to assemble several elite teams!

These days, good news about Sky Island comes one after another, and several high-ranking navy officers are grinning from ear to ear every day.

But a few days later, their jaws almost dropped!

Because Costello came back and brought back the first batch of gold...

The Shandians are very trustworthy, or they don’t know the value of gold at all.

In addition to building their homes, they help the navy dig gold every day.

Finally, the flying squirrel felt that it was enough, so he asked Costello to transport it back first.

Costello stuffed the gold into his stomach and filled a whole hall.

Warring States, Garp, Zephyr, and Crane entered his body,

Looking at the room full of gold, not only the corners of his mouth, but also felt that his blood pressure could not be suppressed.

Except for the transformed Sengoku, this was the first time they encountered such a large amount of golden and shiny things.

Sengoku burst into tears at that time, and Zefa and Crane also wiped their tears. The heartless Garp also fell silent.

After Smoker got the news, he first thought it was funny, but then it became heavy.

They have been too aggrieved over the years.

If they don't resist the World Government, they will be disgusted.

If they resist the World Government, they don't know what will happen to the Celestial Dragons, but the first to suffer will definitely be hundreds of millions of people.

It can be said that the World Government used the people to kidnap them...

Now they can finally stop suffering from this injustice!

Back then, Luffy and his friends secretly brought out the gold residue from the snake's stomach and exchanged it for 300 million Baileys.

Now hundreds of navy and Shandia people have worked hard to mine in Shandora for a month, and it's not too much to exchange for two or three hundred billion...

Such a lot of money is enough for Sengoku to stand up straight in front of the Five Elders.

If he develops for a few more years, he will dare to point at the noses of the Five Elders and scold Lao Deng.

Of course, it is better for the Navy to lie dormant for a few years and steadily transform this overwhelming wealth into combat power.

It doesn't matter if they even make some compromises in the middle.

Wait until the Navy matures, and who cares about you, the Five Elders Celestial Dragons? !

Be sensible, and let you continue to be a rich and idle person for a few years.

If you don't know what's good for you, our Navy doesn't mind wearing a robe when the weather is cold...

Smoker suddenly thought of Guernica, who he had not seen for a long time.

Since he came to Sky Island, he hasn't contacted him for a long time.

This guy helped him a lot before, and he has been completely tied to his chariot.

Even if there is no handle on his wife and children, there is no room for turning back.

Either die or go all the way with me.

Although the two of them are in a mutually beneficial relationship, they have gotten along well in the past few years and have established trust.

And compared to other CPs, he is more like a normal person...

Smoker lowered his head, and the Blue Luan Fruit appeared in his hand.

This is the first Fantasy Beast Fruit he got, and it is the best fruit in his hand second only to the Thunder Fruit.

[With this fruit, if we can find a way to give him some merits, we should be able to help Gel Nika ascend to the throne of CP0 captain. 】

As a time traveler, Smoker naturally knows that

If you want to overthrow the World Government,

the most important thing is to master the gun, the purse and the pen.

The gun is no problem,

The navy with seven admiral-level combat power beats other departments of the World Government.

The purse will not be a problem soon,

When I go back to the Baoyu Ice Bed to ask for money, the navy can outlive the World Government.

The only thing missing is the pen...

Morgans will definitely not fight the government for him,

but Smoker didn't expect too much, as long as he could be told in advance if there was any news, it would be enough.

Gel Nika is different. He is someone you can fight for.

Once he holds the highest power in CP,

he can not only dig out the spy lurking in the navy,

but also completely make the world government deaf and blind!

Smoker stood in Angel Bay, looking at the base that had begun to take shape and the busy crowd, and heaved a long sigh of relief.

"The mission in Sky Island has been completed."

"It's time to leave..."


The length of Sky Island exceeded the expected length, and it was ready to be forcibly terminated.

I don't know if it will be a little abrupt.

In fact, there are still a few small story lines that have not been developed.

For example... Mizumi and Fuzfu's names are actually very similar~~~

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