After the battle, the two sides finally came to an end.

Smoker said goodbye to the headquarters and prepared to leave Sky Island.

Zhan Guo agreed without saying a word and praised him highly.

It's a pity that Smoker's contributions are not visible, otherwise he would have been awarded a lot of honors.

Zhan Guo has already targeted several pirate groups. When Smoker comes back, he will let him make a lot of military merits and get the rank of lieutenant general as soon as possible!

Otherwise, he really can't get over this hurdle in his heart.

With Zhan Guo's consent, Smoker went to say goodbye to Flying Squirrel and Tucha.

After all, these two are now landlords, and they have to say something out of courtesy.

Speaking of which, although the two of them had come to Sky Island a long time ago, they had been very busy, and Smoker often explored various small Sky Islands, so the two sides had not met each other very often.

Now that Smoker was leaving, whether out of gratitude or courtesy, Flying Squirrel and Tu Cha still put aside the work at hand and met with Smoker.

After chatting for a while, Flying Squirrel suddenly asked if they wanted to compete.

Tu Cha was an out-and-out martial arts faction, and he was aggressive by nature, so he immediately nodded in agreement.

Smoker thought that one of the two was a master of swordsmanship, and the other was a master of physical skills. It would be beneficial to have a fight with them, so he nodded and agreed.

The three of them found a corner where no one was.

Tu Cha originally thought that it would be a one-on-one fight, so he rolled up his sleeves and was about to start.

Unexpectedly, Flying Squirrel stopped him and directly proposed that the two of them join forces to deal with Smoker.

Flying Squirrel is a high-ranking member of the Navy and a member of the Sengoku faction. He has a good relationship with Akainu, Aokiji, and Kake, so he knows a little about Smoker's brilliant achievements.

He asked himself that he would never reach this level, so he didn't pretend and directly prepared to fight two against one.

But Docha looked unhappy, feeling that he was looked down upon...

In fact, Flying Squirrel was also full of emotion.

When Smoker just came to the headquarters, he was already a major general.

Unexpectedly, now in terms of rank, the two are actually on par, and in terms of strength, they are far ahead of him...

A big battle broke out among the three in the forest.

Although Flying Squirrel and Docha can use Haki skillfully, the gap with Smoker is too big.

Smoker didn't even use the ability of the fruit, and defeated the two with his physique and Haki alone...

Flying Squirrel and Docha fell in a mess, gasping for breath, like stranded fish.

Smoker sat on the side, his body a little messy, with a little blood stain on the corner of his mouth.

The flying squirrel panted and barely sat up, with a broken knife next to him.

"I am convinced. It's only been a few years, and you have become so strong. It's even more exaggerated than Kaji said!"

Smoker smiled slightly. The last time he saw Kaji was half a year ago.

When he was in the Sabaody Archipelago, his strength entered a bottleneck period because of the failure of the seastone necklace.

But with the development of gravity-based weight training in Alabasta, his body that had been dormant for a long time was activated again.

Even during the more than one month of exploration in Sky Island, Smoker also used his ability to exercise, so his strength has been steadily improving.

Smoker smiled slightly: "Sorry, I broke your knife!"

After speaking, he stretched out his hand, and the third generation of ghosts emerged from the darkness.

"Third-generation Kitetsu, you just use it for now. When you find a good sword, we will compete again!!"

"Tsk..." Flying Squirrel almost lost his temper: "I'm afraid the gap will be even bigger by then!"

He said this, but accepted the third generation of Kitetsu without hesitation.

[When I go back to Wano Country, I will get all those good swords back...]

[Those treasures are simply a waste in the hands of those people in Wano Country! ! ]

[By the way, there is also Qiu Shui. When we return to the headquarters, we will go to the Devil's Triangle...]

At this time, Docha also recovered.

"It is rumored that even the Seven Warlords of the Sea are not your opponents. I thought it was an exaggeration, but now it seems to be completely conservative."

"Except for a few admirals, I have never seen a navy as strong as you!"

Smoker smiled slightly.

"You're too kind... I'm still a long way from becoming an admiral. Even with three admiral candidates, I'm not sure."

Flying Squirrel and Tu Cha looked at each other.

Tu Cha laughed dryly: "Smoker, we are only vice admirals. How can we be sure of facing an admiral..."

Smoker was stunned: "Why can't we face an admiral?!"

Flying Squirrel and Tu Cha's expressions became particularly wonderful.

In the navy, the admiral's combat power is unique, and his status is unshakable.

The purple gold beam buckled.

The existence of the admiral brings great security to the navy soldiers, but it also forms a kind of cognition in the navy.

That is, once you are promoted to vice admiral, you have reached the top, and it has nothing to do with you if you go up...

Except for the three candidates, all the vice admirals have been accustomed to hiding in the shadow of the admiral in recent years.

No one has ever considered whether to challenge the admiral or whether they can have the strength of an admiral!

Of course, Garp does not count. Who has a hole in his brain and really regards him as a vice admiral...

Smoker smiled slightly.

"There are only three admirals. After all, they are strategic deterrent weapons. They usually need to guard Marinford. Unless there are pirates that directly infringe on the interests of the world government, they will not be dispatched at all."

"So, on this sea, you vice admirals are the cornerstone of justice. But if you hesitate, who will protect the people on the sea..."

Flying Squirrel and Tucha were both stunned.


When they first joined the navy, they aimed to become admirals or even marshals.

When did they give up this dream?

No, it's not just giving up.

They even felt that it was natural that they couldn't reach the strength of an admiral, and challenging an admiral was a fantasy...



Flying Squirrel and Docha stood up and bowed deeply to Smoker.

Smoker quickly supported the two, and felt very relieved in his heart.

There's no way, the vice admiral of the navy is really too lame...

He really couldn't understand why everyone took the gap between the admiral and the vice admiral for granted.

To be honest, the fruits of the three admirals are indeed destructive, and this depends on fate, and there is really no comparison.

But why is no one there?

You know, the three admirals are not as gifted as Big Mom or Kaido,

They have also been trained since childhood!

Even if you can't reach their level, half of it will be fine, or even 20% or 30% will be fine!

But the reality is that vice admirals and admirals are not at the same level at all.

Just compare Doflamingo, he can easily wash away the vice admirals of the Navy Headquarters.

But facing the admirals, even if he doesn't use the fruit ability, he can still use him as a brush.

Smoker sighed: "Actually, you guys"

"Whether it's domineering, fruit or physical strength, they are all ways to improve strength, and there is no advantage or disadvantage in themselves."

Because Flying Squirrel and Docha were brought up by Zefa, they were more or less influenced by his thoughts, and they always felt that they couldn't rely on the fruit ability.

But Smoker didn't agree with this view.

A cat that can catch mice is a good cat, whether it is black or white. Why be so picky...

The flying squirrel nodded: "Okay, I'll listen to you!"

Tu Cha also agreed: "When we go back, we will try to find the right fruit..."

"That's not necessary..." Smoker took out two fruits: "I have them here..."

The flying squirrel and Tu Cha widened their eyes: "What?!"

Originally, Smoker didn't want to take out these two fruits.

But the Thunder Fruit first appeared on Sky Island, and then the Blue Luan Fruit, and recently the Gas Fruit was discovered.

It's either a natural type or a mythical beast, which really made Smoker feel a sense of crisis...

What if a strong man like Enel appears on this island again?

Two vice admirals alone are not enough to fill the gaps in their teeth!

Even if more vice admirals come, it will be in vain...

But the Navy Headquarters can't really send an admiral-level combat force to sit here...

So, Smoker first stimulated the two's ambition, and then took out his own treasures to strengthen them.

Smoker placed a fruit in front of Tucha.

"This fruit is a superhuman ton pressure fruit, which can freely control weight, up to 10,000 tons!"

Tucha was delighted when he heard it: "Really?! What an interesting fruit, hahaha, just right for me!!"

"Of course, this fruit also has some shortcomings. The momentum caused by increasing its own weight will cause damage to itself."

Tucha laughed and patted his thick chest muscles.

"What's that! A heavier fist is perfect for me!!"

Smoker was stunned. He originally wanted to remind him that this fruit is to change the weight, not to make the fist heavier.

Just as he was about to speak, he was suddenly stunned.


Who said that the ton pressure fruit can only change the overall weight, and then pounce on it to press it.

Can't we just change the weight of a certain part? !

If we use our ability to reduce the weight of our fists, get a higher punching speed, and then increase the weight of our fists at the moment of concentration, isn't this the same as the coordinated skills of the Raikage + Tsuchikage in Naruto? !

Moreover, Tsuchiya has a good physique, and is proficient in Armament Haki and Six Styles, so he can resist the impact of weight changes very well!


, Smoker wisely shut up.

He should not use the fool Mahabas to mislead him,

Maybe it will delay the development of the native tea...

So, he looked at the flying squirrel.

"I took this fruit from a bandit. It is called the Magic Blade Fruit, which can attach damage of any attribute to the blade. Of course, what attributes can be attached and how much power can be increased depends on the development of the ability user. At that time, the bandit could only give two attributes, fire and poison..."

"However, this fruit is very strange. It can only be used on the blade used in combat, and it is ineffective for other weapons. Therefore, for people who are not swordsmen, this fruit is useless, but for swordsmen, it is definitely a rare and powerful fruit!!"

The flying squirrel's eyes suddenly lit up, and without saying a word, he took the fruit and took a bite, and then took out the third generation of ghost twitching despite the nausea.

He stared at the blade, and suddenly squeezed it hard, and flames suddenly appeared on the blade, and the surrounding air was slightly distorted.

Then he continued to exert force, and the flame burst out, turning into a fire knife that was ten feet long.

Even Tucha was amazed by this.

"Oh, what a good fruit! I can't lose!"

After saying that, he took a bite and almost vomited.

Then he put his palm on the ground, closed his eyes, and silently felt the power.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes suddenly, and his palm sank deeply into the ground.

Smoker could see clearly that he didn't use any force, but simply increased the weight of his palm, which sank into the ground.

[The heavy version of the local multiplication technique... was developed just like this? ! ]

[Is this guy a genius? ! ]

The flying squirrel next to him turned a blind eye, still frowning, and looked at the third generation of Kitetsu carefully.

Suddenly, the flame on the blade turned blue, and the temperature dropped instead of rising. There was no original hot feeling, only warmth.

Smoker was stunned: "This is..."

"I have seen Marco from the Whitebeard Pirates before. He can transform into a phoenix and release healing fire... I have been in close contact with it. It is indeed a magical flame. I didn't expect that the Devil Blade Fruit can even produce healing fire."

As he spoke, he put the blade with blue fire close to his arm.

The wound on his arm really began to heal slowly after contact with the blue fire.

Smoker was numb all over. What on earth are these two...

"By the way, all the devil fruits should be eaten. It is said that it is easier to awaken."

Flying Squirrel and Tucha suddenly felt nauseous: "Nani?!"

"By the way, there is one more thing I want to discuss with you..."


Smoker visited the new and old friends he met on Sky Island, and prepared to leave from a small sky island.

He left very quietly. In addition to Flying Squirrel, Tucha, Gang Cole, and the old chief of Shandia, only Urouge came to see him off.

However, at this time, Urouge was wearing a huge navy uniform.

Smoker patted Urouge's shoulder.

"I always thought that you would want to go to the Blue Sea. A few days ago, you said you wanted to join the Sky Island branch, which really scared me."

Urouge still had the same smile, but it can be seen that he is smiling sincerely now.

"Sky Island is my home after all. Now this home is getting better and better, and I also hope to protect it with my own strength."

Smoker nodded.

"In fact, with your strength, you can definitely become a brigadier general, or even a major general."

"But I still let you start from scratch, you won't blame me, right?"

"How could that be? It suits my taste!" Urouge patted his chest: "I still hope to get the position I want with my own strength."

"But don't forget, when I become a school officer, recommend me to the Navy Headquarters. I am very interested in the elite navy class you mentioned!"

At Urouge's age, he naturally can't enter the elite navy expansion class,

But there is still hope for the elite navy class for officers!

The flying squirrel stepped forward: "Smoker, I didn't expect you to leave such a surprise before you leave." "I also look forward to the appearance of a Sky Island officer in the branch as soon as possible!"

Smoker nodded. The appearance of the Sky Island officer is not only an improvement in strength, but also a symbol, which is of great benefit to the integration of both sides.

Smoker: "Don't worry, Urouge will definitely become a good officer! "

After that, he walked to the edge of the small island, from where he could vaguely see the blue sea below.

"I have to go, everyone, we'll see you later!"

He waved goodbye and jumped down.

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