The three-foot bird was flying in the sky, and the sky was full of surprise.

Smoker rode the three-foot bird and flew to the Seven Waters City comfortably.

That day, when he jumped off the small sky island, he wanted to use his ability to fly to the Magic Valley Town and then continue on the boat.

Unexpectedly, the three-foot bird suddenly appeared beside him and quacked around him.

That day, the three-foot bird happened to come to find Smoker. When it saw him jump off, it screamed in fear and rushed down.

So Smoker changed his mind and continued on the three-foot bird.

It must be said that the speed of the three-foot bird is much faster than his ability, and it can easily travel a thousand miles a day.

One person and one bird traveled during the day, and put down a boat at night, and soon they would arrive at the Seven Waters City.

Smoker sat on the back of the three-foot bird and was talking on a Den Den Mushi.

The Den Den Mushi turned into a black eye and a white eye.

Smoker was shocked at this time.

"What? This happened?!"

Gel Nika on the Den Den Mushi nodded.

"No one thought that Fisher Tiger could climb up to the Red Earth Continent with his bare hands and free all the slaves..."

"Although the government ordered Morgans not to report it at the first time, the cunning seagull deliberately did not answer the phone. When CP contacted him, it was too late. The newspapers had been spread all over the world..."

"This guy..." Smoker smiled bitterly and said in his heart: "Well done!"

But he was still a little uneasy.

Originally, most of the slaves rescued by Fisher Tiger were civilians, and they escaped.

Now there are more pirates in Marinford than in the Navy prison.

Fisher Tiger's act of freedom is like letting a tiger go back to the mountains.

However, Smoker couldn't blame him, after all, his starting point was good.

I don't know how many of these pirate slaves will return to their old ways.

It can be predicted that the navy will be busy again soon...

"Does this matter affect you? I remember that you are responsible for the security of the Celestial Dragons and the purchase of slaves..."

"These two things happened at the same time, how can you escape responsibility?!"

Guernica smiled slightly.

"On the contrary, Smoker..."

"I was sent out to purchase slaves half a month ago, and when I came back, the incident had already happened."

"Not only did I happen to avoid the entire incident and avoid responsibility, but I also saved several adults during the slave riot..."

"Yo?!" Smoker joked: "So, you have also made contributions?"

Ger Nika suddenly fell silent: "Smoker, because of this incident, CP is about to usher in a wave of purges..."

Smoker was stunned: "Oh? What do you think..."

"Now I have the opportunity to enter the highest institution of CP-CP0."

"This institution is not as free as it is now. So, they are in your hands, Smoker!"

Smoker put away his playful smile.

Ger Nika was talking about his wife and daughter.

A few days ago, Ger Nika's daughter was born.

Because of this, he would leave the Holy Land for half a month. With Zen's help, it would not take so much time to buy slaves...

In fact, he just found a cover to accompany his wife to give birth.

Originally, his daughter was not born, and Gel Nika was thinking about how to find opportunities to spend more time with his family.

But when his daughter was in his arms, his mentality changed.

Parents who love their children will plan for them in the long run.

He wanted to do his best to protect this little life.

So, when he had the opportunity to join CP0, which has the strictest management but the highest authority and the greatest power in the CP,

he decisively applied...

"Gel Nika, just think about it..."

"As for your wife and daughter, whether it is for our long-term relationship or for the transaction between us, I will not let them get into trouble!! This is my... no, the guarantee made by the Navy Headquarters!!"

Gel Nika's entry into CP0 is definitely a great thing for the Navy.

Smoker is no longer prepared to protect the mother and daughter secretly,

but is ready to tell the Navy's top brass to use their power to protect them.

To put it bluntly,

Now the value of this wife and daughter even exceeds that of Zefa's family!!

Gel Nika groaned for a moment: "Then I'll leave it to you..."

He understood that at this moment, he was completely tied to the navy's chariot!

"Don't worry, you won't regret your decision today.


Smoker took a puff of cigarette: "If there is a chance, let's meet. I have a gift for you. I guarantee you will like it! !”

In the original plot, Gel Nika is already a small captain of CP0, and in fact he is not far from the throne of CP0 leader.

In terms of strength, although he does not have the fruit, his combat power is obviously higher than that of Lingkong Liuzi.

If he gets the Qingluan fruit, his strength will be strengthened by a level, and he may not be able to replace Rob Lucci and take charge of the entire CP0.

CP's BOSS is one of his own, it's exciting to think about it, hehe...

At this time, the Seven Water City is clearly visible.

The huge fountain at the top of the city, the crisscrossing rivers in the city, and the ships coming in and out,

all show the prosperity and busyness of this city.

[Fisher Tiger...]

Smoker remembered that a year after this incident, Tom Studio leaned The sea train that took ten years of hard work was finally completed.

Originally, Tom could have redeemed himself,

but because of Spandam's frame-up, he was taken to Judicial Island to be executed...

Later, Franky was hit by the return train and became disabled, and transformed himself into a cyborg.

And Aspagu became the mayor of Water 7 to protect himself and Franky.

Later, CP9 lurked in Water 7 to obtain the design of Pluto...

A cold light flashed in Smoker's eyes.

[The world's number one shipbuilder, and Bruno's Door-Door Fruit, hehe...]

"Ger Nika, I want to ask you for a favor...#¥%..."

"... You really know how to give me a difficult problem. Even with the authority of CP0, there is a great risk. "

"Fortunately, there is still one year. Okay, I promise you..."

Soon, Smoker arrived at the Seven Waters City.

Because the size of the three-foot bird was too eye-catching, he did not enter the city, but came to the coast full of wrecked ships and parts at the edge of the city.

There is a house next to it, which looks small, but very clean.

There is a workshop not far away, and a harsh friction sound can be heard faintly.

This is the famous Tom Studio.

Smoker sensed the breath of four people and an animal.

At this time, a tall yellow fishman, carrying several huge sections of rails, walked out of the workshop humming a little song.

Smoker took a step forward.

"Hello, Mr. Tom, I have heard of your name for a long time..."

Tom was stunned and stopped.

"Oh, a famous man appeared! ! Are you Tom? What do you want to talk to me about?"

Regarding the inconsistent time between the rescue of the empress and the liberation of the slaves by Tiger, there is indeed a problem... I will change the previous part later.

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