After a dozen days, it was time for Zane to deliver slaves to the Celestial Dragons. She loaded a large ship with slaves, at least thousands of them. Looking at the screaming slaves in the cabin, Zane had no sympathy in his eyes. These guys were either bandits or hooligans. Now they became slaves, which was equivalent to atonement for their past. But when she looked at the slaves on the deck, she couldn't help but sigh secretly. There were about seventy or eighty of them. They were truly innocent people, ordinary people who were accidentally caught by pirates or human traffickers. It's not that Zane didn't want to save them. In fact, most of the civilian slaves sent to the auction house have been replaced by her.

Now the remaining ones are either directly targeted by CP or there is really no suitable replacement...

Even so, he has tried his best to keep women and children, and those who are left are all strong people.

She is not trying to sell them for a good price, but hopes that they can hold on for a few more years and wait for the day of liberation...

Looking at these people, her heart is also particularly heavy.

Soon, it was time to set off.

Zane smiled bitterly.

I didn't expect to be so sentimental now.

But she also understood that kindness alone can't save people...

So she shook her head and drove away the messy thoughts.

Shouted: "Little guys, set sail!!!"


The crew responded excitedly, put away the anchor and ropes, and lowered the sails.

The sails were full and slowly sailed away from the dock.

After sailing for a while, Zane felt a little tired, so he sat on the lounge chair at the bow to bask in the sun.

At this time, the navigator Dahao came over.

"Captain Zen, you don't need to do it yourself..."

"We'll be sailing for several days this time, and you're really too tired!!"

Every time Zen handed over slaves to CP, he would choose an island far away from the Sabaody Archipelago.

But the island agreed on this time is called Ming Island, which is extremely far away, the farthest ever.

Zen sat on a recliner, squinting his eyes and blowing the sea breeze.

"I can't help it. It is said that there are a few slaves that the Celestial Dragons have specifically requested, and CP specifically asked me to deliver them in person."

"And I've been staying here for so long that I'm getting moldy. I'll take this opportunity to come out and take a look!!"

"But Mr. Sakaski said..."



Dahao hurriedly left in disgrace, and Zen snorted coldly, lay down, and covered himself with a thin quilt.


Five days later, Smoker suddenly received a call.

It turned out to be Gur Nika.

"Huh?! It's rare that you call... Is it because of Hannah?!"

Since joining CP0, Gel Nica has almost lost contact, and even Hannah rarely contacts him.

I didn't expect to receive a call today.

"It's not her!"

Gel Nica said in a low voice. Although his tone was suppressed, he could hear that he was very urgent.

"Zen is in danger!"

"CP0 is going to attack her!"

"What?!" Smoker was shocked: "What's going on?!!"


Suddenly, Gel Nica's Den Den Mushi made a noise, and the sound became intermittent...

"Zen...underground world..."

"CP...ambush hiss...hiss siege..."

"Zen still has...half a reach Mingdao..."


The Den Den Mushi suddenly hung up, and Smoker's face was scary black.

He quickly called the slave auction house.

"I'm Smoker. Where is Zane?!"

"Oh, hello, Captain Smoker. The boss has gone to Naruto..."

"How many days have we been gone!"

"Five days! If we're fast, we can get there in half a day. If we're slow, we'll only get there in one or two days..."

[Damn it!]

Five days... there's simply not enough time.

Even if we take the Sanjo Bird or Griffin, it won't work!

Smoker cut off the Den Den Mushi and quickly called the Marine Headquarters General Staff.

"This is Smoker, the Marine Headquarters General Staff! Number XXXXX, check if Mr. Kizaru is in the headquarters!"

"Wait a minute... OK, the number is correct, Mr. Kizaru is in the New World."

"Damn it! Check if there are any navy ships near Naruto! Check as soon as possible!"

"Yes... Report, there's a warship, about 190 nautical miles away..."

"Transfer it to me, remember, encrypted channel


"Yes! !"


The distant Mingyu Ghost Sea.

This is a strange sea area in the Grand Line.

With Mingdao as the center, a strange ghost fish lives in the sea area of ​​100 miles.

They live in groups, are ferocious, and their sharp teeth can bite through even the bottom of a steel ship.

So this place is also called a forbidden area for ships.

However, ghost fish hate corals the most and will stay away from them when they meet them.

And there happens to be a coral passage from the open sea to Mingdao.

This is also the only way to enter and exit the Mingyu Ghost Sea.

Zen stood at the bow, looking at the dark blue sea. Through the sea water, he could see the colorful corals below.

"Thanks to these corals, otherwise our ship would have been broken into pieces..."

Dahao looked at the distance, his brows furrowed Wrinkled.

He took a cannonball as big as a human head from the boat, flicked it and threw it dozens of meters away.

The cannonball fell into the water, and then countless black shadows scurried under the water, and the calm sea surface seemed to be boiling.

A closer look showed that countless black fish as long as arms were swimming and biting the cannonball.

After a while, the hard and smooth cannonball was bitten into pieces.

Soon the sea surface returned to calm again.

Zane's face was solemn: "What a terrifying bite force..."

Da Hao also nodded: "I wonder if the seastone-coated warships studied by the scientific forces can withstand it..."

"Let's go, don't give those bastards an excuse to lower the price..."

"Get as much as you can from them!"



In the other direction of Naruto Island.

A warship was chasing a pirate ship and was heading towards the Naruto Sea.

"Damn it! Damn it! Why did I meet this lunatic!! ”

“We finally got here, and we are only one step away from entering the new world! !”

The person who spoke had a pair of green eyes.

It was the captain of this gray cat pirate ship, Ihara the cat pupil, who had a bounty of 440 million.

“Captain! We can’t go any further! The sea of ​​​​the devil fish is ahead, and we will be fed to the fish if we go in! !”

“Damn it, navigator, find a way quickly! !”

“Yes!” A pirate with a garlic nose rushed out and took a close look at the sea chart.

“Turn left 15 degrees! Keep the speed!”

“This way we can brush the edge of the sea of ​​​​the devil fish, and if we are lucky, we won’t be targeted by the devil tooth fish!”

“Go to hell!” Ihara the cat pupil kicked the navigator to the ground.

“My life depends on the luck you said? ! "

The navigator rolled far away on the deck, his face bruised and swollen, saying: "Captain, there is no other way..."

Cat-eyed Ihara looked at the warship that was biting him tightly behind him.

This bastard has been chasing him for almost half a month.

If his ship was not also a very rare fast ship among pirate ships, he would have been fed to the fish long ago!

But the other party could bite him for half a month, which means that his speed is comparable to his.

If he turned to avoid, he would probably be pulled closer.

He gritted his teeth in hatred.

[Damn, I have no grudge against you, and I haven't finished chasing you for half a month?!]

[You are a lunatic!]

Then he looked at the navigator who was still lying on the deck and kicked him again.

"What are you doing here, bastard? ! Why don't you show me the way! ! !"

"Oh...oh...yes! ! "

On a distant warship.

A tall figure stood at the bow, staring coldly at the pirate ship.

"Go full speed ahead, bite them to death, don't let a single pirate go! !"

"Cat-eyed Ihara, a butcher who destroyed a nation, I will never let you, a scum, appear on the sea again! !"

At this time, a navy officer holding a Den Den Mushi ran over in a hurry.

"Mr. Sakaski, emergency call!"

"Hmm? ! Bring it here!"

"What the hell, this is Sakaski..."

"Hmm? ! It's Smoker..."

"What? !"

The driver Saka held down the Den Den Mushi.

"Everyone, turn around, target, Narujima! !"

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