The visitor was Kuzan.

Smoker was a little surprised and hurriedly welcomed him in.

"Long time no see. I wanted to visit you after I had everything packed up, but I didn't expect you to come!"

Kuzan entered the house and was a little surprised to see the clean and bright room.

"Alalala, I was worried about you coming to the headquarters alone, and wanted to see if there was any help. Now it seems that you can take care of yourself!!"

"I recommended you to come here without discussing it. Didn't it cause you any trouble?!"

"How could it be!!"

Smoker smiled heartily.

"I owe you a big favor this time!!"

"You're welcome!" Kuzan waved his hand: "Seeing you so energetic, I feel relieved!!"

Then he took out a cigar and threw it to Smoker.

"Try it, this is a good thing from the South China Sea."

"I took a lot of effort to steal it from Huoshao Mountain."

Smoker smiled, took it, put it under his nose and sniffed it.

The taste was spicy with a bit of fragrance. It was indeed a rare treasure!

However, he did not rush to smoke,

but stared at Kuzan with a smile.

"Brother are in a very different state when we meet this time!"

Kuzan was stunned, scratched his head and said: "Really?! I don't feel anything..."

Smoker got straight to the point: "Is it because of O'Hara's Demon Killing Order?"

Kuzan's pupils shrank, and he looked at Smoker in disbelief.

Then he thought of the way he and Garp had walked together, so he sighed and nodded gently.

Smoker sat opposite him.

"It seems that not only the Tree of All-Knowing was destroyed by the bombardment, but also your faith!"

When on Garp's ship,

Smoker knew the impact of the O'Hara incident on Kuzan,

so he asked Kuzan about his recent situation indirectly.

This incident had a great impact on Kuzan. In fact, whether it was Sengoku, Garp or Zefa, they all noticed his changes.

Although they guessed the reason, they could only watch and remember it in their hearts.

The aftermath of O'Hara had just passed.

At that time, Kuzan froze the rudder of the World Government ship.

Although there was no evidence, it still aroused suspicion.

Therefore, they did not dare to act rashly, for fear that the CP agents would catch the clues.

Sengoku and Zefa were calm and could keep their composure, but Garp had been holding back for a long time.

Now facing Smoker, the "direct line", he was no longer on guard and told him all the changes in Kuzan.

After hearing what Smoker said, Kuzan was stunned for a moment, then smiled helplessly. "Alalala, Smoker, you are still the same, so sensitive that it makes people surprised!" Then he told his experience in O'Hara with a serious expression. Smoker knew this plot very well, but he still pretended to listen carefully as if he heard it for the first time, and asked some details from time to time to tease Kuzan to continue. After all, this kind of narration itself is also a process of venting. After Kuzan finished speaking, he relaxed a lot. "Smoker, is what our navy did really just?" "Are those guys who are wanted and eliminated evil?" If others heard this, it would inevitably cause an uproar. Even if Kuzan was a vice admiral, he would have to suffer a lot. But facing Smoker, Kuzan didn't know why he asked unconsciously. Smoker lit up a cigar and took a puff.

"Kuzan, do you think the world is in chaos now?!"

Kuzan smiled helplessly and looked at the dark sky outside the window.

"Not only now, even before the Great Pirate Era, this world was already in chaos!"

"Generations of navy have been desperately protecting justice, but they can only barely maintain superficial peace..."

Smoker nodded.

Compared with the country where he lived in his previous life, the people in this world can only be described as miserable.

Living in a country ruled by pirates, you need to endure the pirates' robbery.

Living in a member country, you have to endure the plunder of the Celestial Dragons and nobles.

And living in a non-member country, you face the threat of pirates and human traffickers anytime and anywhere.

"Yes, violence, ignorance, killing, poverty... What a fucked-up world!"

"So, in the face of such a chaotic world, justice can be pure, but it must not be simple!"

"There is an old saying in my hometown, called the use of heavy punishments in troubled times..."

Kuzan couldn't help but frown.

"But behind this, there are so many innocent people's blood and tears."

Smoker nodded: "Yes, this is accompanied by the sacrifice of countless people."

"But in this world, justice is destined to be stained with blood."

"The blood of criminals, our blood, and... the blood of innocent civilians!"

Kuzan lowered his head and said nothing. After a long time, he spoke with difficulty.

"Don't you think that such justice is too cruel?!"

"Too extreme justice will eventually bring madness!"

Kuzan thought of the refugee ship bombarded by Sakaski.

"And the people who carry out this kind of justice, are they still just?!"

Smoker nodded: "What you said is exactly the crux of the matter."

"Without the specific situation, no one can judge whether it is a necessary sacrifice or a simple killing."

"But as far as I am concerned, there is a very simple and rough standard."

Kuzan asked curiously: "What is it?!"

Smoker smiled slightly.

"That depends on whether he will sacrifice himself when necessary!"

"In the final analysis, it's the difference between going with me and going for me..."

Kuzan was stunned for a moment, then he smiled bitterly.

Although he didn't like Sakaski,

he had to admit that the guy was definitely not a coward,

and he would really go when it was time.

Then, Kuzan fell into a brief silence, lowering his head, wondering what he was thinking.

After a long time, he slowly got up, explained some assessment matters to Smoker, and then said goodbye and left...

Smoker stood at the door, quietly watching Kuzan leave,

He knew very well why Kuzan was confused,

First he saw the World Government destroy O'Hara,

Then he saw his friend die to save the daughter of the criminal,

Then he saw his companions bombarding the refugee ship...

This three-in-a-row directly burned the CPU.

But this was not a reason for Kuzan to escape...

The current situation on the sea did not allow him to be confused.

Smoker didn't expect that a few words would be enough to untie Kuzan's knot, but as long as he could cheer him up, he could destroy more pirate groups and save more civilians, and his work would not be in vain. More importantly, although Smoker didn't like Sakaski's bombardment of the refugee ship, it was not necessarily a bad thing. In terms of cruelty and extreme, Sakaski was nothing compared to the World Government. The World Government could kill tens of thousands of newborns in one go without knowing whether Roger had children. It's not hard to imagine what the World Government would do if the refugee ship ran away. Identify whether they are innocent one by one? Don't dream. They will definitely wipe out all those they have come into contact with. By then, it would not be just a few hundred people who would die...

Although I don't know what Sakaski was thinking at the time,

but judging from the results, more people were saved...

Of course, Smoker certainly couldn't say these words directly,

he could only guide Kuzan to think for himself,

and slowly get out of the dead end.

At least now it seems to have some effect...

When Kuzan's figure could no longer be seen, Smoker sighed and turned back to the house.

[Ideological work is so tiring! ]

[I really envy Naruto's mouth-to-mouth...]

[Turn off the lights and go to sleep! ]

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