The weather was very hot, but the weather was very hot.

It was the third day.

The first elite navy expansion class officially began the assessment.

In the huge training ground behind the Navy Headquarters.

Thousands of navy soldiers stood neatly in front of a high platform, waiting for something.

They were the elite marines gathered from the four sea branches.

After arriving here, they had been standing for two hours.

Despite the howling wind, no one relaxed.

Smoker stood at the back,

his posture was upright and motionless,

but the location here was excellent, and he could see most of the navy at a glance.

Smoker's eyes looked around dishonestly.

These soldiers were of different heights, weights, and even races, but they had one thing in common—young age, most of them were in their early twenties. Similarly, their military ranks were not high. Most of them were lieutenants, and only a few could reach the rank of major. Of course, there were very few blank privates like Smoker. [So that's how it is...] [Previously, the elite marine class valued "strength" and trained strong men who could fight against powerful pirates as soon as possible.] [And now the expanded class values ​​"potential"...] Seeing his colleagues, Smoker finally understood why Garp wanted to test him regardless of his status. After all, compared to others, his age, status, and record... were really not impressive. Not to mention that he was wearing a seastone pendant at the time... Another gust of cold wind blew, and suddenly, an iron door creaked open not far away, and several tall figures could be vaguely seen behind it. All the students were refreshed and straightened their bodies unconsciously.

The iron gate opened, and more than a dozen navy generals in cloaks filed out.

They didn't say anything and walked straight to the high platform in front of everyone.

Ten of the younger ones stood in a row at the back.

At the front was a tall and burly old man with a purple hedgehog head.

Smoker recognized the other party at a glance.

[Former Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, Black Arm Zephyr! ]

Zeffer glanced at everyone expressionlessly,

his eyes were calm, even a little lazy,

but it gave people a sense of oppression like a mountain pressing down on their heads.

Even though he knew he was not an enemy, he still felt tense all over,

Smoker secretly swallowed his saliva.

[He is indeed one of the strongest people on the sea, what a terrible momentum! ]

And the people standing behind him were also extraordinary.

Among them, several of them had extremely obvious appearance features, which made people recognize their identities at a glance.

[Huoshan, Doberman, Flying Squirrel...are they all former students? ]

[Eh...there's also a long-legged beautiful swordsman. Judging from her tattoos, she should be the future candidate for admiral, Gion! ]

[The one who has been looking at her with lustful eyes should be Kake, who is also a candidate for admiral! ]

Suddenly, Zefa grinned.

But in the eyes of the people in the audience, it looked a little ferocious.

"Congratulations, little guys! Being able to stand here means that your strength and achievements are recognized!"

"There are 2,206 people standing here today, but unfortunately, there are only 200 places for the first expanded class!"

"That means that only 10% of you can stay in this assessment!"

The marines in the audience were slightly agitated, but they immediately returned to silence.

Zef pointed to the ten people behind him. They were all very young and should be major generals judging by their military ranks.

"They are the examiners of this assessment, and they are also your future instructors!"

After saying that, he said to the back: "Okay! You go say hello to the little guys..."

The examiners grinned, jumped high from the high platform, and landed in front of everyone.

Zefa: "Now I announce the assessment method!"

"You fight them in this playground!"

"Whether it's fighting or fleeing, no matter what means you use, it doesn't matter if it's real swords and guns, the last two hundred people standing will be the first batch of students!"


When the navy heard this, they were all shocked!

This assessment is too simple and crude, right? !

"Oh, right..."

Zefa took out a small hourglass from his arms.

"If you are wiped out within ten minutes, then I can only apply to permanently cancel the elite navy expansion class, and I will notify the entire army of your list."


Everyone's eyes are about to pop out.

It would be fine if I didn't join,

After all, it's not enough

The passing rate of the exam was 10.3%, which was considered a glorious defeat.

But if I were on this list, I would be nailed to the pillar of shame for the rest of my life!

Now I can't even slack off! !

"Okay, the exam begins!"

Before Zefa finished speaking, several fast-reacting navy soldiers took out their guns and shot at the major generals.

But this trick naturally couldn't hurt the major generals.

Several people slightly turned sideways and easily dodged the bullets.

The impatient Gion slowly drew out his long sword.

"It's an interesting game. Sorry, I won't wait for you!"

After saying that, he rushed into the crowd, and the long sword swept across, and dozens of navy soldiers screamed and were blown away.

Seeing this, the others looked at each other.

Flying Squirrel: "Let's go... There are only 2,000 people. If you are slow, you won't get any!"

Kaji: "Miss Gion, I'll protect you..."

Everyone rushed into the crowd.

There were screams all the time,

Groups of navy soldiers were blown into the sky.

As time went by,

A large number of navy soldiers fell like leeks.

But there are always some guys who have far more combat power than ordinary people.

Suddenly, Jiaji saw a female marine not far away.

She was about sixteen or seventeen years old, tall, pretty, and with long pink hair.

Her appearance was almost as good as Jiyuan.

"Hey, you're not slow! I wonder how strong you are!"

Jiaji accelerated to the front of the female marine and grabbed her face.

Fortunately, the female marine had been staring at Jiaji.

Seeing him coming towards her, she quickly turned her head to avoid the grab, and then quickly retreated.

After a few jumps, she landed beside Smoker in a somewhat embarrassed manner.

The female marine touched her side face, staring at Jiaji with her beautiful eyes, and cold sweat on her forehead.

As expected of an elite of the Navy Headquarters, she just made a playful move,

The wind from her fingertips stung her skin, and she barely dodged it with all her strength.

If the other party was really an enemy, she would not be able to hold on for a few seconds...

When Kaji saw Tina dodge the attack, he showed a hint of surprise in his eyes,

Then he smiled and walked towards Tina.

Smoker looked at the female marine beside him helplessly,

Can you stay away from me...

Although the examiners are all rear admirals, their strengths are definitely strong and weak,

And the two future admiral candidates with the names of "Peach Rabbit" and "Chatun" are undoubtedly the best among them,

If possible, it is best to stay away from them,

Unexpectedly, one of them, Kaji, was actually led here by this unlucky female marine.

The female marine wiped her face and said bitterly: "As expected of a rear admiral of the Navy Headquarters, his strength is far beyond Tina's imagination!"

Smoker nodded and then reacted.

"Huh?! Who are you?!"

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