The two of them were so busy that they had to work together.

Smoker looked at Stussy with a smile, and pulled her hair and lifted her head up without any hesitation.

"What a coincidence, I just wanted to transfer to Punk Hazard, and I met you."

"Hehe, you should understand what I mean..."

A trace of panic flashed in Stussy's eyes.

"My lord, I don't know what you are talking about, please forgive me..."

Smoker sneered, let go of her hair, and said to the navy next to him: "Put her down!"

The navy soldier next to him was stunned and looked at Akainu.

Akainu didn't say anything, just nodded slightly.

The two marines cut the rope, and Stussy lost her support and fell softly to the ground.


Stussy got up with difficulty.


Suddenly, her figure disappeared in an instant, and the next second she appeared behind Smoker, holding a lipstick in her hand, and fiercely tapped Smoker's neck, and then she transformed into a demon form, opened her mouth and bit Smoker.

[Success! ]

She has seen that this rear admiral is a very important guy,

As long as she takes him hostage with lipstick containing seastone when he is not prepared, she may be able to save her life!

Suddenly, a big hand reached out, grabbed Stussy's neck, and lifted her up.


Stussy screamed, and then there was a suffocation on her neck,

Looking at Smoker, who seemed to be smiling, her face was full of incredible expressions.

[He...Isn't he a power user? ! Why...]

Smoker sneered.

"This is something made by Vegapunk, it's very delicate."

"But this purity of seastone is useless to me!"

Stus opened his mouth, unable to make any sound.

As soon as he loosened his hand, the seastone fell to the ground, and Smoker's ability was restored.

So he used dark gravity to break Stussy's transformation state.

Stussy is a typical high-attack and low-defense.

When she sneaked up on meat shields like Lucci and Kaku, she could kill them instantly, but she was almost killed by Lucci's finger gun.

So, facing such an enemy, who attacks first is particularly important!

Smoker held Stussy in one hand, and a white ball of light emerged from the other hand.

"Pay off your debt first..."

After saying that, he pressed the white ball into Stussy's lower abdomen, and then threw her to the ground.

Stussy was struck by lightning, and was stunned for a moment, then screamed miserably, twisted into a weird shape, blood gushing out of his mouth and nose, looking particularly creepy.

Akainu has not spoken, but looking at Stussy's miserable appearance, a trace of joy flashed in his eyes.

"Smoker, you don't want to kill her..."

Smoker waved his hand and signaled, and several navy officers beside him left with a look.

"Stussy, CP0 agent, is also a powerful person in charge of Happy Street in the underground world, and may become the emperor of the underground in the future. But she has another unknown identity..."

Akainu: "Huh?!"

"She is also a clone of the former member of the Rocks Pirates, Bajingom Stussy, and the first successful work of the MADS cloning experiment."

Hearing about Rocks and Bajingom Stussy, even Akainu was slightly moved.

"Rocks... She is a member of Rocks' crew?"

"Just a clone..."

"Not only that, I don't know if it's because of some restriction or simple friendship, this guy has been undercover in CP for several years according to Vegapunk's order, and now he has entered the core CP0..."


This time Akainu was really shocked, looking at Stussy with a surprised face.

If what Smoker said was true, then this guy's value is too high, and he really can't just die like this.

No, she must not die, even if she almost killed her wife and children just now...

This is the necessary price of justice!

While Stussy was struggling on the ground, he could still hear Smoker's words, and his pain was compounded by a third of fear.

Who is this guy? !

Why does he know his background so well! !

Smoker stepped on the twisting Stussy.

"I know you can hear me. Akainu is right. I killed you, but that doesn't mean your blood debt is absolved."

"These are just interest now. I will ask you to pay it back anytime..."

After that, he pulled a strand of hair from Stussy's head.

Maybe it was because the other parts were too painful.

Attracting attention, Stussy only felt a numbness on her head, but it was not too painful.

If she hadn't hurt Zane, Smoker might have chosen to cooperate,

But now... she only deserves this way.

"Mr. Akainu, Zane, I'll have to trouble you to explain it to her when she wakes up..."

"No need to explain, it's all for justice!"

"There are thousands of navy officers who bear blood feuds. She is lucky that she is not dead and her child is fine. As for a little skin injury, it's nothing!"

Smoker nodded and quietly turned off the recording telephone bug.

When Zane wants to settle the score later, let her find you, it's none of my business...

After a long while, Stussy finally survived.

But she only had one breath left, so she could only lie on the ground and gasp, unable to move even her fingers.

Smoker was not surprised at all.

Before inflicting pain, Smoker had carefully sensed her condition with his observation Haki.

This level of pain would not kill her, but it would just make him lose blood...

Smoker threw her an encrypted Den Den Mushi.

"Listen, Stussy, be obedient and cooperate with the navy. Today's matter can be written off. I will not treat you unfairly. At least in the underground world, no one will oppose you anymore!"

"But if you have any evil thoughts, neither you nor Vegapunk will survive! Even if you hide in the holy land of Marijoa, it will be useless! Of course, you can also hide in a deserted place..."

After that, he shook the hair in his hand.

"I will make your life card. No matter where you run to, I will find you!"

Akainu stared at her coldly, and it took a long time for him to suppress his murderous intent.

"Ship doctor, treat her, give her another shot of strong medicine, don't let her die..."

The ship doctor came down and gave Stussy an injection.

The strong medicine was very effective. With just one injection, Stussy's face became visibly ruddy, and then several soldiers carried her onto the ship.

This guy can't die yet, and he still needs to be given necessary treatment...

Suddenly, a navy rushed down.

"Mr. Akainu, Ms. Zane is awake!"

Akainu, Smoker: "?!!!"

Zane has now been moved to the ship.

Akainu jumped onto the ship and hurried to see Zane.

Smoker originally wanted to go directly, but after thinking about it, he turned around to find Stussy and interrogated her first.

After knowing what he wanted, he followed the breath to find Zane.

Zane had recovered his spirit, and when he saw Smoker, his expression was a little embarrassed.

"Well... Smoker, thank you for this time. If it weren't for you, I would really be in danger..."

"You're welcome..."

Smoker took out a cigarette and was about to light it, but his eyes swept across Zane's stomach and put the cigarette back.

"I've found out the matter. Although the order to attack you came from the World Government, it was just a private plan by some people."

Hearing him say this, Akainu and Zane both breathed a sigh of relief.

That's good...

The gold of Sky Island has not yet been transformed into military power.

If the World Government really attacks Zane, the high-ranking officers of the Navy will also have a headache.

If it was two years later, the Navy would not have to worry about so much. It could completely give up the slave trade and directly whitewash Zane.

It's even possible to maintain the status quo and directly forcibly protect Zane.

But now is not the time...

Akainu narrowed his eyes and keenly grasped the key.

"Although the order is fake, the slaves that the Celestial Dragons want are real!"

"Now that all the slaves are dead, the Celestial Dragons will definitely be furious. I'm afraid there will be great turmoil within the World Government!"

Smoker nodded.

Gel Nika took the risk to call him to report the news, and it may not be without reason.

It can be predicted that no matter who is responsible, CP0, which has caused a big disaster, will usher in a wave of cleansing.

And cleansing requires manpower,

Among them, Gel Nika, who has just joined, has no roots, and has nothing to do with this matter, is naturally one of the best candidates.

[Not only can he do me a big favor, but he can also save Zane and make a good relationship, and by the way, pull down the person in front to take the opportunity to take over. 】

[Gel Nika is really a shrewd guy...]

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