The two of them were so angry that they had to eat shit.

After hearing what Akainu said, Duolu and Stussy looked as if they had eaten shit.

Duolu's voice trembled slightly: "Asshole... Asshole, we are CP, the most loyal servants of the Celestial Dragons, how dare you attack us?! Disobeying the World Government, can you bear such a big responsibility?!"

Stussy didn't believe it, but he was trembling all over and couldn't speak.

Akainu approached the two step by step.

"God's dog is just a dog!"

"Besides, what I believe in is justice, never the shitty World Government!"

After that, magma gushed out like a tsunami, rushing towards the two people with ashen faces...

An hour later, the warship arrived late.

According to the speed of the warship, it is definitely not in time to rescue Zane.

So Smoker followed the ship into the sea first, and when the distance was close, he used his ability to eject himself.

With the moon step and the ejection, he finally arrived at Mingdao in advance and rescued Zane at the critical moment.

Seeing the warship coming, Akainu was also slightly relieved.

According to the scientific team, the seastone coating can release the energy of the sea and make the ghost tooth fish unable to detect the breath.

But it is still very risky after all, after all, no one has ever practiced it.

Now that the warship has appeared, it means that the method of the scientific team is feasible!

Mingdao is surrounded by coral reefs, and it will be safe as long as you come in.

As soon as the ship docked, the military doctor rushed down with a stretcher and a medical box.

But Zane was too seriously injured to move to the stretcher, so he could only set up a tent on the spot and start treatment.

Then a few more people came over,

Using seastone chains to tie up the unconscious CP and hang him on a tree.

After a long time, the military doctor called Akainu into the tent.

"Sorry, Mr. Sakaski, Vice Admiral Zane is too seriously injured, we can't do anything."

He is an old man who follows Akainu, and one of the few people who knows the truth about Zane.

"Really..." Akainu was silent for a moment, and slowly said: "Then we can only hope for Smoker."

"The problem is that Vice Admiral Zane is too seriously injured, and he may lose his life at any time. I'm afraid he can't hold on for so long..."

Akainu was stunned, looked down at Zane, and held her hand.

"Is there no other way?!"

"Yes!" The military doctor's eyes were complicated, and it seemed difficult to speak.

"The only way is to use the latest secret medicine of the Navy!"

This strong medicine is a stimulant made based on the milliliter water of Alabasta.

It can stimulate potential, make physical fitness explode, and can last for a whole day.

Although there are side effects, it will only make you weak for a month, which is much better than dying after drinking it before.

"But this medicine is too strong. If we really use it, I'm afraid the child..."

He didn't say it, but the meaning was self-evident.

Akainu's face froze, and a struggling expression appeared on his face.

After a long while, he gritted his teeth and said, "...Use the medicine!"


The military doctor nodded and turned to leave.

Suddenly, Akainu felt the palm holding his hand tightened, and he couldn't help but feel surprised and happy.

"Zen, you wake up?!!"

Zen was still unconscious, and there was no response after calling a few times.


Akainu sat next to Zen weakly, holding her hand with one hand and touching her belly with the other hand.

"I understand... This is the child you want to save at the cost of your life. How can I be so selfish to make a decision for you..."

"Doctor, there's no need to get the medicine, Zen can hold on!"

After saying this, Akainu felt Zen's hand slowly loosen.


[Zen, you have to hold on! ! ]

"Hurry, hurry, hurry!"

On the other side, Smoker sat on the three-foot bird, urging him.

The three-foot bird had taken a high dose of strong medicine, and its speed was twice as fast as usual.

But after this time, it will be weak for a long time...

"I see! Mingdao!!"

The three-foot bird cried out, flapped its wings desperately, and rushed over like an arrow.

As soon as he got closer to Mingdao, Smoker immediately used the moon step to land on the island.

In his observation color, a breath was slowly weakening, and the fire of life was about to go out.

[Hold on, Zen! ]

Smoker followed the breath to find the tent and rushed into the tent directly.

There was no time to say hello to Akainu, and he released the darkness to wrap her up...

[Great, I caught up...]


A few minutes later.

The military doctor gave

Zane checked.

Although there was still a lot of blood on his body, all the wounds disappeared, not even a scar was left.

"Incredible, too incredible!"

"All the wounds on Vice Admiral Zane's body have disappeared..."

He stared at Smoker with burning eyes, as if a pirate had set his eyes on a treasure.

Akainu tucked Zane in: "Then... why hasn't she woken up yet?!"

"Don't worry, injuries and pain can be treated, but mental fatigue can only be recovered slowly by yourself."

"Let her sleep for a while, it's good for her..."

Smoker looked at Zane's belly, then at Akainu, and felt incredible.

No wonder this guy has been a little weird recently, it turns out she's pregnant! !

She's hiding from me, probably because she's shy, and also because she's worried that I'll tell everyone about it...

This is really awkward.

Apart from his wife and her best friend Tina, he is at most with Sengoku Kapuze, Hozuru, Aokiji, Kake, Gion Docha, and Flying Squirrel... In short, at most, it is expanded to classmates of the same period.

"Let her rest, we should treat the guys outside well!"

Akainu said, turned his head and walked out.

Yes, there are two CPs!

Smoker also followed.

At this time, the CPs have woken up slowly and have been arguing loudly.

"Damn it, Navy, let me go!"

Duolu found that there was no injury and thought that Akainu was afraid of his identity.

Seeing Akainu coming, he was surprised and happy.

"Akainu, let me go, I promise you, I will definitely keep my mouth shut about this matter!!"

The answer to him was Akainu's poker face.

He was wrong. Akainu didn't do anything ruthless in order to let them suffer more from Zane's pain...

"Smoker, it's up to you..."

Smoker looked like he was smiling, and he spread out his palms, with several transparent light balls in his palms.

He pressed the light ball on Duolu.

Duolu froze at first, and then suddenly burst into a shrill scream, his whole body trembling violently, and the iron chain rattled.

Stussy was also terrified.

CP has been professionally trained, and torture is nothing, but what is this light ball? It simply made the CP captain look like this! !

Duolu screamed for more than half a minute,

Finally, his head tilted, and he was completely dead.

And there was still a small part of the light ball left.

Smoker stared at Stussy with a smile.

"It's your turn..."

Stussy: [Danger! ! ]

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