Soon, Smoker returned to Akainu's ship.

Akainu: "Is the matter done?"

Smoker nodded.

As for the Door-to-Door Fruit, he didn't say it, and Akainu didn't ask.

Smoker originally wanted to use the Door-to-Door Fruit to build a passage between the headquarters and Sky Island, but now he has changed his mind.

The Navy already has the Fortress Fruit.

This fruit is very powerful whether it is transporting troops or transporting supplies.

Not only that, with the money ability, the Navy successfully incorporated the small Sky Island Visalia.

Visalia and the Fortress Fruit are enough to build a safe and efficient passage between the headquarters and Sky Island.

Compared with this, the Door-to-Door Fruit is not so fragrant.

Let’s not talk about the transmission distance being linked to the stamina of the ability user.

Just the entrance and exit is not suitable, at most it is about the size of a door.

CP is all sneak attacks and assassinations, so there is no problem.

But what the navy needs is to transport soldiers and equipment on a large scale, and the passage of the Door-to-Door Fruit is really narrow.

So, Smoker plans to keep this fruit for other uses.

Smoker looked at Akainu and Zane: "You two, do you have any plans?!"

Akainu looked at Zane: "I must continue to complete the mission... Zane will hide in the headquarters first to see what the attitude of the Celestial Dragons and the World Government is. When I am sure that this fire will not burn Zane, I will send her to the Sabaody Archipelago!"

Smoker nodded.

There is no way, this is the only way now.

"I'll help you take care of the auction house and the casino for now. Is there anything you want to tell me?"

"Nothing. Several core subordinates know you. I'll call them later and you can just take over."

"But there's one thing you need to pay attention to!"

Zen suddenly became serious, contrary to his relaxed expression just now.

"Recently, a strange old man appeared in the casino. Although he doesn't make trouble, he has a bad gambling character and always owes debts."

"This guy is very powerful. We don't pay back the debts we ask for. We can't beat him or drive him away. He has seriously affected the reputation of the casino."

Hearing this, Akainu and Smoker were both stunned.

Zen can't beat him? !

There are such guys in Shampoo? !

"Finally I thought of a way. We agreed in advance that every time he lost, I would sell him at the auction house, and no matter how much money he got, it would be used to pay off his gambling debts. He would take the opportunity to steal all the money from the buyers, and then continue to go to the casino."

"In this way, those pirates who want to follow him to make money will not be tempted..."

"So, if you meet an old man like you, don't conflict with him, just play along with him..."

Akainu frowned.

"There are such guys, do you know his background?"

It's not a good thing that such a strong guy appeared on the island where Zane was.

Zane chuckled: "Don't worry, he's just an old craftsman who has a coating, and his wife opened a tavern."

"Although this old man has a weird personality, and I don't know why he has such a strong strength, he never does evil and has no criminal record. If you have something to say, it's not difficult to get along with him..."

Akainu nodded: "Is that so, that's good..."

Smoker had a black question mark face.

No criminal record?

Are you sure?

You almost reported Silverbaz Rayleigh's ID number!

Didn't the Navy cancel the bounty on this guy?

Zane glanced at Smoker, his eyes flickering slightly.

Smoker immediately understood.

So that's it!!

Rayleigh lives so close to the headquarters, how could the Navy not know about it.

It's just that they think he has retired, and the cost of arresting him is too high, and it feels too uneconomical, so they pretend to be deaf and dumb...

In fact, the top leaders of the Navy know about this, and the only one who is kept in the dark is Akainu.

There is no way, this guy is too radical.

If he knew that Rayleigh was on the island, he would definitely go up and arrest him without thinking.

Let's not talk about who can beat whom,

Once Akainu takes action, Rayleigh can only transform into Pluto Rayleigh...

If it was in the past, the Navy would not care if they destroyed the Sabaody Archipelago.

It's different now, it's the Navy's gold mine!

If Akainu and Rayleigh fight, the whole island will become ruins and may even sink.

If that happens, Sengoku will beat Akainu to death with tears.

So, just don't let him know about this, and just turn a blind eye to it!

Smoker nodded.

"Okay, no problem, I understand..."

[My current strength is definitely stronger than the Seven Warlords of the Sea

But can I touch Rayleigh...]

[Before going to Punk Hazard, should I meet him...]

Last time, I drank with Gel Nica at Shaqi's bar.

Rayleigh was not there at the time, and Gel Nica wanted to attack Shaqi. Thanks to me stopping him, it didn't lead to tragedy.

Since then, Smoker has no confidence and no time to go there again, and it has been delayed until now.

At this time, Rayleigh should have just passed 60, which is the prime of his life in the pirate world, at least much stronger than when he fought with Kizaru.

Moreover, as a pure physical swordsman, Rayleigh is actually very restrained by Smoker.

Once Smoker can defeat Rayleigh, it means that his strength has steadily reached the level of admiral.

In addition to the restraint of the fruit, even if facing Whitebeard, Kaido, and Big Mom, he can have the confidence to face them head-on.


After a few days, the warship arrived at the headquarters of the navy.

Zane quietly moved into Akainu's apartment, while Akainu continued to pursue the Gray Cat Pirates...

Smoker returned to the Sabaody Archipelago, first met with Zane's subordinates, and then ordered everyone to follow the procedures.

Then, he rushed to the illegal area and looked at Shaqi's blackmail bar from a distance.

"Two auras, Rayleigh and Shaqi are both..."

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